
$XRP /USDT Technical Analysis Update

Price Info

- Current Price: $0.5280 (+2.09%)

- 24h High: $0.5661

- 24h Low: $0.5136

- 24h Volume (XRP): 646.69M XRP

- 24h Volume (USDT): $343.97M

Trading Data

- Current Price: $0.5280

- Moving Average (7): $0.5284

- Moving Average (25): $0.5285

- Moving Average (99): $0.4771

Layer Analysis

- Current Price: $0.5280

- Depth Analysis:

- High: $0.5708

- Low: $0.4450

Market Insights

- Current Price Movement: $0.5280 (+2.09%)

- 24h Volume: 646.69M XRP / $343.97M

Exchange Data


- High: $0.5661

- Low: $0.4450

- Current Price: $0.5280


XRP/USDT shows positive momentum with a recent price increase and healthy trading volume. Key levels to watch include resistance at $0.5661 and support at $0.5136 for potential trading opportunities.

Stay tuned for more updates!

#XRP #Crypto #Trading #Binance #TechnicalAnalysis