Sit with those who's give you valuable instructions and experience remakes that will help you in future.

Don’t Rush to Cut Losses During Early Dips:

An early trading plunge is often an overreaction to negative news from the previous night. Instead of hastily cutting losses, wait for the market to correct itself and potentially reverse.

Utilize Trading Volume to Gauge Market Trends:

Trading volume is a crucial technical indicator. When volume decreases during a rise, it signifies strong market control by key players. Conversely, if volume drops during a fall, it suggests that panic hasn’t fully subsided and the market might continue to decline.

Understand Sector Top Structures:

Sector movements generally follow five waves: initial follower attraction, adjustment, main rise, complex divergence, and final lift and shipment. The third wave usually sees the biggest gains, followed by the first wave, with the fifth wave being the smallest. However, markets can be unpredictable and might peak before completing all five waves.

Watch for Acceleration at Market Tops:

Market acceleration at the top often indicates a potential reversal, especially when certain altcoins surge sharply. Monitor whether major currencies stop declining and start rebounding, as this could signal an impending market rebound.

Master One Strategy:

For beginners, it’s better to focus on mastering a single trading strategy rather than juggling multiple ones. Overextending yourself can lead to costly mistakes. As an investor, it's crucial to pursue high returns while carefully assessing risks and investing rationally.

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