Billionaire Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban recently called Silicon Valley’s growing support for former President Donald Trump a “Bitcoin play” while President Joe Biden launches a campaign to block Elon Musk and his “rich buddies from trying to buy this election.”

The Real Reason Silicon Valley Is Supporting Donald Trump

Cuban began his tweet by acknowledging that his opinion might not be popular, but he believes the endorsement of Trump by Silicon Valley is fundamentally a "Bitcoin play." Contrary to the assumption that Trump is a stronger proponent of crypto than other political figures, Cuban argues that this aspect, while beneficial, is not the primary motive for Silicon Valley’s support of him.

According to Cuban, the real reason lies in the potential changes at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Under Trump's administration, there could be significant regulatory shifts that make it easier to operate crypto businesses in the United States, he said. These changes, Cuban suggests, are necessary and inevitable, and they could create a more favorable environment for cryptocurrency enterprises to flourish.

Cuban's analysis adds a nuanced layer to the discussion surrounding Silicon Valley's political endorsements and their broader economic implications. While the endorsement of Trump might initially appear as a political move, Cuban's insights suggest that the underlying motivations could be deeply tied to the strategic positioning within the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency market.

Biden Launches Campaign To Stop Musk’s Influence On The Election

Meanwhile, current President Joe Biden shared in a recent X post that he has “tested positive for COVID-19.” He did, however, add that he is “feeling good” and thanked everyone for the well wishes. The President will now undergo isolation as part of his recovery, but assured his followers that he “will continue to work to get the job done for the American people.”

Shortly after Biden shared that he tested positive for Covid, his team also published a thread on another one of his accounts sporting the gray checkmark. In one of the thread’s posts, the team wrote “I’m sick,” referring to the President’s recent announcement. Underneath this post, the team then continued by saying “of Elon Musk and his rich buddies trying to buy this election.”
The post includes a link to donate to a campaign to “stop” Musk, who recently shared that he is fully endorsing Trump for President.