IMPORTANT: I can’t & won’t stay silent any longer. Media industry is corrupt & their goal is to destroy Freedom of Speech.

And to impose their own “Agenda” on the masses…

You would ask “how can I be so sure?!”

- I worked in media & studies the whole industry for the last 5 years. This is a real shithole…

We need Telegram.

We need X

We need Pavel Durov to be safe

We need Elon Musk to be safe

If we lose another freedom fighter now, it will be the 1st domino to collapse… and then… the slavery is our future.

I urge you to stand up & do the right thing for humanity, everyone who’s working in media.

Today we all must do what’s right.

Today we all shall Resist the censorship.

Today we all shall fight for the freedom of speech, as without it, we are nothing more than a pet to the ppl in power.

Don’t ignore the significance of what’s happening right now. This is yet another crucial moment for humanity at scale.

If you will choose to write today only what you were told to write, you are nothing more but a worm.

Do the right thing for humanity.

Your families future is at stake…

Resistance will prevail. We are here to support! #TelegramCEO #FreePavel #FREEDUROV #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #CryptoMarketMoves

From: Viktor