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🚨 Russie : Vladimir Poutine souhaiterait-il miser sur le minage de cryptomonnaies ? ⭐️ Osman Kabaolev, le directeur adjoint du département de la politique financière du ministère des Finances, a confirmé la nouvelle au média local Izvestia. Pour l’instant, le minage de Bitcoin n’est pas reconnu comme une activité économique dans le milieu de la Fédération de Russie ⭐️Mais le ministère des Finances souhaite changer cela : le minage de cryptomonnaies disposera bientôt d’un code OKVED, c’est-à-dire d’une classification qui détaille la nature d’une activité économique. Cette classification régit notamment les spécificités liées aux taxes et aux aides de l’État. C’est aussi ce qui ouvre la porte à certaines licences ⭐️ Mais avant que cela ne survienne, il faudra qu'une loi encadrant le minage de cryptomonnaies soit approuvée, toujours selon Oman Kabaolev. Cela permettrait de sortir les mineurs de Bitcoin de la zone grise dans laquelle ils opèrent actuellement. La Russie n'a en effet pas légiféré de manière claire à leur sujet ⭐️ On rappelle qu'en mars dernier, Vladimir Poutine avait signé une loi autorisant les actifs financiers numériques et les monnaies numériques de banque centrale (MNBC) pour les paiements internationaux. La loi encadrant le mining et les cryptomonnaies en général serait donc une suite logique. #minage #russia #cryptomonnaie #bitcoinhalvingn
🚨 Russie : Vladimir Poutine souhaiterait-il miser sur le minage de cryptomonnaies ?

⭐️ Osman Kabaolev, le directeur adjoint du département de la politique financière du ministère des Finances, a confirmé la nouvelle au média local Izvestia. Pour l’instant, le minage de Bitcoin n’est pas reconnu comme une activité économique dans le milieu de la Fédération de Russie

⭐️Mais le ministère des Finances souhaite changer cela : le minage de cryptomonnaies disposera bientôt d’un code OKVED, c’est-à-dire d’une classification qui détaille la nature d’une activité économique. Cette classification régit notamment les spécificités liées aux taxes et aux aides de l’État. C’est aussi ce qui ouvre la porte à certaines licences

⭐️ Mais avant que cela ne survienne, il faudra qu'une loi encadrant le minage de cryptomonnaies soit approuvée, toujours selon Oman Kabaolev. Cela permettrait de sortir les mineurs de Bitcoin de la zone grise dans laquelle ils opèrent actuellement. La Russie n'a en effet pas légiféré de manière claire à leur sujet

⭐️ On rappelle qu'en mars dernier, Vladimir Poutine avait signé une loi autorisant les actifs financiers numériques et les monnaies numériques de banque centrale (MNBC) pour les paiements internationaux. La loi encadrant le mining et les cryptomonnaies en général serait donc une suite logique. #minage #russia #cryptomonnaie #bitcoinhalvingn
The Russian Parliament has voted on a bill that could pave the way for the adoption of a digital version of the ruble. #ruble #russia #crypto2023
The Russian Parliament has voted on a bill that could pave the way for the adoption of a digital version of the ruble.
#ruble #russia #crypto2023
Bank of Russia Piloting Cross-Border Crypto Payments Kitco, citing RBC, reported that Rosbank is working with a financial technology intermediary, B-crypto, to conduct cross-border payment transactions in cryptocurrency. B-crypto is a fintech company specializing in international payment transactions using cryptocurrencies. A representative of Rosbank said that corporate and individual customers have started using cryptocurrencies to make experimental purchases. #crypto2023 #Binance #russia
Bank of Russia Piloting Cross-Border Crypto Payments

Kitco, citing RBC, reported that Rosbank is working with a financial technology intermediary, B-crypto, to conduct cross-border payment transactions in cryptocurrency. B-crypto is a fintech company specializing in international payment transactions using cryptocurrencies.

A representative of Rosbank said that corporate and individual customers have started using cryptocurrencies to make experimental purchases.
#crypto2023 #Binance #russia
Russian ‘Crypto Queen’ Suspected of Sending Coins to Ukraine Russian police think that a “crypto influencer” known as Bitmama, aka the “Queen of Crypto,” may have sent tokens to support Ukraine’s military. Valeria “Bitmama” Fedyakina was detained by police in September after an “acquaintance” accused her of fraud. She remains in custody, and a news network released an image, apparently showing her in a pre-trial detention center. Per the Telegram-based news channel SHOT and, the social media influencer, who is seven months pregnant, had asked a court to transfer her to house arrest. But she was refused this request. Officers consider her a flight risk, as she holds a UAE residence permit. A branch of the Moscow City Court ruled that she could remain in custody until November 15. The unnamed “acquaintance” told police Fedyakina tricked him into handing over some $70 million. But officers reportedly think Fedyakina, a 28-year-old originally from Ukraine, embezzled this money. And they reportedly think Fedyakina transferred “part” of the money she received to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Officers also believe Fedyakina received around $7.7 million from two other individuals, before “dropping off the radar.” All three people said they wanted to use the money to invest in real estate in the UAE. Russian ‘Crypto Queen’ Lawyers Say She ‘Doesn’t Support UkraineUkraine #russia #ukrain #crypto #cryptonews #BTC
Russian ‘Crypto Queen’ Suspected of Sending Coins to Ukraine

Russian police think that a “crypto influencer” known as Bitmama, aka the “Queen of Crypto,” may have sent tokens to support Ukraine’s military.

Valeria “Bitmama” Fedyakina was detained by police in September after an “acquaintance” accused her of fraud.

She remains in custody, and a news network released an image, apparently showing her in a pre-trial detention center.

Per the Telegram-based news channel SHOT and, the social media influencer, who is seven months pregnant, had asked a court to transfer her to house arrest.

But she was refused this request.

Officers consider her a flight risk, as she holds a UAE residence permit.

A branch of the Moscow City Court ruled that she could remain in custody until November 15.

The unnamed “acquaintance” told police Fedyakina tricked him into handing over some $70 million.

But officers reportedly think Fedyakina, a 28-year-old originally from Ukraine, embezzled this money.

And they reportedly think Fedyakina transferred “part” of the money she received to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Officers also believe Fedyakina received around $7.7 million from two other individuals, before “dropping off the radar.”

All three people said they wanted to use the money to invest in real estate in the UAE.

Russian ‘Crypto Queen’ Lawyers Say She ‘Doesn’t Support UkraineUkraine

#russia #ukrain #crypto #cryptonews #BTC
An investigator working in Moscow has been caught with a record-breaking bribe paid by a hacking group in cryptocurrency. According to a Russian press report, the corrupt official accepted millions of dollars’ worth of bitcoin and saved the digital money for his retirement years. Investigator Finds Himself Under Investigation in Russia for Receiving Huge Bribe in Bitcoin Investigators in the Russian Federation are now working on a corruption case involving one of their former colleagues, the Kommersant daily reported. #russia #bitcoin #bribery #cryptocurrency #cryptoonindia
An investigator working in Moscow has been caught with a record-breaking bribe paid by a hacking group in cryptocurrency. According to a Russian press report, the corrupt official accepted millions of dollars’ worth of bitcoin and saved the digital money for his retirement years.

Investigator Finds Himself Under Investigation in Russia for Receiving Huge Bribe in Bitcoin

Investigators in the Russian Federation are now working on a corruption case involving one of their former colleagues, the Kommersant daily reported.

#russia #bitcoin #bribery #cryptocurrency #cryptoonindia
Russia has become the second-largest cryptocurrency mining country globally.According to recent reports, Russia has emerged as the world's second-largest cryptocurrency mining country, behind only China. The country's surge in crypto mining activity can be attributed to several factors, including favorable regulations and access to low-cost energy. Russia's rise to the top of the cryptocurrency mining industry has been swift. In just a few short years, the country has gone from a relatively small player in the space to one of the most significant mining countries globally. This growth has been fueled in part by favorable government regulations that have encouraged the development of the industry. Unlike some other countries, Russia has taken a relatively hands-off approach to regulating cryptocurrency mining. This has created an environment in which miners can operate with relatively few restrictions, which has attracted a significant amount of investment and activity. In addition, Russia has a well-developed energy sector that provides miners with access to low-cost electricity, a crucial factor in mining profitability. The growth of the cryptocurrency mining industry in Russia has not gone unnoticed by the government. While regulators have been relatively hands-off thus far, there are signs that this may be changing. Recently, the government announced plans to introduce new regulations that will require miners to register with authorities and disclose their energy consumption. The move is seen as an attempt to bring the industry more in line with other regulated sectors. Despite the potential for increased regulation, many in the industry remain optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency mining in Russia. The country's energy resources and favorable regulatory environment make it an attractive location for mining operations. Additionally, there is a growing interest in cryptocurrency among Russian investors, which is driving demand for mining services. As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow and mature, it is likely that we will see continued growth in the mining industry globally. With its favorable regulatory environment and abundant energy resources, Russia is well-positioned to continue playing a significant role in the industry. For investors and traders, this is yet another indication of the continued mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency and the growing importance of the mining sector. #russia #BTC #mining #crypto2023 #cryptocurrency

Russia has become the second-largest cryptocurrency mining country globally.

According to recent reports, Russia has emerged as the world's second-largest cryptocurrency mining country, behind only China. The country's surge in crypto mining activity can be attributed to several factors, including favorable regulations and access to low-cost energy.

Russia's rise to the top of the cryptocurrency mining industry has been swift. In just a few short years, the country has gone from a relatively small player in the space to one of the most significant mining countries globally. This growth has been fueled in part by favorable government regulations that have encouraged the development of the industry.

Unlike some other countries, Russia has taken a relatively hands-off approach to regulating cryptocurrency mining. This has created an environment in which miners can operate with relatively few restrictions, which has attracted a significant amount of investment and activity. In addition, Russia has a well-developed energy sector that provides miners with access to low-cost electricity, a crucial factor in mining profitability.

The growth of the cryptocurrency mining industry in Russia has not gone unnoticed by the government. While regulators have been relatively hands-off thus far, there are signs that this may be changing. Recently, the government announced plans to introduce new regulations that will require miners to register with authorities and disclose their energy consumption. The move is seen as an attempt to bring the industry more in line with other regulated sectors.

Despite the potential for increased regulation, many in the industry remain optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency mining in Russia. The country's energy resources and favorable regulatory environment make it an attractive location for mining operations. Additionally, there is a growing interest in cryptocurrency among Russian investors, which is driving demand for mining services.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow and mature, it is likely that we will see continued growth in the mining industry globally. With its favorable regulatory environment and abundant energy resources, Russia is well-positioned to continue playing a significant role in the industry. For investors and traders, this is yet another indication of the continued mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency and the growing importance of the mining sector.

#russia #BTC #mining #crypto2023 #cryptocurrency
The Digital Rouble: Russia's Crypto Makeover!So, what’s the deal with this Digital Rouble? Well, imagine your regular rouble, but with a digital twist. It’s like a makeover for the currency, giving it a fresh and modern vibe. The Russian government is hopping on the crypto train and embracing the digital revolution. Choo choo! 🚂💨 Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Durgesh, what does this mean for the average Joe or Jane?” Well, my friend, it means that Russia is taking a step toward a digital future where transactions and payments could be done using this shiny new Digital Rouble. It’s like paying for your borscht and samovar tea with a tap on your phone. 📲☕️ But hold your horses, we’re not talking about Bitcoin here. The Digital Rouble is a centralized digital currency backed by the Russian government. It’s like a digital version of their good old rouble, just stored on your phone or computer instead of in your wallet. No more digging for loose change in your pockets! 💳💼 Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: Is this a game-changer for cryptocurrencies? Well, it’s definitely a step toward mainstream adoption. If a major country like Russia embraces digital currencies, it could pave the way for others to follow suit. We might be witnessing the start of a global crypto revolution! 🌍🚀 But hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The Digital Rouble is still in its early stages, and there are a lot of details to be ironed out. We’ll have to wait and see how it unfolds. Maybe soon we’ll have memes about Putin riding a rocket to the moon! 🚀🌕 So, what’s the bottom line here? Russia is embracing the digital age by introducing the Digital Rouble. It’s like a tech-savvy makeover for their currency. While it’s an exciting step toward mainstream adoption, we’ll have to keep an eye on how it develops. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be paying for our matryoshka dolls with cryptocurrencies! 😄💸 That’s it for today, folks! Stay tuned for more crypto adventures with Durgesh, your favorite funny crypto blogger. Remember, crypto is serious business, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a laugh along the way. Catch you on the flip side! ✌️😎 #russia #digitalcurrency #cryptoregulations

The Digital Rouble: Russia's Crypto Makeover!

So, what’s the deal with this Digital Rouble? Well, imagine your regular rouble, but with a digital twist. It’s like a makeover for the currency, giving it a fresh and modern vibe. The Russian government is hopping on the crypto train and embracing the digital revolution. Choo choo! 🚂💨

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Durgesh, what does this mean for the average Joe or Jane?” Well, my friend, it means that Russia is taking a step toward a digital future where transactions and payments could be done using this shiny new Digital Rouble. It’s like paying for your borscht and samovar tea with a tap on your phone. 📲☕️

But hold your horses, we’re not talking about Bitcoin here. The Digital Rouble is a centralized digital currency backed by the Russian government. It’s like a digital version of their good old rouble, just stored on your phone or computer instead of in your wallet. No more digging for loose change in your pockets! 💳💼

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: Is this a game-changer for cryptocurrencies? Well, it’s definitely a step toward mainstream adoption. If a major country like Russia embraces digital currencies, it could pave the way for others to follow suit. We might be witnessing the start of a global crypto revolution! 🌍🚀

But hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The Digital Rouble is still in its early stages, and there are a lot of details to be ironed out. We’ll have to wait and see how it unfolds. Maybe soon we’ll have memes about Putin riding a rocket to the moon! 🚀🌕

So, what’s the bottom line here? Russia is embracing the digital age by introducing the Digital Rouble. It’s like a tech-savvy makeover for their currency. While it’s an exciting step toward mainstream adoption, we’ll have to keep an eye on how it develops. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be paying for our matryoshka dolls with cryptocurrencies! 😄💸

That’s it for today, folks! Stay tuned for more crypto adventures with Durgesh, your favorite funny crypto blogger. Remember, crypto is serious business, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a laugh along the way. Catch you on the flip side! ✌️😎

#russia #digitalcurrency #cryptoregulations
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