According to BlockBeats, Xai Games announced on July 9th that its contributors have agreed to re-lock their tokens, originally scheduled for unlocking in July, for an additional six months. This decision has resulted in a significant reduction in the team's unlock share, from approximately 85 million to about 17.7 million tokens. The updated unlock ratio will now drop to 36% of the current circulation ratio.

This move by Xai Games contributors is a significant one, as it shows their commitment to the project and their willingness to delay potential profits. The re-locking of tokens will also likely have an impact on the token's market dynamics, as a reduced number of tokens in circulation could potentially lead to an increase in the token's value.

However, it's important to note that the decision to re-lock tokens is a voluntary one made by the contributors themselves, and not a mandate from Xai Games. This decision reflects the contributors' confidence in the project's future and their willingness to support it in the long term. The updated unlock ratio, now at 36% of the current circulation ratio, is a significant decrease from the original unlock ratio, indicating a substantial reduction in the number of tokens that will be available for trading in the near future.