According to BlockBeats, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin shared his observations on the Warpcast platform on July 23. He noted that the most successful new ideologies over the past decade have been highly problem-oriented, focusing on specific issues rather than meta-level processes about decision-making in society. Buterin provided several examples to illustrate this trend.

He pointed out that abstract libertarianism appears weaker compared to ten years ago. However, its versions addressing specific issues have been quite successful, such as YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) in housing and the cryptocurrency sector. Another example is e/acc, which theoretically involves all technologies but primarily focuses on artificial intelligence.

Buterin also mentioned effective altruism, which has shifted from a meta-level approach of ensuring donations have the maximum impact to focusing on specific areas like AI safety, animal welfare, and global public health. Additionally, he highlighted the longevity movement as another instance of this trend.

While he acknowledged that network states and the diverse movements led by Glen and Audrey might be exceptions, Buterin emphasized that the overall pattern is a strong shift from meta-level to specific issue-oriented ideologies. He posed a question to the audience, asking why this transition from meta-level to specific-level focus has occurred.