📱 LIP #004 - Inclusion of FDUSD as a Collateral Option for Borrowing lisUSD (COLLATERAL-EXPANSION)

LIP #004 seeks to integrate FDUSD as a new collateral option for borrowing lisUSD on ListaDAO. This aims to provide users with a stable and widely-used asset, enhancing capital efficiency and potentially increasing the user base of Lista Protocol. 📈✹

Vote now: https://t.co/dxj5EwXkjI

Voting Period: [Aug 23rd  Aug 26th 8:00 AM, UTC +0].

This proposal includes updating our platform to recognize FDUSD as eligible collateral and setting risk parameters as follows:

đŸ”čMinimum Collateral Ratio (MCR): 110%

đŸ”čLoan Limit: 5M lisUSD

đŸ”čLoan Interest Rate: 7%

đŸ”čMinimum Deposit Amount: 100 FDUSD

By adding FDUSD as collateral:

đŸ”č Users gain access to leverage using a stablecoin with a significant market cap.

đŸ”č It increases capital efficiency by enabling more options for users to mint lisUSD.

đŸ”č It enhances liquidity and platform activity, strengthening Lista DAO's market presence.

Voting Options:

Yes: Approve the inclusion of FDUSD as classic collateral.

No: Maintain the current list of collaterals.

Thank you for your participation and support in shaping the future of Lista DAO! 🚀