#mindchain is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem.



Ethereum is the blockchain development platform of choice, but it has limitations.

Low Throughput

Poor UX (gas, delayed PoW finality)

No sovereignty (shared throughput/clogging risk, tech stack not customizable, governance dependence)


Mindchain – a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks.

One-click deployment of preset blockchain networks

Growing set of modules for developing custom networks

Interoperability protocol for exchanging arbitrary messages with Ethereum and other blockchain networks

Modular and optional “security as a service”

Adaptor modules for enabling interoperability for existing blockchain networks


Mindchain combines the best of Ethereum and sovereign blockchains into an attractive feature set. Built by developers, for developers.

ETH Compatibility

Industry dominance, established tech stack, tools, languages, standards, enterprise adoption


Dedicated blockchains, scalable consensus algorithms, custom Wasm execution environments


Modular ”security as a service”, provided either by Ethereum or by a pool of professional validators


Dedicated throughput/resources, fully customizable tech stack, sovereign governance


Native support for arbitrary message passing (tokens, contract calls etc), bridges to external systems

User Experience

Comparable to Web2, “zero-gas” transactions, instant (deterministic) transaction finality

Developer Experience

Equivalent to Ethereum, no protocol level knowledge required, no token deposits, fees or permissions


High customizability, extensibility and upgradeability, short time-to-market, community collaboration

#mindchain #mind20 #musd