Diss from AMD to Nvidia and Intel: "We are the best in artificial intelligence!

The years-long war between Intel, AMD and Nvidia has now moved to another dimension. These three technology giants, who competed only in the field of hardware in the past, have now entered a brand new field of competition: Artificial intelligence

A new statement from #AMD this week includes claims that the company is ahead of both Intel and Nvidia.

This week, AMD's Senior Vice President and General Manager of Computing and Graphics, Jack Huynh, made important statements about its competitors and claimed that they offer the most complete solutions in the field of artificial intelligence.

Huynh said that they did not think that Nvidia could release a product that would compete with them in the APU market. The AMD manager, who also threw stones at one of its rivals, Intel, stated that Intel is in the same situation when it comes to producing data center GPUs.

Jack Huynh stated that #AMD is an expert company in both CPU and GPU and software development and is better than its competitors in three different areas. According to the AMD executive, the processors and graphics cards produced by the company perform better in artificial intelligence workloads. However, it promises less power consumption and a broader software ecosystem.

To be honest at this stage, it is clear that Nvidia has made a big difference in the field of artificial intelligence, but it must be admitted that the statements coming from AMD are a bit optimistic. On the other hand, seeing how serious the company is about artificial intelligence is also good news for end users. It is a fact that competition in every field benefits the end user.