
When your bags go up, people always think they go up forever.

When your bags go down, people always think they go down forever.

When your bags are stable, people always think they stay stable forever.

If people think like this, it must be true right?

That's the crazy part! It literally never has!

Not in the entire history of any financial market has any market movement lasted forever in one direction.

Not in crypto, not on stocks, not in commodities etc.

Maybe a dying sh*tcoin? Sure.

But the market in general? NEVER

And yet everytime people act like it's absolutely done right now.

The same thing when people act like we will have a super cycle and go up forever when all is going great.

I'm not going to complain though.

It certainly makes this market a lot more easy and predictable to extract money from (profitable).

The cycle continues 👌$ARB