Adopt these rules to avoid procrastination

Stay curious - Keep your passion for new experiences alive. If you let curiosity guide you, motivation and inspiration will never run dry.

Learn every day - Curiosity will naturally lead you to explore new topics, face challenges, and set new goals. To reach these goals, continuous learning is essential. By making learning a daily habit, you keep progressing.

Strive for excellence - In every endeavour, aim to do it to the best of your ability. Push yourself to produce outstanding work and continually strive for greatness.

Challenge yourself physically - The phrase "use it or lose it" holds true for our bodies. To stay fit, simply hitting the gym three times a week isn’t enough. You need to challenge yourself—walk more, run faster, lift heavier, bike farther. Just push a little more each time.

Focus on yourself - Remember, no one really cares about what you do or have done. Stop trying to prove yourself or seeking approval from others. Do things FOR YOU, because you’re the only one who truly cares.

Limit entertainment - Excessive consumption dulls your senses, turning you into a "Feed me!" zombie. Instead of constantly consuming, focus on creating more.

Create value - Value is anything that brings usefulness to others.

Set a good example - For leaders and motivators, remember that people are less likely to listen to your words and more likely to follow your actions. Lead by example, and always be at the top of your game.

Avoid spending time with unmotivated people - The saying "you become the company you keep" is true. If you spend time with unmotivated people, you’ll become unmotivated too. But if you surround yourself with successful people, you’ll find success as well.

Never give up - Don’t even consider it.

To beat procrastination, you need a lifestyle change, and changing your lifestyle is one of life’s greatest challenges.