#DePINs 🛜🛜🛜📶💰🕸️🌐📡🤖

Could make everyone with a WIFI to become a cell phone tower.

Android phones have the function to make a call from WIFI, instead of 5G or 4G phone cell tower. Cellphone companies like that , because it saves them money. Users like that because the WIFI is faster for video calls.

Whoever figures out how to sell #distributed #WIFI as a common cell phone #network will make a billion.

#Tech on the phones is ready for that. Internet access companies use that to allow customers to make WFI calls , BUT they do not allow everyone to call from Your wifi.

So there needs to be a virtual phone company that gives money to WiFI owners and takes money from phone users that can access any virtual network WIFI automatically.

That virtual phone company would not own any cell towers, nor hardware. just be a middle man between phone users and WIFI owners.

That is one major example in #DEPIN #decentralization of services.

Basically the service provider does not own any hardware and the hardware people are paid to own and service hardware , when people use it through the DEPIN service. Same as cell phone antenna operators , but with WIFI that people have in homes.

AdDddd YOUR ideas in the comments !