To prevent liquidation in crypto trading, especially with a volatile asset like in cryptocurrency, follow these best practices:

1. Set a stop-loss order: Automatically sell your assets when they fall to a certain price to limit losses.

2. Don't over-leverage: Avoid using excessive margin or borrowed funds to trade, as this amplifies potential losses.

3. Monitor your positions: Keep a close eye on market fluctuations and adjust your strategy accordingly.

4. Diversify your portfolio: Spread investments across various assets to minimize risk.

5. Stay informed: Stay up-to-date with market news and trends to anticipate potential price movements.

6. Use risk management tools: Utilize features like position sizing, price alerts, and portfolio rebalancing.

7. Avoid emotional decisions: Make informed, rational decisions, rather than impulsive reactions to market volatility.

8. Consider hedging strategies: Use options or other instruments to mitigate potential losses.

9.Adjust your leverage ratio_: Reduce your leverage when market conditions become volatile.3.

10.Diversify your exchanges_: Spread your assets across multiple exchanges to minimize risk.

11_Stay alert to market signals_: Pay attention to trends, patterns, and indicators that may signal a potential price drop

12_Consider a dollar-cost averaging strategy_: Invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions.

13 _Use technical analysis tools_: Utilize charts, indicators, and other tools to help predict price movements.

14_Set realistic goals and risk tolerance_: Be honest about your risk tolerance and set achievable goals.

15._Consider seeking professional advice_: If you're new to crypto trading, consider consulting a financial advisor.