
Everyone remembers that day. It was the day Luna crashed. The rug pull that shook the crypto world to its core. My friend, a true believer in Luna, had invested everything. He dismissed our advice to diversify, convinced that Luna was his ticket to financial freedom. But on that fateful day, his dreams shattered.

The crash happened in May 2022. Luna's value plummeted overnight, wiping out billions. My friend watched in horror as his portfolio, once glowing with promise, turned to dust. He lost not just his money, but his hope and spirit. The financial loss was devastating, but the psychological impact was worse.

He became a shell of his former self, haunted by loss and what-ifs. His days were filled with regret, his nights sleepless. We tried to comfort him, but he was too far gone. The guilt of not diversifying, of ignoring the risks, weighed heavily on him.

A mental breakdown followed. He was admitted to a facility, where he spent months in therapy, trying to rebuild his shattered psyche. It was heartbreaking to see someone so full of life and ambition reduced to this. The road to recovery was long and painful, but he gradually began to heal. He learned to forgive himself, to accept that the crash was beyond his control.

Throughout this ordeal, the crypto community rallied around him. Strangers reached out with words of encouragement and shared their own stories of loss and recovery. It was a testament to the resilience and solidarity within the community.

As #BinanceTurns7 we reflect on these moments. The highs and the lows. The lessons learned the hard way. Diversification isn't just a strategy, it's a safeguard against the unpredictable nature of the market. It's a reminder that no matter how promising something seems, there's always a risk.

Today, my friend is doing better. He's wiser, more cautious, and has a new perspective on investing. He's back in the crypto world, but this time with a diversified portfolio and a renewed sense of caution. He knows now that wealth isn't built overnight, and that the journey is just as important as the destination.

So as we celebrate #BinanceTurns7, let’s remember the lessons we've learned. Let's honor those who've struggled and persevered. And let's continue to support each other in this ever-evolving crypto adventure. Here's to the next seven years of growth, learning, and resilience.
