According to U.Today, Robert Kiyosaki, the author of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad,' recently took to social network X to share his views on financial education, drawing inspiration from Winston Churchill's metaphor about birds raised in cages. Kiyosaki used this metaphor to highlight what he perceives as a fundamental flaw in traditional educational systems. He argues that conventional schooling encourages students to seek job security rather than pursue financial independence.

Kiyosaki emphasizes that the principles taught by his 'Rich Dad' focus on the idea that money is a tool and that freedom is the ultimate goal. He contrasts this with the limitations he sees in traditional education systems, which he suggests confine individuals to job security rather than encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and financial freedom. He quoted Churchill, saying, 'Birds raised in a cage think flying is a disease,' to illustrate his point that most teachers, having been raised in traditional schools, teach students to seek job security instead of financial independence.

Interestingly, Kiyosaki has emerged as a Bitcoin (BTC) advocate in recent years. He has referred to cryptocurrency as both a $1,000 gamble and 'people's money,' urging his followers to store BTC alongside gold and silver as a safe haven for money. The bestselling author does not rule out the possibility of Bitcoin reaching as much as $1,000,000 in the near future. Given these developments, it would be intriguing to see an updated edition of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' that incorporates Bitcoin into its financial advice.