According to Foresight News, CKB has introduced the Fiber Network, a next-generation public lightning network designed to facilitate fast, low-cost, and decentralized multi-asset payments and peer-to-peer transactions. Built on Nervos CKB and off-chain channels, Fiber Network aims to provide efficient payment solutions for RGB++ assets. The prototype development has been completed, enabling the creation, updating, and closing of channels between two nodes. Additionally, cross-chain functionality with the Bitcoin Lightning Network has been verified. The network is set to go live next week for testing.

CKB stated that similar to the Bitcoin Lightning Network, Fiber Network operates as a layer-two payment channel solution, conducting transactions off-chain to enhance speed and reduce costs while maintaining blockchain security and decentralization. Fiber Network supports various assets, including CKB native tokens and any RGB++ assets. The overall architecture of Fiber Network comprises off-chain payment channels, on-chain contracts, multi-hop routing, and monitoring services.