25% price GAP between #CYBER SPOT pair and Futures pair

The GAP is because people were heavily shorted on Cyber and some how they are still short. Price moved up to $16 last night liquidated most of the shorts.

Why there is a price GAP? it is because there was not enough buying demand on futures pair and while the SPOT pair is buy only.

So cyber is currently dealing with two market sentiments on both pairs.

in my personal experience now people will start buying cyber on futures pair thinking there is a big price GAP and futures will go up. And its unlikely to happen. The GAP will be filled in few hours or in a day.

Once people will start chasing futures pair the market makers will start selling their spot bags. This is how the GAP will be filled.

You can call it market manipulation or whatever but i have experienced this before.

The much better option right now is not to touch this pair and let the market fill this GAP in either way.

Which one you think will catch up? future catch SPOT or SPOT will drop ?