Immutable Signs Over 150 Games In 2024, Collaborates With Marblex, And Unveils Plans To Launch Illuvium By End of July, According To Its June Development Report

Web3 gaming platform and ecosystem, Immutable released a development report for June, showcasing its key achievements over the past month and announcing the upcoming launch of Illuvium at the end of July.

Immutable represents a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, crafted to support non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and gaming economies. Currently, it operates one live network, Immutable X, and is developing a second network, Immutable zkEVM.

According to the report, more than 150 games were signed over the course of 2024, exceeding the total number of contracts signed in the previous year. The Immutable ecosystem now includes more than 380 games. In addition, since the release of Immutable zkEVM in January, Token Terminal data shows that the number of active users per month has approached 2 million.

Furthermore, Immutable has collaborated with Marblex, a subsidiary of NetMarble that specializes in creating blockchain ecosystems for games. Marblex will migrate to Immutable and bring several popular intellectual property (IP) games, including Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, A3: Still Alive, and Meta World. These games collectively boast over 1 million monthly active users and have generated more than $80 million in revenue in 2024.

Additionally, as part of the partnership, Immutable introduced the $20 million “Ecosystem Boost Program” to offer technical and financial backing to builders.

Immutable Plans Launching More Games And Schedules Illuvium Release For July

The platform also announced that additional games are expected to be added to The Main Quest, and the highly anticipated game Illuvium is slated for an official launch at the end of July.

Illuvium (ILV) is an Interoperable Blockchain Game (IBG) universe featuring a variety of decentralized role-playing games set in diverse and immersive environments. Players can explore expansive landscapes, hunt various creatures, take part in arena battles, and trade their assets on the exchange. The interconnected nature of these games enables individuals to use their assets in multiple ways in the series.

In April, Illuvium conducted an airdrop, distributing tokens to players. Recently, the platform hosted an Open Beta Testnet, where participants were rewarded for their involvement.

The post Immutable Signs Over 150 Games In 2024, Collaborates With Marblex, And Unveils Plans To Launch Illuvium By End of July, According To Its June Development Report appeared first on Metaverse Post.