I tell You a Little secret to get the most from #BinanceLaunchpoolTON reward!

What's the APR of the new Binance Launchpool?

Know the APR Is important so You can choose where You invest your $BNB

Right now the APR Is around 8%.

If You lock BNB for 120 days APR Is 8.44% but if You choose simple lock You get 8.2%.

This means that the majority of APR comes from $TON Launchpool and a Little % from BNB staking.

How can You do Better than this?

If You stake in Lista Dapp inside Binance Web3 Wallet You get 2% BNB staking APR and also 8% TON from Launchpool and You reach 10% APR.

Repost this so your Friends know this Little secret.