Did you know that when you stake CUDOS, you will be receiving an incentive while securing the network?

You heard that right! A cryptocurrency is being staked in order to receive rewards. Implementing the PoS will help secure the network transactions and every blockchain's operational processes.

Being rewarded by just securing the network? Wow! That's amazing!

You/We will be enjoying the rewards for staking based on the APR, which only means that our CUDOS tokens will grow in time.

There's more!

Did you know that you'll also get a cut of the network transaction revenue? Well, it's an excellent approach to help increase your assets while we are also contributing to the overall prosperity of the ecosystem.

So what are the advantages of staking CUDOS?

☑ You'll be receiving a proportionate share of the network's transaction revenue.

☑ Validators will also be eligible to earn a commission on the stake delegated through them.

☑ You'll be eligible to earn rewards based on a variable APR.

☑ You'll be able to vote on an active governance proposal and shape the future of the blockchain.

How to stake CUDOS?

✅ Connect your Keplr wallet to frontier.osmosis.zone

✅ Swap the token of your choice for CUDOS native

✅ Approve the confirmation transaction

✅ Go to assets and click "withdraw"

✅ Transfer your CUDOS tokens from osmosis to Keplr Wallet.

✅ Approve the confirmation transaction

✅ Check the Keplr Wallet

✅ Go to dashboard.cudos.org

✅ Connect your Keplr Wallet to the dashboard

✅ Click "Staking"

✅ Select the Validator you want to stake your CUDOS with.

✅ Click "Delegate"

✅ Delegate the amount of CUDOS you want

✅ Click "Submit"

✅ Approve the confirmation transaction

✅ Congratulations! You have successfully staked your CUDOS tokens.

Join us and become part of a growing community that believes in the power of growth and support.
