According to BlockBeats, Bitcoin expansion protocol QED has announced the acquisition of seed funding valued in nine figures. The funding, amounting to $6 million, was provided by Blockchain Capital on July 3rd.

The significant investment underscores the growing interest and confidence in the potential of Bitcoin expansion protocols. QED's successful funding round is a testament to the increasing recognition of the role of such protocols in enhancing the scalability and functionality of Bitcoin.

The funding will likely be used to further develop and refine the QED protocol, although specific plans for the funds have not been disclosed. This investment by Blockchain Capital represents a significant endorsement of QED and its potential to contribute to the evolution of Bitcoin.

This news comes amid a broader trend of increased investment in Bitcoin and related technologies, reflecting the growing mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies. The successful funding round for QED is a clear indication of this trend, demonstrating the willingness of investors to back innovative solutions in the cryptocurrency space.