Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA) is poised to achieve a significant milestone in selling its artificial intelligence chips in China. It anticipates revenues of $12 billion this year. 

This forecast comes despite stringent U.S. export controls designed to curb China’s access to advanced technologies. The company expects to deliver over 1 million units of its H20 model chips, each priced between $12,000 and $13,000, catering to robust demand from the Chinese market.

Compliance with U.S. regulations fuels sales

The H20 chips from Nvidia have been engineered to meet U.S. regulations’ rigorous standards while offering top-tier performance. This strategic compliance has allowed Nvidia to maintain and expand its footprint in the Chinese market, an impressive feat given the tightened export restrictions imposed by the U.S. over the past years. In 2022, the U.S. government blocked the sale of several advanced Nvidia chips to China, further tightening these measures last year. Despite these challenges, Nvidia’s H20 chips have captured significant interest from Chinese buyers, demonstrating the company’s adept navigation through regulatory landscapes.

Competitive edge in the Chinese market

The demand for AI chips in China remains high, fostering a competitive environment, particularly under the shadow of U.S. export controls. Nvidia’s ability to double the delivery figures of its rival, Huawei, is notable. 

Huawei’s Ascend 910B chips are also a significant player in the market. Yet, according to a report from SemiAnalysis, Nvidia is set to deliver nearly twice as many H20 chips to its Chinese customers in the coming months. This sharp increase in sales volume underscores Nvidia’s competitive advantage and the strong market demand for its compliant H20 chips.

Sustaining market leadership

Nvidia’s strategic maneuvers in the face of U.S. export restrictions have allowed the company to retain its presence in the Chinese market and capitalize significantly on it. The projected sales figures for the H20 chip indicate Nvidia’s dominant position, outpacing the sales projections of Huawei’s Ascend 910B by a substantial margin. 

This market leadership is supported by the high performance and compliance of the H20 chips, priced competitively at $12,000 to $13,000 each.

Nvidia’s performance in China’s AI chip market this fiscal year marks a notable increase from the previous year’s earnings of $10.3 billion, emphasizing the company’s growth and resilience amidst regulatory challenges. 

Nvidia’s ability to navigate stringent U.S. export controls and still double its sales projections illustrates a significant triumph in strategy and execution within the competitive tech industry.

The post Nvidia Set to Achieve $12 Billion in AI Chip Sales in China first appeared on Coinfea.