$BTC :

*The Biggest Mistake People Make with Memecoins: Looking Backwards Instead of Forwards*

Don't miss out on potential 100x gains by focusing on past performance! Consider $WIF, which achieved an impressive 1000x+ return and reached a $40M market cap. Many thought it was too late to buy, but it went on to do another 100x+!

*Critical Questions to Ask Yourself:*

1. *How many early buyers still hold their bags?*

Reality check: Very few. 99.9% sold at x2-x5, leaving room for growth.

2. *Assess the liquidity:*

Can whales enter now? Memecoins often have low liquidity, forcing significant capital to wait until the market cap reaches tens of millions.

3. *Evaluate the token's potential:*

If the target is $300M, does it matter if you buy at $100M MC or $40M? A pump to $100M confirms your idea, but it's not the end of the road.

*Don't Focus on Past Gains; Zoom Out and Evaluate the Potential*

Avoid missing out on more 100x plays by looking forward, not backward. Remember, past performance doesn't dictate future success.