Do something that most people are afraid to do and be afraid to do something that most people are not afraid to do.

A good example is the issue of technology. When it comes for the first time, many people are afraid to get involved with it. This is due to the human brain being in a state of stagnation to adapt to its environment that it has been in for a long time, thus leading it to have a strong resistance to not wanting to make decisions about something new. A good example is the advent of the internet. They were afraid to receive the internet until now they are not benefiting from it, but those who were able to receive the internet early are the ones we see now as the big rich people, such as the founders of Facebook, YouTube, Microsoft, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon, Alibaba, and many others who once used the internet.

It's not just the Internet right now; there is too much fear not to get involved with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Notcoin, Ethereum, BNB because many people are full of fear believing that it is a scam. But those who are ready to get involved with this new technology, most of them are there to change their lives in practice than even those who still believe that employment is the solution to their lives, but it is not.

There is a human tendency to imitate something after seeing the success of other people before, where often those who imitate after seeing others have succeeded through other technologies tend to fail. Why do they fail? They fail because of the great competition that exists at that time, so it is no longer an opportunity like it was in the beginning.

To conclude, every technology has the goal of distributing wealth to some other generation that may have had a normal life or the lowest life and become a higher life. New technology's main goal is to bring equality to all human beings, especially those who have good awareness and do not have slow minds to make quick decisions every time a new technology comes. Cryptocurrencies are a new technology that is going to give people a lot of wealth, especially those who are ready to educate themselves to know the reality of this technology. Other technologies that are coming rapidly with the goal of changing the lives of many are AI and Quantum Computing; they are also going to change the lives of only those people who will have quick awareness to receive these new technologies that are going to change their lives.

What technology has changed your life?