Since creating the November 28th Cycles Theory in January 2023, I've made significant improvements, but the core idea remains the same. Some are predicting a #Bitcoin top or a recession, but I believe the best is yet to come.

🔍 Key Insights:

- March 2024 Local High: This high was unusually powerful, sparking confusion, but it's part of the bigger picture.

- Blue Year to Red Year: According to the theory, our Blue Year is setting the stage for the Red Year, where we'll push towards new ATHs—and that's exactly what we're seeing.

- Earlier and Stronger: The price action has been earlier and stronger than expected, but it aligns with the theory's timeline.

📅 Looking Ahead:

- Centered Around November 28th, 2012: The price trajectory is on track to mirror the first Halving date.

- Late 2025 Top: I'm holding out for higher prices with a top expected in late 2025.

Now is not the time to sell—higher prices are on the horizon! đŸ€‘

#Bitcoin #CryptoTheory #November28Cycles