Hello, #BinanceSquareFamily I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to have a quick chat with you.

Yesterday, we were proudly at Top 2, but today we've slipped to 3 and 4th position holder is too close to us.

Can anyone help me understand why?

Follow and VOTE on My Profile

(VOTE done Follow) @BullishBanter

If there's something on your mind or if you’re feeling hesitant, please share with me—I’m here to listen and improve.

I’ve noticed many of you are regularly claiming Red Packets, but the votes seem to be falling behind.

I kindly ask each of you to please remember to vote daily. It only takes a single click, and it means the world to me.

Now, I am going to another Red Pocket now. Must Follow and give VOTE on Daily basis for next 7 days as well.

Claim your packet and let’s make sure this time, the vote is cast too. I’m counting on you!

(Hint: Follow & Vote DONE)

#BullBanter #voteforBULLISHBANTER #Write2Earn! #BinanceBlockchainWeek