🔄 Uniswap Team/Investor Activity: Large $UNI Transfer to Coinbase Prime

A significant transfer of UNI tokens has been made by a wallet associated with a Uniswap team member, investor, or advisor.

Recent Transactions:

Total Transfer: 2.359M UNI ($20.2M)

Destination: Coinbase Prime

Transaction 1: 0x32594afb9395b75f5734bff8cc82c8a4f91d5d28e94a392d05255ce6faa9584b

Transaction 2: 0x97945f5540805abd44b7a2b8d0902de3df13e33289159659573b43eb222a0445

Address: 0x63b53181bdc48a9fbf1d23d461d3cfd82b0abc83

Notable Information:

The wallet received an allocation of 9M UNI from Uniswap's team/investor/advisor token distribution address in September 2020.

After today's transfers, the wallet still holds 6.64M UNI (~$55.2M).

Withdrawal Activity: Following the transfer to Coinbase Prime, 12 wallets have withdrawn 2.338M UNI (~$19.9M) from the CEX.

Market Implication: This activity is likely a distribution or OTC deal, which should not affect the spot price of UNI significantly.

📊 Keep an eye on the market for any potential developments!