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How to Participate in Airdrops Title: How to Get Started with Crypto Airdrops Participating in crypto airdrops can be an exciting way to earn free tokens. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started: Create a Wallet: First, you need a wallet that supports the cryptocurrency you want to receive. Popular choices include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and MyEtherWallet. Stay Informed: Follow airdrop alert websites, forums like BitcoinTalk, and social media channels for the latest airdrop announcements. Websites like AirdropAlert and AirdropKing are great resources. Join the Community: Many airdrops require you to join the project's community on Telegram, Discord, or other social media platforms. Complete Tasks: Some airdrops require you to complete specific tasks, such as following the project on Twitter, retweeting posts, or signing up for newsletters. Submit Your Wallet Address: After completing the required tasks, you'll need to submit your wallet address. Make sure you double-check this to avoid errors. Remember, while airdrops are generally free, never share your private keys or send money to participate. Stay cautious and enjoy the process of discovering new tokens! #airdrop #AirdropGuide #wallet #token
How to Participate in Airdrops
Title: How to Get Started with Crypto Airdrops

Participating in crypto airdrops can be an exciting way to earn free tokens. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Create a Wallet: First, you need a wallet that supports the cryptocurrency you want to receive. Popular choices include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and MyEtherWallet.

Stay Informed: Follow airdrop alert websites, forums like BitcoinTalk, and social media channels for the latest airdrop announcements. Websites like AirdropAlert and AirdropKing are great resources.

Join the Community: Many airdrops require you to join the project's community on Telegram, Discord, or other social media platforms.

Complete Tasks: Some airdrops require you to complete specific tasks, such as following the project on Twitter, retweeting posts, or signing up for newsletters.

Submit Your Wallet Address: After completing the required tasks, you'll need to submit your wallet address. Make sure you double-check this to avoid errors.

Remember, while airdrops are generally free, never share your private keys or send money to participate. Stay cautious and enjoy the process of discovering new tokens!
#airdrop #AirdropGuide #wallet #token
Safety Tips for Airdrops Title: Staying Safe During Crypto Airdrops While airdrops can be a great way to earn free tokens, it's important to stay vigilant and protect yourself from potential scams. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind: Never Share Your Private Keys: Legitimate airdrops will never ask for your private keys. Keep them secure and never share them with anyone. Beware of Phishing Scams: Be cautious of emails or messages that ask for personal information or direct you to a website that looks like the official project site but has a slightly different URL. Research the Project: Before participating in an airdrop, do some research on the project. Check their official website, social media presence, and look for reviews or warnings from the community. Use a Separate Wallet: Consider using a separate wallet for airdrops. This way, you minimize the risk to your main wallet. Double-Check URLs: Always double-check the URLs of the websites you visit and ensure they are the official sites. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the benefits of airdrops while minimizing the risks. #airdrop #airdropguide #wallet
Safety Tips for Airdrops
Title: Staying Safe During Crypto Airdrops

While airdrops can be a great way to earn free tokens, it's important to stay vigilant and protect yourself from potential scams. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Never Share Your Private Keys: Legitimate airdrops will never ask for your private keys. Keep them secure and never share them with anyone.

Beware of Phishing Scams: Be cautious of emails or messages that ask for personal information or direct you to a website that looks like the official project site but has a slightly different URL.

Research the Project: Before participating in an airdrop, do some research on the project. Check their official website, social media presence, and look for reviews or warnings from the community.

Use a Separate Wallet: Consider using a separate wallet for airdrops. This way, you minimize the risk to your main wallet.

Double-Check URLs: Always double-check the URLs of the websites you visit and ensure they are the official sites.

By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the benefits of airdrops while minimizing the risks.
#airdrop #airdropguide #wallet
🏛️ Le gouvernement allemand transfère subitement 6 500 #Bitcoins : que s'est-il passé ? 🔶 Actuellement, l'Allemagne figure parmi les plus grands détenteurs de Bitcoin au monde avec une réserve d'environ 50 000 #BTC , ce qui la place en 4e position derrière les États-Unis et la Chine. 🔶 À l’origine de ce butin conséquent se trouve la plateforme de streaming illégal Movie2k. Les exploitants du site auraient investi massivement dans le Bitcoin à partir de 2013, utilisant les revenus des publicités et des abonnements. 🔶 Mais en 2020, les autorités allemandes interviennent en fermant le site Internet et en procédant à l’arrestation de plusieurs suspects. De concert avec les autorités fiscales et le procureur, c’est en 2024 que la police criminelle de Saxe finalise cette saisie, empochant ainsi près de 50 000 BTC. 🔶 Il est assez fréquent que les gouvernements saisissent des #cryptomonnaies dans le cadre d’enquêtes sur des réseaux criminels. Le gouvernement en question peut par la suite disposer de cette saisie pour transformer ces actifs numériques en monnaies marchandises, pour renflouer les comptes publics par exemple. 🔶 L’intégralité de ce transfert s’est fait en direction d’une nouvelle adresse publique, encore inconnue du public (étape 1). 2 359 BTC supplémentaires sont partis en direction d’adresses affiliées au gouvernement allemand (étape 2). 🔶 Par la suite, ces 2 500 Bitcoins ont été redistribués à plusieurs exchanges dont Kraken, Bitstamp et Coinbase, mais aussi à une adresse inconnue (étape 3). 🔶 En somme, le #wallet principal détient toujours 47 179 Bitcoins, pour une valeur de plus de 3 milliards de dollars au moment d’écrire ces lignes. Finalement, seulement 1 700 BTC ont été envoyés sur des exchanges de cryptomonnaies, une somme qui ne semble pas avoir été convertie en devises traditionnelles pour le moment.
🏛️ Le gouvernement allemand transfère subitement 6 500 #Bitcoins : que s'est-il passé ?

🔶 Actuellement, l'Allemagne figure parmi les plus grands détenteurs de Bitcoin au monde avec une réserve d'environ 50 000 #BTC , ce qui la place en 4e position derrière les États-Unis et la Chine.

🔶 À l’origine de ce butin conséquent se trouve la plateforme de streaming illégal Movie2k. Les exploitants du site auraient investi massivement dans le Bitcoin à partir de 2013, utilisant les revenus des publicités et des abonnements.

🔶 Mais en 2020, les autorités allemandes interviennent en fermant le site Internet et en procédant à l’arrestation de plusieurs suspects. De concert avec les autorités fiscales et le procureur, c’est en 2024 que la police criminelle de Saxe finalise cette saisie, empochant ainsi près de 50 000 BTC.

🔶 Il est assez fréquent que les gouvernements saisissent des #cryptomonnaies dans le cadre d’enquêtes sur des réseaux criminels. Le gouvernement en question peut par la suite disposer de cette saisie pour transformer ces actifs numériques en monnaies marchandises, pour renflouer les comptes publics par exemple.

🔶 L’intégralité de ce transfert s’est fait en direction d’une nouvelle adresse publique, encore inconnue du public (étape 1). 2 359 BTC supplémentaires sont partis en direction d’adresses affiliées au gouvernement allemand (étape 2).

🔶 Par la suite, ces 2 500 Bitcoins ont été redistribués à plusieurs exchanges dont Kraken, Bitstamp et Coinbase, mais aussi à une adresse inconnue (étape 3).

🔶 En somme, le #wallet principal détient toujours 47 179 Bitcoins, pour une valeur de plus de 3 milliards de dollars au moment d’écrire ces lignes. Finalement, seulement 1 700 BTC ont été envoyés sur des exchanges de cryptomonnaies, une somme qui ne semble pas avoir été convertie en devises traditionnelles pour le moment.
an "#Eligible wallet" refers to a cryptocurrencies wallet that meets the specific criteria set by a project to receive free tokens or coins. This could include wallets that have interacted with a certain #blockchain or protocol, held a particular token at a specific time, or completed certain tasks or actions. Think of it like a #VIP list for a party, but instead of getting into a club, you're getting free #Crypto. To be on the list, you need to meet the requirements set by the project, like owning a certain token or using a specific platform. If your #wallet meets the criteria, you're eligible to receive the airdrop. But here's the catch: the requirements can be pretty specific and sometimes even a bit mysterious. It's like trying to solve a puzzle to get into the VIP section. Some projects might look at your wallet's history, like how much you've used a certain platform or how long you've held a token. Others might just want you to complete a task, like sharing a post on social media. So, if you want to get in on the airdrop action, you'll need to keep an eye on the project's requirements and make sure your wallet meets the criteria. It's like playing a game of crypto detective, trying to figure out what you need to do to get those sweet, sweet free tokens.
an "#Eligible wallet" refers to a cryptocurrencies wallet that meets the specific criteria set by a project to receive free tokens or coins. This could include wallets that have interacted with a certain #blockchain or protocol, held a particular token at a specific time, or completed certain tasks or actions.

Think of it like a #VIP list for a party, but instead of getting into a club, you're getting free #Crypto. To be on the list, you need to meet the requirements set by the project, like owning a certain token or using a specific platform. If your #wallet meets the criteria, you're eligible to receive the airdrop.
But here's the catch: the requirements can be pretty specific and sometimes even a bit mysterious. It's like trying to solve a puzzle to get into the VIP section. Some projects might look at your wallet's history, like how much you've used a certain platform or how long you've held a token. Others might just want you to complete a task, like sharing a post on social media.
So, if you want to get in on the airdrop action, you'll need to keep an eye on the project's requirements and make sure your wallet meets the criteria. It's like playing a game of crypto detective, trying to figure out what you need to do to get those sweet, sweet free tokens.
Binance Announcement
Wallet Maintenance for BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) - 2024-06-17
Fellow Binancians,
Binance will perform wallet maintenance for BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) at 2024-06-17 07:00 (UTC). To support the wallet maintenance, deposits and withdrawals on BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) will be suspended starting from 2024-06-17 06:55 (UTC), and be resumed when the maintenance is complete. The maintenance will take about two hours.
Please note:
The trading of token(s) on the aforementioned network will not be impacted.Binance will handle all technical requirements involved for all users.Deposits and withdrawals for token(s) on the aforementioned network will be reopened once the network is deemed to be stable. No further announcement will be posted.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Explained : Crypto Scams (Must Read....)The rise of cryptocurrencies has brought about many opportunities for investors, traders, and businesses. However, it has also opened up a new avenue for scammers to deceive unsuspecting individuals. Crypto scams have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, with new scams emerging all the time. In this article, we will explore the different types of crypto scams and the ways to avoid them. Fake Crypto Exchanges: One of the most common crypto scams is fake crypto exchanges. Scammers set up fake websites that look like legitimate exchanges, and lure users into depositing their funds. They often promise low fees and high returns, which can be tempting to investors. However, once the user deposits their funds, the scammers disappear with the money. To avoid falling victim to fake exchanges, users should always verify the authenticity of an exchange before depositing their funds. Phishing Scams: Phishing scams are another prevalent type of #crypto scam. Scammers use emails, social media, or other forms of communication to trick users into giving away their private keys or login credentials. Once they have this information, they can access the victim's crypto #wallet and steal their funds. To avoid #phishing #scams , users should always double-check the authenticity of the communication and avoid clicking on suspicious links. Ponzi Schemes: Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment schemes that promise high returns to investors. The returns are paid out of the capital invested by new investors, rather than from any legitimate profits. The scheme eventually collapses when new investors stop joining, and the scammer disappears with the funds. To avoid Ponzi schemes, users should be wary of any investment opportunity that promises unusually high returns and always do their due diligence before investing. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Scams: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a popular way for cryptocurrency projects to raise funds. However, they are also vulnerable to scams. ICO scams involve scammers creating fake projects and issuing fake tokens to unsuspecting investors. They often promise high returns and claim to have a revolutionary product, but once the ICO is complete, the scammers disappear with the funds. To avoid ICO scams, users should always research the project and the team behind it before investing. Fake Cryptocurrency Wallets: Crypto wallets are used to store and manage cryptocurrencies. However, scammers can create fake wallets that look like legitimate ones, and trick users into depositing their funds. Once the funds are deposited, the scammers disappear with the money. To avoid fake cryptocurrency wallets, users should always download wallets from trusted sources and verify the authenticity of the wallet before depositing any funds. Conclusion: In conclusion, crypto scams are a growing concern for investors and traders in the cryptocurrency market. As the market continues to grow, scammers will continue to find new ways to deceive unsuspecting individuals. To avoid falling victim to crypto scams, users should always do their due diligence and be cautious when dealing with unfamiliar platforms or projects. Remember, if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Explained : Crypto Scams (Must Read....)

The rise of cryptocurrencies has brought about many opportunities for investors, traders, and businesses. However, it has also opened up a new avenue for scammers to deceive unsuspecting individuals. Crypto scams have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, with new scams emerging all the time. In this article, we will explore the different types of crypto scams and the ways to avoid them.

Fake Crypto Exchanges:

One of the most common crypto scams is fake crypto exchanges. Scammers set up fake websites that look like legitimate exchanges, and lure users into depositing their funds. They often promise low fees and high returns, which can be tempting to investors. However, once the user deposits their funds, the scammers disappear with the money. To avoid falling victim to fake exchanges, users should always verify the authenticity of an exchange before depositing their funds.

Phishing Scams:

Phishing scams are another prevalent type of #crypto scam. Scammers use emails, social media, or other forms of communication to trick users into giving away their private keys or login credentials. Once they have this information, they can access the victim's crypto #wallet and steal their funds. To avoid #phishing #scams , users should always double-check the authenticity of the communication and avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Ponzi Schemes:

Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment schemes that promise high returns to investors. The returns are paid out of the capital invested by new investors, rather than from any legitimate profits. The scheme eventually collapses when new investors stop joining, and the scammer disappears with the funds. To avoid Ponzi schemes, users should be wary of any investment opportunity that promises unusually high returns and always do their due diligence before investing.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Scams:

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a popular way for cryptocurrency projects to raise funds. However, they are also vulnerable to scams. ICO scams involve scammers creating fake projects and issuing fake tokens to unsuspecting investors. They often promise high returns and claim to have a revolutionary product, but once the ICO is complete, the scammers disappear with the funds. To avoid ICO scams, users should always research the project and the team behind it before investing.

Fake Cryptocurrency Wallets:

Crypto wallets are used to store and manage cryptocurrencies. However, scammers can create fake wallets that look like legitimate ones, and trick users into depositing their funds. Once the funds are deposited, the scammers disappear with the money. To avoid fake cryptocurrency wallets, users should always download wallets from trusted sources and verify the authenticity of the wallet before depositing any funds.


In conclusion, crypto scams are a growing concern for investors and traders in the cryptocurrency market. As the market continues to grow, scammers will continue to find new ways to deceive unsuspecting individuals. To avoid falling victim to crypto scams, users should always do their due diligence and be cautious when dealing with unfamiliar platforms or projects. Remember, if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
EtherMail, the Web3 email solution that sets the standard for anonymous and encrypted wallet-to-wallet communication, has raised $4 million in a pre-Series A funding round led by Tim Draper's company, Draper Associates. #Web3 #ether #wallet #bitcoin #ETH
EtherMail, the Web3 email solution that sets the standard for anonymous and encrypted wallet-to-wallet communication, has raised $4 million in a pre-Series A funding round led by Tim Draper's company, Draper Associates.
#Web3 #ether #wallet #bitcoin #ETH
💁🏽‍♂️What gives ERC-4337? This standard is a kind of "simplifier", i.e. now users do not have to write down/remember the sid-phrase to restore the wallet. #erc4337 #wallet #crypto2023 #standart
💁🏽‍♂️What gives ERC-4337?

This standard is a kind of "simplifier", i.e. now users do not have to write down/remember the sid-phrase to restore the wallet.

#erc4337 #wallet #crypto2023 #standart
A total of 13.6k wallet addresses canceled their OpenSea orders in the past week due to Blur’s loyalty program, which is almost 5-6 times the historical average. According to @andrewhong5297 Dune website . #wallet #DeFi #nftfi #NFT #opensea
A total of 13.6k wallet addresses canceled their OpenSea orders in the past week due to Blur’s loyalty program, which is almost 5-6 times the historical average. According to @andrewhong5297 Dune website .

#wallet #DeFi #nftfi #NFT #opensea
Ancient #Dogecoin Whale Wakes up First Time in 2 Years, Moving 326 Million #DOGE . Its around $28 million at the time of the transfer, was recently transferred to a new address from an inactive #wallet that had been dormant for nearly two years. #WhaleAlert #holders
Ancient #Dogecoin Whale Wakes up First Time in 2 Years, Moving 326 Million #DOGE . Its around $28 million at the time of the transfer, was recently transferred to a new address from an inactive #wallet that had been dormant for nearly two years.

#WhaleAlert #holders
Do you really need a crypto wallet? Your cryptocurrency is only as secure as the method in which you keep it. While you can technically store cryptocurrency directly on the exchange, it is not recommended unless you are doing so in small amounts or plan to trade them#wallet
Do you really need a crypto wallet?
Your cryptocurrency is only as secure as the method in which you keep it. While you can technically store cryptocurrency directly on the exchange, it is not recommended unless you are doing so in small amounts or plan to trade them#wallet
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