I am Waseem Akram writing to request your urgent assistance regarding an issue I am facing as a P2P merchant on Binance. My merchant ID is [merchant I'd]. Recently, I have encountered a problem where, after selling assets to customers, some of them have filed chargebacks. Consequently, when I transfer the amount received to other sellers, they too face disputes due to a chain dispute, even though there are no complaints from our end. This has led to Binance blocking our account due to the frozen bank accounts of the sellers involved. This situation is significantly disrupting our business operations. We are vital assets to Binance and have been consistently providing proof to demonstrate that we did not initiate any complaints. Despite this, our assets remain frozen, impacting our ability to operate effectively. I kindly request that Binance resolves this issue promptly. Please review the proof we have provided and take appropriate action to unfreeze our assets, given that we have shown that we have not filed any complaints. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your swift resolution. Best regards,

Waseem Akram

Your Binance Merchant ID: 41601761

@Binance Angels @Binance Square Official @Binance Labs