FX168 Financial News Agency (Asia Pacific) reported that the rapid development of the cryptocurrency market has led more and more people to invest through trading platforms. However, it is not easy to successfully withdraw cryptocurrency to a bank card. This article will provide you with a comprehensive operation guide to help you successfully withdraw cryptocurrency to a bank card, ensuring the safety and efficiency of the operation.

Preparation before withdrawal

Choose a suitable trading platform

Source: Binance Exchange

Before making a withdrawal, it is crucial to choose a compliant and reputable cryptocurrency trading platform. The main considerations include: platform security, transaction fees, supported withdrawal currencies, and whether there is comprehensive customer service support. Well-known trading platforms such as Coinbase, Binance, OKX, etc. are all good choices.

Complete KYC/AML

Certification Most trading platforms require users to complete KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) certification before withdrawing funds. These certification processes include submitting proof of identity, proof of address, etc. to ensure that your account is safe and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Bind a bank card

Binding a bank card is a key step in withdrawing funds. Most trading platforms allow users to bind multiple bank cards, which provides users with flexibility. Make sure the bound bank card information is accurate to avoid problems during the withdrawal process.

Detailed steps to withdraw cryptocurrency to bank card

Choose a withdrawal method

There are many ways to withdraw cryptocurrencies, the most common of which include direct transfer to bank cards, withdrawals through third-party payment platforms, etc. Choosing a withdrawal method that suits you can effectively reduce the risk of withdrawals and increase the speed of funds arriving.

Detailed explanation of withdrawal steps

From crypto wallet to trading platform

Transferring cryptocurrencies from personal wallets to trading platforms is the first step in withdrawing funds. Make sure your wallet address is correct and choose a reasonable transfer fee to ensure transaction speed.

Choose the currency to withdraw

Source: Tether Exchange

Stablecoins (such as USDT, etc.) are usually the best choice for withdrawal. They are pegged to fiat currencies and can effectively avoid the risks brought by cryptocurrency price fluctuations.

Confirm withdrawal amount and handling fee

Different platforms have different withdrawal fees and minimum withdrawal amounts. It is recommended to carefully confirm this information before submitting a withdrawal application to ensure that the final amount received is in line with expectations.

Submit withdrawal application

When filling out the withdrawal application, please ensure that all information is accurate, especially bank card information and withdrawal amount. Most platforms will provide a confirmation page after submitting the application. It is recommended to check carefully before clicking confirm.

Waiting for arrival and confirmation

After the withdrawal application is submitted, the funds will usually arrive within 1-3 business days. Some platforms provide real-time arrival function, but additional fees may be charged. After arrival, it is recommended to check the bank card balance immediately and confirm that the funds have arrived successfully.

Common problems and solutions

Withdrawal delay problem

Withdrawal delay may be caused by a variety of reasons, including platform review time, bank processing time, etc. It is recommended to understand the processing time of the platform before withdrawing funds and choose to operate during non-peak hours.

Risk of freezing of trading platforms

Account freezing is one of the risks that may be encountered in cryptocurrency withdrawal operations. In order to avoid this problem, it is recommended that users comply with the platform's operating specifications and contact the platform customer service in advance for communication when making large withdrawals.

Withdrawal failure and return

The reasons for withdrawal failure may include incorrect bank card information, platform system problems, etc. Once a withdrawal fails, it is recommended to contact the platform customer service immediately and apply for a fund return.

Multi-currency conversion skills

Choose a suitable exchange path

When withdrawing funds across borders, it is crucial to choose the best currency exchange path. It is recommended that users understand the current exchange rate before withdrawing funds and choose to exchange during the period with the best exchange rate.

Use multiple platforms to optimize exchange rates

Some users will compare exchange rates through different platforms to ensure the best exchange rate. Although this operation may increase some time costs, it can effectively reduce capital losses.

Withdrawal security tips

Strengthen account security measures

To ensure account security, users are advised to enable security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA), change passwords regularly, and keep account information safe.

Comply with local laws and regulations

Different countries or regions have different regulatory policies on cryptocurrencies. It is recommended that users understand and comply with local laws and regulations when withdrawing funds to avoid legal risks.


The process of withdrawing cryptocurrencies to bank cards involves multiple steps, but as long as you strictly follow the process and stay vigilant at all times, you can successfully complete the withdrawal operation. I hope that the guide in this article can help Chinese investors around the world to withdraw funds safely and conveniently in the cryptocurrency market.