Trading truths  that will save you in the Crypto market :

1. If a trading position makes you pray, it’s time to exit.

2. Focus on learning how to build your own trading system, not following other people’s trades.

3.Always be honest with yourself about your own knowledge and understanding about trading and the markets. Confidence can only come after competence.

4.  Egos beat more traders than the market does because overconfidence and the need to be right often lead to poor decision-making. When traders let their egos drive their actions, they may ignore warning signs, refuse to cut losses, or take unnecessary risks, believing they can outsmart the market. The market, however, is unforgiving, and those who prioritize ego over strategy often find themselves on the losing side. Success in trading requires humility, discipline, and the ability to admit when you're wrong and adapt.

5. Trading, especially in volatile markets like crypto, can be an intense test of your emotional control. The constant fluctuations and unpredictability can trigger strong emotions like fear, greed, and anxiety, which can cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Maintaining emotional discipline is crucial for staying focused on your strategy, avoiding panic selling, or over-leveraging during market highs. Success in trading often depends as much on managing your emotions as it does on analyzing the markets.

6. Trading is a game of odds and probability