
Ruja Ignatova, often referred to as the "Queen of Cryptocurrency," became notorious for her role in creating one of the biggest cryptocurrency scams in history, known as OneCoin. Launched in 2014, OneCoin was marketed as a new cryptocurrency but was later exposed as a Ponzi scheme. Ignatova and her accomplices allegedly defrauded investors out of billions of dollars.In a significant development, the FBI has placed a $5 million bounty on Ruja Ignatova, seeking information leading to her arrest. Ignatova has been on the run since 2017, and her whereabouts remain unknown. This bounty highlights the severity of her crimes and the global impact of her fraudulent activities. The FBI's pursuit of Ignatova underscores the ongoing efforts to bring those responsible for major financial crimes to justice.#FBIWarning #RujaIgnatova #cryptotipshop