$WRX Wazirx Is Betraying It's Users 📢

⚠️ To all my Indian investor brothers and sisters, please pay attention to this and share as much as possible.


While their insiders orchestrated the biggest crypto heist of 2024, WazirX started playing the blame game as usual which they did with Binance 2 years ago.

This time Liminal is at the receiving end and being the final approver they have already cleared their stance regarding the hack. Now WazirX officials especially that useless Shetty is ignoring some serious questions raised by users and renowned crypto influencers on X.

A good for nothing poll has been started which offers the most bogus plan ever for the withdrawal of customer funds. In short they've given two options for users and one of them concludes with a 55/45 plan. Users can view this poll and entire details on their trading app as well as on the website and opt for the withdrawal process as per their convenience.

Now, this poll says something like this "We are implementing a socialized loss strategy to distribute the impact equitably among all users." Also this poll will last for 7 days. One entire week for what?

They are responsible for the hack, still there is no certainty about the recovery of assets, people have lost their hard earned money and many are thinking of ending their lives.

And they want us, the people to share this loss equally so that they can take the escape route in a much easier way 😡 Had it been the US, all the officials would have been under investigation by now.

So it is my humble request to BOYCOTT WazirX once you get all your funds back and transfer them to Binance or any other trustworthy centralised exchange or just store them in a hardware wallet. Don't even think of using WazirX ever, not even in your wildest dreams.

Also prior to this act, it's my humble appeal to all my fellow Indian investors to lodge a FIR against Nishchay Shetty and take legal action against other WazirX officials.

Enough is enough.

#WazirXHack #wazirX