How does CARV bring benefits to the users through CARV Protocol?

The company will launch the campaign by inviting users to participate in social quests and securely link their wallets and IDs with them offering rewards for participating. The purpose of this is to allow individuals to enjoy the benefits of their personal information by enabling them to possess, control as well as trade it so as to drive advancements in gaming and AI related computational technologies.

“By partnering with #Binance Web3 wallet whose wallet we overlay with our data layer we are redefining the gaming and AI industry, thus representing a win-win-win situation for us, our consumers and Binance Web3 Wallet,” Victor Yu, Chief Operating Officer of CARV said. To help create a digital economy that is more transparent and equal, the objective of this campaign is making it possible for people to contribute their own data safely while controlling their own information.

CARV in Brief

The CARV Protocol is a modular data layer which makes it easier for individuals sharing data within gaming and artificial intelligence industries.

Inclusive procedures through which data moves from its point of origin until final value generation including: verification of data, identifying if authenticated or not; storing; processing; model training; and distribution of values are what make up CARV Protocol.

Through the implementation of CARV Protocol, every individual can now claim ownership over their personal details, have access rights towards them, get them verified as well as monetize them in future; hence challenging how privacy should be approached when using public information systems.

This approach ensures that privacy rights ownerships and control remain firmly vested within individuals thereby creating a path for future where everyone derives value from data.

#CARVingTheFutureOfData #BinanceWeb3Airdrop @CARV