How to Get Rich in Crypto (Without Getting Lucky)

1. As a long-term investor, avoid hype.

2. As a short-term trader, embrace hype.

3. Learn from others' experiences: Fools only learn from their own experiences; the wise learn from others'.

4. Catalogue every decision: Record every investment, trade, or business decision and conduct regular postmortems.

5. Aim for consistency: Your goal isn't to win once but to create a system that allows you to win consistently.

6. Protect your reputation: Safeguarding your reputation will yield the most dividends and create serendipitous opportunities.

7. Stay humble: If you start to believe you are invincible, remember the market will remind you otherwise.

8. Question the masses: If the masses had the answers, power law wouldn't exist.

9. Be cautious with advice: Don't blindly take advice from strangers online, including me.

10. Be helpful: Helping enough people over time will give you access to wealth creation opportunities.

11. Maintain integrity: Crypto tests integrity with the allure of quick money. Don't work with those who fail this test.

12. Value long-term over short-term gains: You may make money in the short term, but you could lose everything else.

13. Identify trustworthy people: Crypto attracts both the brightest minds and scammers. Keep a list of people you trust and a list of those you won't work with.

14. Regularly evaluate your lists: Always reassess who you trust and who you don't.

15. Don't mistake leverage for genius: People may brag about making 8-9 figures within a year but stay silent when they lose it all in a day.

16. Find your tribe: Crypto can be overwhelming; rely on a supportive community to expand your expertise.

17. Be generous with insights: Sharing your insights will lead others to reciprocate with opportunities.

18. Avoid those who don't reciprocate: Don't give time to people who can reciprocate generosity but choose not to.

19. Understand volatility: Crypto's wild volatility can create and destroy wealth quickly. Be prepared for both outcomes.