đŸ€We're excited to work with @SolvProtocol to launch 6 $SolvBTC liquidity and mining pools on @Arbitrum and @BNBChain, With 40,496 $ARB, 800,000 $DODO and additional Solv points in rewards over the next 30 days for these 6 pools.

👀Notably, we've created Oracle-guided pools for yield-bearing tokens like $SolvBTC.ENA and $SolvBTC.BBN. These pools concentrate liquidity near the fluctuating pegged price, offering better rates for traders and relieving LPs from manual adjustments.

⛏All mining pools are live, and you can now provide liquidity and stake LP tokens. Rewards will be automatically distributed after the mining event starts. Find all $SolvBTC mining pools here:


⏳Mining period:

July 30, 2024, 22:00 - August 29, 2024, 22:00 (UTC+8) on BNBChain

July 30, 2024, 21:37 - August 29, 2024, 21:37(UTC+8) on Arbitrum

💡Note: If you previously participated in $SolvBTC mining on Arbitrum, you'll need to redeem and withdraw your liquidity, then add and stake LP tokens in the new pools to earn rewards for this phase.