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Crypto Minds Unleashed
📈 𝗣𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗖𝗼𝗶𝗻 : #1000RATs/USDT ⭐️ 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗬  : 0.393 _ 0.350 🎯 𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗚𝗘𝗧𝘀 : 0.44 _ 0.50 _ 0.60 _ 0.80++ 🚫 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗣 𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗦 : 0.30 ✅ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 : (50X_200X) ⚠️ 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗻 : 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 ( 𝟱_𝟭𝟬%) #rats
📈 𝗣𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗖𝗼𝗶𝗻 : #1000RATs/USDT

⭐️ 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗬  : 0.393 _ 0.350


0.44 _ 0.50 _ 0.60 _ 0.80++

🚫 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗣 𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗦 : 0.30

✅ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 : (50X_200X)

⚠️ 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗻 : 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 ( 𝟱_𝟭𝟬%)
Votre contenu coté a été supprimé
HOOK有投资价值吗 看完这个再决定Hooked Protocol 是最近最热门的项目之一。自从 12 月 1 日在 Binance Launchpad 进行了 IEO 以来,它已经引起了广泛关注关注,下面带着大家一探究竟值不值得投资Hooked Protocol 是一个搭建在 BNB Chain 上的 Web3 社交网络。它的目标是创建一个由社区驱动的生态系统,提供学习产品和入职基础设施,使更多的人加入到 Web3。$HOOK 是该平台的治理通证,而 $HGT 是一个仅在生态系统内使用的实用通证Wild Cash 是 Hooked 推出的首个产品,在 2022 年第 3 季度上线。它使用户能够通过简单的操作学习 Crypto 相关知识并赚取相应的奖励,如 Quiz-to-Earn、PoWT(Proof of Work and Time)采矿游戏等,展望正面,在游戏类项目中排名第 15。生态发展情况Hooked Protocol 的特点是界面简洁、易于操作、具有游戏化的学习体验,对用户比较友好。因此,它在很短的时间内吸引了大量的用户根据 DappRadar 统计,在过去的 24 小时内,Hooked Protocol UAW(与 DApp 的智能合约交互的独立活跃钱包的数量)达到了 40.6 万(过去 7 天的平均数为38.9 万)。目前 Hooked Protocol 的 TVL 约为 11.3 万美元路线图及进展情况该项目已经披露了从启动到 2023 年的路线图。2023 年的发展计划相对模糊,没有具体的实施细节。截至 12 月 2 日,Hooked 已经完成了种子轮融资和 IEO,并推出了其第一个应用 - Wild Cash。在接下来的半年里,它将专注于产品升级,合作,以及 2023 年上半年的钱包整合底层技术及安全性Hooked Protocol 计划搭建一个 Rollup 执行层作为生态系统的可扩展性基础设施,同时将资产和数据与生态系统合并。该扩展方案还没有正式推出,但根据披露的路线图,它应该在 2022 年第 4 季度发布除了 Rollup,Hooked 还计划整合内建基础设施,如 DID 解决方案、内置钱包、和图形界面,这些都还在开发中,计划在明年推出。该项目目前仍处于早期阶段值得注意的是,该项目还没有公开其代码,而且也没有公布代码审计报告。所以 Hooked 的安全性暂时还无法评估。通证经济Hooked 推出了两种原生通证。其一是治理通证 $HOOK,它也可以用于支付 Hooked Rollup 的 Gas 费用和解锁其他额外服务的费用。支持使用 $HOOK 的功能还没有被开发出来HOOK 的总供应量为 5 亿,其中 40% 分配给私募轮投资者和团队,相对集中。而这些通证将从 2023 年 7 月 24 日开始解锁,直到 2029 年 10 月才会完全解锁对于分配给私募轮投资者 20% 的 $HOOK。Hooked Protocol 在今年早些时候宣布了两轮私募,筹集了大约 600 万美元,FDV 在 3,000 万美元到 6,000 万美元之间。主要投资者包括 Binance 和红杉资本。第 2 种通证是 $HGT,可以通过完成应用内任务获得,无供应量上限。该通证在转换为 uHGT(解锁的 Hooked Gold Token)之前是不可流通的。而解锁机制是由 Bonding Curve 和社区提案共同决定的。$HGT 的需求和价值可能取决于生态系统的用户量、通证销毁机制、以及解锁速度。但目前还没有更详细的信息。二级市场表现HOOK 已经可以在 10 个中心化以及 Pancakeswap 交易,主要交易平台是 Binance。HOOK 的 24 小时交易量约为 7.3 亿美元。至于链上数据,目前只有 4 个持币地址,共进行了 14 笔链上交易,这意味着该通证主要在中心化交易所进行交易。写在最后Hooked 由于其创新的学习概念和易于使用的产品,在短时间内吸引了大量的用户。它还具有与其他项目(如 DeFi 和 NFT)整合的潜力。然而,它在某些方面还有很大的改进空间。首先,该项目仍处于早期阶段,部分主要基础设施尚未开发。其次,对使用 HOOK 重要的功能还没有推出。而且该通证主要在中心化交易所中交易,链上活动匮乏。此外,该项目尚未披露其代码库、审计结果和详细的开发计划,这些都会影响对该项目的评估结果。币圈投资,关注宇哥,和悦鲜活每日幂玛无偿分享。无门槛圈#BTC #sats #rats

HOOK有投资价值吗 看完这个再决定

Hooked Protocol 是最近最热门的项目之一。自从 12 月 1 日在 Binance Launchpad 进行了 IEO 以来,它已经引起了广泛关注关注,下面带着大家一探究竟值不值得投资Hooked Protocol 是一个搭建在 BNB Chain 上的 Web3 社交网络。它的目标是创建一个由社区驱动的生态系统,提供学习产品和入职基础设施,使更多的人加入到 Web3。$HOOK 是该平台的治理通证,而 $HGT 是一个仅在生态系统内使用的实用通证Wild Cash 是 Hooked 推出的首个产品,在 2022 年第 3 季度上线。它使用户能够通过简单的操作学习 Crypto 相关知识并赚取相应的奖励,如 Quiz-to-Earn、PoWT(Proof of Work and Time)采矿游戏等,展望正面,在游戏类项目中排名第 15。生态发展情况Hooked Protocol 的特点是界面简洁、易于操作、具有游戏化的学习体验,对用户比较友好。因此,它在很短的时间内吸引了大量的用户根据 DappRadar 统计,在过去的 24 小时内,Hooked Protocol UAW(与 DApp 的智能合约交互的独立活跃钱包的数量)达到了 40.6 万(过去 7 天的平均数为38.9 万)。目前 Hooked Protocol 的 TVL 约为 11.3 万美元路线图及进展情况该项目已经披露了从启动到 2023 年的路线图。2023 年的发展计划相对模糊,没有具体的实施细节。截至 12 月 2 日,Hooked 已经完成了种子轮融资和 IEO,并推出了其第一个应用 - Wild Cash。在接下来的半年里,它将专注于产品升级,合作,以及 2023 年上半年的钱包整合底层技术及安全性Hooked Protocol 计划搭建一个 Rollup 执行层作为生态系统的可扩展性基础设施,同时将资产和数据与生态系统合并。该扩展方案还没有正式推出,但根据披露的路线图,它应该在 2022 年第 4 季度发布除了 Rollup,Hooked 还计划整合内建基础设施,如 DID 解决方案、内置钱包、和图形界面,这些都还在开发中,计划在明年推出。该项目目前仍处于早期阶段值得注意的是,该项目还没有公开其代码,而且也没有公布代码审计报告。所以 Hooked 的安全性暂时还无法评估。通证经济Hooked 推出了两种原生通证。其一是治理通证 $HOOK ,它也可以用于支付 Hooked Rollup 的 Gas 费用和解锁其他额外服务的费用。支持使用 $HOOK 的功能还没有被开发出来HOOK 的总供应量为 5 亿,其中 40% 分配给私募轮投资者和团队,相对集中。而这些通证将从 2023 年 7 月 24 日开始解锁,直到 2029 年 10 月才会完全解锁对于分配给私募轮投资者 20% 的 $HOOK 。Hooked Protocol 在今年早些时候宣布了两轮私募,筹集了大约 600 万美元,FDV 在 3,000 万美元到 6,000 万美元之间。主要投资者包括 Binance 和红杉资本。第 2 种通证是 $HGT,可以通过完成应用内任务获得,无供应量上限。该通证在转换为 uHGT(解锁的 Hooked Gold Token)之前是不可流通的。而解锁机制是由 Bonding Curve 和社区提案共同决定的。$HGT 的需求和价值可能取决于生态系统的用户量、通证销毁机制、以及解锁速度。但目前还没有更详细的信息。二级市场表现HOOK 已经可以在 10 个中心化以及 Pancakeswap 交易,主要交易平台是 Binance。HOOK 的 24 小时交易量约为 7.3 亿美元。至于链上数据,目前只有 4 个持币地址,共进行了 14 笔链上交易,这意味着该通证主要在中心化交易所进行交易。写在最后Hooked 由于其创新的学习概念和易于使用的产品,在短时间内吸引了大量的用户。它还具有与其他项目(如 DeFi 和 NFT)整合的潜力。然而,它在某些方面还有很大的改进空间。首先,该项目仍处于早期阶段,部分主要基础设施尚未开发。其次,对使用 HOOK 重要的功能还没有推出。而且该通证主要在中心化交易所中交易,链上活动匮乏。此外,该项目尚未披露其代码库、审计结果和详细的开发计划,这些都会影响对该项目的评估结果。币圈投资,关注宇哥,和悦鲜活每日幂玛无偿分享。无门槛圈#BTC #sats #rats
@aliHussain1100 #ordi #sats #rats Many people have lost faith in inscriptions. This is for internal sharing. Too many people have read my ordi readings. I am afraid that you will follow orders and get scared after seeing such a big drop. Remember, go all-in with 60,000. The bull market will only come after the interest rate cut. If you make up your mind, just hold on to the fixed investment. $ORDI $1000SATS
@ali Hussain
#ordi #sats #rats
Many people have lost faith in inscriptions.
This is for internal sharing.
Too many people have read my ordi readings.
I am afraid that you will follow orders and get scared after seeing such a big drop.
Remember, go all-in with 60,000.
The bull market will only come after the interest rate cut.
If you make up your mind, just hold on to the fixed investment.
🚨 Bull Run Over??🚨 Good Morning Have A nice day seems like Meme coins coming back to Earth 🌍 #SHIBA✅🚀 as on weekly Graph broke its resistance but again under resistance and slow down a bit as well Bitcoin rejected from its resistance too.... it can be a signal that the Bull run i over for meme coins .... Shiba Inu is trying again to break its resistance but i think it will just fill that FVG than it will comes gentle down to earth .... as for other meme coins #1000FLOKI #PEPE‏ and #rats all of them slow down and and getting rejected in small time frames ... so its time to take some profits from over bull run and put a stoploss 💡 #TrendingTopic $SHIB $PEPE #$BTC
🚨 Bull Run Over??🚨

Good Morning Have A nice day seems like Meme coins coming back to Earth 🌍

#SHIBA✅🚀 as on weekly Graph broke its resistance but again under resistance and slow down a bit as well Bitcoin rejected from its resistance too....

it can be a signal that the Bull run i over for meme coins ....

Shiba Inu is trying again to break its resistance but i think it will just fill that FVG than it will comes gentle down to earth ....

as for other meme coins #1000FLOKI #PEPE‏ and #rats all of them slow down and and getting rejected in small time frames ...
so its time to take some profits from over bull run and put a stoploss 💡

🔥💥GameFi Project AssetClub announces adoption of BRC20-RATS for further development of the RATS community Pay December 29, 2023, the world's first Web3 digital asset investment gaming platform, AssetClub, announced the addition of the BRC20 inscription token RATS as a payment token, as well as new application scenarios and game functions revolving around the RATS token, which is committed to lead to $8 billion. Together with the RATS community, users around the world are entering a new era in digital assets. This initiative aims to create a more cohesive community user base, create more creative gaming experiences, strengthen the RATS community, provide various application scenarios and create a richer RATS ecosystem through deep strategic cooperation with RATS. The RATS community is an independent community founded by those who agree on the value of RATS, who take Ridiculous, Counter, Trend and Safety as the essence of community spirit to jointly support the development of RATS inscriptions. The AssetClub team chose the RATS token, which is representative of the fair launch mechanism of the BRC-20, in this wave of inscription madness. AssetClub is committed to making Web3 easier and fairer for ordinary people by deeply understanding the vibrant culture of the RATS community. This choice not only means recognition of the RATS community core, but will also be an important support for the AssetClub project and will provide users with a secure and close-to-daily digital asset experience. According to the president of AssetClub, the joint vision of AssetClub and RATS is based on the belief that users worldwide can have a more enriching experience in the field of digital assets. While RATS' vision is to bring RATS to the wallets of 8 billion people worldwide, ASSETCLUB's vision is to bring 8 billion people worldwide to the forefront of the digital asset age. This shared value is not only a recognition of vision alignment, but also an act of trust aimed at opening a new page in the world of digital assets. #rats #BRC20 #cryptoahmet
🔥💥GameFi Project AssetClub announces adoption of BRC20-RATS for further development of the RATS community

Pay December 29, 2023, the world's first Web3 digital asset investment gaming platform, AssetClub, announced the addition of the BRC20 inscription token RATS as a payment token, as well as new application scenarios and game functions revolving around the RATS token, which is committed to lead to $8 billion. Together with the RATS community, users around the world are entering a new era in digital assets.

This initiative aims to create a more cohesive community user base, create more creative gaming experiences, strengthen the RATS community, provide various application scenarios and create a richer RATS ecosystem through deep strategic cooperation with RATS. The RATS community is an independent community founded by those who agree on the value of RATS, who take Ridiculous, Counter, Trend and Safety as the essence of community spirit to jointly support the development of RATS inscriptions. The AssetClub team chose the RATS token, which is representative of the fair launch mechanism of the BRC-20, in this wave of inscription madness.

AssetClub is committed to making Web3 easier and fairer for ordinary people by deeply understanding the vibrant culture of the RATS community. This choice not only means recognition of the RATS community core, but will also be an important support for the AssetClub project and will provide users with a secure and close-to-daily digital asset experience. According to the president of AssetClub, the joint vision of AssetClub and RATS is based on the belief that users worldwide can have a more enriching experience in the field of digital assets.
While RATS' vision is to bring RATS to the wallets of 8 billion people worldwide, ASSETCLUB's vision is to bring 8 billion people worldwide to the forefront of the digital asset age. This shared value is not only a recognition of vision alignment, but also an act of trust aimed at opening a new page in the world of digital assets.
#rats #BRC20 #cryptoahmet
BitStore is enhancing its cryptocurrency card services by offering a suite of services that blend traditional financial ease with digital currencies tailored for projects or brands. The company is also launching the $STORE back program to reward users for their loyalty. #bitstore #rats #TrueUSD #ordinals #SATS
BitStore is enhancing its cryptocurrency card services by offering a suite of services that blend traditional financial ease with digital currencies tailored for projects or brands.

The company is also launching the $STORE back program to reward users for their loyalty.

#bitstore #rats #TrueUSD #ordinals #SATS
🔥💥What is BRC-20 Shining Star RATS Coin? What is RATS Coin? RATS Coin is a cryptocurrency developed on the Unisat platform and produced in BRC20 format. The BRC20 covers assets developed on the Bitcoin network. For example, while most altcoins are produced on the Ethereum and BNB network, tokens can also be produced on the Bitcoin network thanks to this format. Recently, it became clear from the listing of the Binance exchange Ordi coin that BRC tokens will be popular. The most popular BRC 20 tokens at the moment are: Ordi, Nals and Rats. What is the Rats Token? RATS is an animal-themed cryptocurrency created on the BTC Blockchain using the BRC-20 protocol, which shares the same name as the mouse, the most abundant mammal on the planet. RATS BRC20 Coin Review and Its Future In the crypto world, some ecosystem products are always popular periodically. In the past, NFTs, metaverse products, win-play services, etc. These tokens included in the Bitcoin network may become popular over time. RATS is a meme token developed on the bitcoin network. He has already increased his price to serious levels. RATS BRC20 Price Performance RATS, despite being listed very recently, logged out 0.00007299 at the $0.00000244 level. Such an increase means a serious gain even in the smallest figures. #rats #BRC20 #cryptoahmet
🔥💥What is BRC-20 Shining Star RATS Coin?

What is RATS Coin?
RATS Coin is a cryptocurrency developed on the Unisat platform and produced in BRC20 format. The BRC20 covers assets developed on the Bitcoin network. For example, while most altcoins are produced on the Ethereum and BNB network, tokens can also be produced on the Bitcoin network thanks to this format.

Recently, it became clear from the listing of the Binance exchange Ordi coin that BRC tokens will be popular. The most popular BRC 20 tokens at the moment are: Ordi, Nals and Rats.

What is the Rats Token?
RATS is an animal-themed cryptocurrency created on the BTC Blockchain using the BRC-20 protocol, which shares the same name as the mouse, the most abundant mammal on the planet.

RATS BRC20 Coin Review and Its Future
In the crypto world, some ecosystem products are always popular periodically. In the past, NFTs, metaverse products, win-play services, etc. These tokens included in the Bitcoin network may become popular over time. RATS is a meme token developed on the bitcoin network. He has already increased his price to serious levels.

RATS BRC20 Price Performance
RATS, despite being listed very recently, logged out 0.00007299 at the $0.00000244 level. Such an increase means a serious gain even in the smallest figures.
#rats #BRC20 #cryptoahmet
Votre contenu coté a été supprimé
Ho fatto una piccola ricerca, non so se questo airdrop sia reale o meno. Ovviamente i passaggi sono semplicissimi e completamente gratis, ma al di fuori di binance non trovo nulla a riguardo di questo Airdrop. Secondo quanto scritto, dovremmo avere i Token il 31/12/2023, staremo a vedere! #rats #crypto #airdrop
Ho fatto una piccola ricerca, non so se questo airdrop sia reale o meno.
Ovviamente i passaggi sono semplicissimi e completamente gratis, ma al di fuori di binance non trovo nulla a riguardo di questo Airdrop.
Secondo quanto scritto, dovremmo avere i Token il 31/12/2023, staremo a vedere!
#rats #crypto #airdrop

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RATS/USDT 📈 🟢 BUY/LONG 🟢 ✳️ FUTURE/SPOT trading✳️ BUY at Market Price Range : $0.17-$0.1750 Take Profits🤑: TP1: $0.1855 TP2: $0.1955 TP3: $0.2055 TP4: $.2255 TP5: $0.2555 TP6: 0.28 ⚠️ Stop Loss: 0.1435⚠️ Future Traders Please DYOR (Do your Own Research) #RATS/USDT #rats #write2earn🌐💹
✳️ FUTURE/SPOT trading✳️
BUY at Market Price Range : $0.17-$0.1750
Take Profits🤑:
TP1: $0.1855
TP2: $0.1955
TP3: $0.2055
TP4: $.2255
TP5: $0.2555
TP6: 0.28
⚠️ Stop Loss: 0.1435⚠️
Future Traders Please DYOR (Do your Own Research)
#RATS/USDT #rats #write2earn🌐💹
Binance has recently launched the USDⓈ-M 1000RATS perpetual contract with up to 50x leverage. This presents a fantastic opportunity for traders to capitalize on the $rats market with enhanced flexibility and potential returns. #RATS/USDT #rats #binance #dyor #BRC20
Binance has recently launched the USDⓈ-M 1000RATS perpetual contract with up to 50x leverage. This presents a fantastic opportunity for traders to capitalize on the $rats market with enhanced flexibility and potential returns.

#RATS/USDT #rats #binance #dyor #BRC20
📌𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗨𝗣𝗧𝗢 𝟭𝟬$ 𝗨𝗦𝗗𝗧/𝗣𝗘𝗣𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 𝗠𝗬 𝗧𝗪𝗢 𝗣𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗧𝗦💰💰... Community members, please make sure to keep the rune images well-preserved. With this level of enthusiasm, if that project directly airdrops to rune addresses, the rune images could suddenly become valuable! Be sure to hold onto them! #rats #ratsfriend #RuneRats

Community members, please make sure to keep the rune images well-preserved. With this level of enthusiasm, if that project directly airdrops to rune addresses, the rune images could suddenly become valuable! Be sure to hold onto them! #rats #ratsfriend #RuneRats
#rats bottom touched now ready for next ATH 🚀 💯 Dyor nfa
#rats bottom touched now ready for next ATH 🚀

Dyor nfa
📌𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗨𝗣𝗧𝗢 𝟭𝟬$ 𝗨𝗦𝗗𝗧/𝗣𝗘𝗣𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 𝗠𝗬 𝗧𝗪𝗢 𝗣𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗧𝗦💰💰... Community members, please make sure to keep the rune images well-preserved. With this level of enthusiasm, if that project directly airdrops to rune addresses, the rune images could suddenly become valuable! Be sure to hold onto them! #rats #ratsfriend #RuneRats

Community members, please make sure to keep the rune images well-preserved. With this level of enthusiasm, if that project directly airdrops to rune addresses, the rune images could suddenly become valuable! Be sure to hold onto them! #rats #ratsfriend #RuneRats
好像历史总是在不断的重演?2020.9.1 sushi上线币安,第二天defi开始崩盘。 我本以为sats是sushi。没想到是rats。 其实嘛,理性看待,现在跟当年不一样了,当年btc才11000。eth才300多。而sushi开盘12亿刀市值。整个圈子的资金体量就不一样 上了大交易所的三兄弟。后面应该还会继续炒。sol mice这种在小交易所的应该也会继续。 但是我觉得还是先有个大洗盘。 Eths atom这种有忠实信徒的不敢说。 其他什么乱七八糟的公链,什么brc20上乱七八糟的应该都会死透。 所以,买头部,打新的,卖垃圾就行了。 #sats #rats #BTC走势
好像历史总是在不断的重演?2020.9.1 sushi上线币安,第二天defi开始崩盘。



上了大交易所的三兄弟。后面应该还会继续炒。sol mice这种在小交易所的应该也会继续。

Eths atom这种有忠实信徒的不敢说。


#sats #rats #BTC走势
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