【省流版】七月必撸项目,币安领投的L2项目Movement银河任务 #Airdrop‬ #空投



Quiz: What is Movement?

Question 1: Move

Question 2: An L2 with the safety and speed of Move that’s also EVM compatible

Question 3: Decentralized Shared Sequencer

Question 4: Execution Layer

Question 5: Modular and integrated

Quiz: Meet The Team

Question 1: Rushi and Cooper

Question 2: Vanderbilt

Question 3: Two (like in “Hot Fuzz”)

Question 4: San Francisco

Quiz: Tech, Partners, and More!

Question 1: Fractal

Question 2: Celestia

Question 3: Razor

Question 4: $38 million

Question 5: It has the built-in speed and safety of Move with EVM compatibility

Quiz: Guilds, Gorillas, and Gud Vibes

Question 1: GMOVE

Question 2: Pathfinders

Question 3: Creators

Question 4: Scholars

Question 5: Explorers

Question 6: Masons

Question 7: Potassium

Question 8: Crying Moveus