• On July 27, 2024, former U.S. President Donald Trump gave a much-anticipated speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, USA.

Here are some highlights from his speech in favor of cryptocurrencies:

He said there is nothing better than #bitcoin .

He said bitcoin is not just a technological miracle, but a miracle of cooperation and human achievement.

One day, he said, bitcoin will surpass the market value of gold.

He intends to mine all bitcoins in the U. S. and make the U. S. a global bitcoin superpower. He advocates the right to self-storage of crypto-assets. He promises to remove current SEC Chairman Gary Gensler on his first day in office (provided, of course, that he wins the presidential election in November 2024) and appoint a new SEC chairman.

He promises that the future of #cryptocurrency regulation will be for those who want the crypto industry to thrive. He wants to create a regulatory framework for stable, dollar-denominated coins and thereby make the U. S. dollar even stronger. He says bitcoin does not threaten the dollar, but the actions of the current U. S. government threaten the dollar.

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