#HAQQ Ecosystem Update.

Haqq and Islamic Coin mission is to build an ethics-first, inclusive financial system, and we are thrilled by how much our tribe has grown.

From wallets to infrastructure and payment platforms, a sneak peek into what the partners/builders are cooking for our users.


🔷Back9 make it easy for leisure facilities to sell online, manage inventory and control rates through a modern.

🔷@tatum_io is the fastest way to build, test and run blockchain apps.

🔷@immunefi Review code. Prevent hacks. Build rep. Get paid.

🔷@P2Pvalidator P2P helps investors compound their cryptocurrency investments through non-custodial Staking with insurance and high-performance PoS Nodes with top-of-the-line infrastructure.

🔷@nefta_io access market leading tools for game development, publishing, and scaling.

🔷@gmo_coin GMO Coin, one of the oldest and largest crypto exchanges in, is set to become a HAQQ validator. HAQQ benefits in increased network security. GMO Coin can expand its presence in the ethical finance economy


🔷@safe – Previously Gnosis Safe – Crypto wallet, web3 account abstraction developer stack.

🔷@KeystoneWallet - The only hardware wallet integrated with MetaMask mobile.


🔷@SushiSwap an open, decentralized bridge that unlocks the power of interoperability & liquidity between blockchain ecosystems.

🔷@HaqqPad, the launchpad for ethical projects and startups. A vital part of the HAQQ ecosystem, HaqqPad will be the platform for innovative crypto projects to launch, grow and positively impact their communities.


🔷@axelarcore supports logic to automate complex interchain tasks, such as connecting new chains or managing interchain dApp deployments.

🔷@gravity_bridge an open, decentralized bridge that unlocks the power of interoperability & liquidity between blockchain ecosystems


🔷@HolidaySwapApp is the most affordable travel platform that allows you to book, host or swap homes anywhere in the world.

🔷@Thea helps both individuals and businesses manage and calculate carbon footprints. Eco-friendliness is a core aspect of HAQQ's ethics-first approach, and we are thrilled to have Thea build with us.


🔷DDCAP Group is a market intermediary and financial technology solutions provider connecting the global Islamic financial market.

🔷FAMBRAS HALAL - Сertifies Halal products in Latin America, following international standards.


🔷@pyypl is a non-bank digital app that gives everyone access to the financial system through a smartphone.

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