56% of ERC-20 Listings Indicate Insider Trading Soliduslabs experts have concluded that 56% of ERC-20 listings exhibit characteristics of insider trading. 

The study focused on projects from 2021 that employ ERC-20 technology, a common standard for $ETH smart contracts.Analysts identified more than 100 insiders involved in over 400 trades. Soliduslabs reports that 51 legal entities are connected to these manipulative activities.

Now let's think, in 2023-2024 there will be fewer of them with the arrival of millions of new tokens with airdrops, meme token launch platforms, new networks and protocols!

I think the opposite! There are even more of them than 56%

Now think again, is the Fundamental Analysis and Research that everyone tells you about, solutions, partnerships, plans and innovations, so good!

Perhaps everything is much simpler!

#research #Dyor2024