A question I often get asked is "how much capital should I start with in crypto"

The obvious answer for me is always "whatever you can afford to lose"

However, that got me thinking "how much should someone put into the market if they want to become financially independent"

After doing some research, I finally concluded that on average, if you want to become financially free, you need to put in more than what the AVERAGE person puts into crypto

So how much does the average person put into the market?

With the current market cap of $2.3 trillion and an estimated number of 580 million users (based on information provided by triple-a.io), then the average crypto holder has assets worth $3,965 (I know it's likely lower if we look at median)

I believe if you were to get results "more than the average" investor, then shouldn't that mean you should start-off with more than $3,965 ?

I know there are several factors to take into consideration (trading skills, what projects they hold...etc.), but I would say if you start off with more than the average person, you will have higher chances of no longer being average

Happy to hear your thoughts