Binance Square
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HOW MANY BNB COINS ARE LEFT? before we look into it kindly give a follow for more update. BNB has a circulating supply of 153.86M coins and a max supply of 153.86M BNB. $BNB #original #BNB #Binance

before we look into it kindly give a follow for more update.

BNB has a circulating supply of 153.86M coins and a max supply of 153.86M BNB.
$BNB #original #BNB #Binance
El estado actual de Binance y las criptomonedas: Lo que debes saber#SEC #original El mundo de las criptomonedas y DeFi estĂĄ evolucionando rĂĄpidamente, lo que presenta tanto desafĂ­os como oportunidades para usuarios, plataformas y reguladores. La eliminaciĂłn de intermediarios y la democratizaciĂłn financiera son algunas de las promesas de la DeFi. Sin embargo, las plataformas de criptomonedas y DeFi son objeto de escrutinio por parte de los reguladores, como en el caso de Binance y Coinbase, que han sido demandados por ofrecer ciertas criptomonedas que son consideradas valores. El mundo de las criptomonedas y DeFi El mercado de las criptomonedas y DeFi ha experimentado varios cambios recientes. Uno de los mayores atractivos de la DeFi es la eliminaciĂłn de intermediarios, lo que abre puertas a oportunidades para la banca tradicional. Esto ha llevado a nuevas formas de inversiĂłn, como el staking, que permiten a los inversores ganar recompensas simplemente manteniendo sus criptomonedas en sus carteras. Cambios recientes en el mercado La DeFi ha experimentado un aumento en popularidad, lo que ha llevado a una mayor adopciĂłn y crecimiento de nuevas aplicaciones y productos financieros DeFi. La financiaciĂłn colaborativa, o crowdfunding, a travĂ©s del uso de tokens tambiĂ©n se ha convertido en una forma popular en el mundo criptogrĂĄfico. La democratizaciĂłn financiera y oportunidades para la banca tradicional La DeFi representa una amenaza potencial para los intermediarios financieros tradicionales. El acceso a los servicios financieros se estĂĄ democratizando con las criptomonedas y el DeFi, lo que permite a mĂĄs personas tener acceso a la inversiĂłn, el comercio y el ahorro. La banca tradicional estĂĄ buscando formas de incorporar estas nuevas tecnologĂ­as a sus servicios para mantenerse competitiva y ofrecer alternativas a los clientes. Ciclos de mercado: el impacto del halving de Bitcoin El halving de Bitcoin se refiere a la reducciĂłn a la mitad de las recompensas para los mineros de Bitcoin por resolver un bloque en la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin. Esto tiene un impacto significativo en el valor de la moneda y en el mercado en general. Los ciclos de mercado tambiĂ©n son importantes para los inversores criptogrĂĄficos, ya que pueden guiar la toma de decisiones de inversiĂłn. DesafĂ­os y oportunidades en el mercado criptogrĂĄfico La DeFi y el mundo criptogrĂĄfico presentan desafĂ­os y oportunidades interesantes para los usuarios y las empresas financieras. En esta secciĂłn se tratarĂĄn algunos de los mĂĄs destacados. Privacidad en DeFi y el papel de los orĂĄculos El anonimato es una de las promesas de la DeFi y es precisamente la privacidad la que atrae a muchos usuarios del sistema. Sin embargo, la privacidad no estĂĄ garantizada en este tipo de tecnologĂ­a y existen riesgos, como el riesgo de filtraciones de informaciĂłn. Por otro lado, los orĂĄculos juegan un papel importante en la DeFi y su funcionamiento, pero tambiĂ©n pueden ser una fuente de inestabilidad en el mercado. MinerĂ­a de liquidez La minerĂ­a de liquidez implica que los usuarios proporcionan liquidez a un mercado a cambio de recompensas en forma de tokens, lo que ha impactado significativamente el mercado criptogrĂĄfico y ha generado un importante beneficio econĂłmico para los usuarios. Pero tambiĂ©n ha presentado desafĂ­os, como la creaciĂłn de un mercado muy volĂĄtil y la apariciĂłn de ciertos problemas de seguridad. RegulaciĂłn y escrutinio por parte de los reguladores Las plataformas de criptodivisas y DeFi se estĂĄn enfrentando al escrutinio regulador cada vez con mĂĄs frecuencia. El anuncio de demandas contra Binance y Coinbase por ofrecer ciertas criptomonedas consideradas valores es un ejemplo de ello. En este contexto, es crucial que las plataformas cumplan con las regulaciones de los distintos paĂ­ses y usuarios para poder ofrecer un servicio seguro. Estado actual de Binance y las criptomonedas Binance es una de las plataformas de criptomonedas mĂĄs populares del mundo y ha estado trabajando arduamente para mejorar la seguridad y proteger a sus usuarios. A continuaciĂłn, se presentan algunas de las mejoras y nuevos desarrollos en la plataforma de Binance: Mejoras en la seguridad y protecciĂłn a los usuarios Binance ha mejorado la autenticaciĂłn de dos factores para garantizar que cada cuenta estĂ© protegida y asegurada. Asimismo, ha contratado a expertos en seguridad para monitorear la plataforma y evitar cualquier vulnerabilidad y amenaza. Para apaciguar la preocupaciĂłn de los usuarios acerca de la privacidad de sus datos, Binance implementĂł una mayor transparencia en su gestiĂłn de datos personales. Esto se logrĂł al someter el almacenamiento de datos de sus usuarios a una auditorĂ­a externa, con el fin de garantizar su seguridad y privacidad. La plataforma tambiĂ©n ha invertido en la implementaciĂłn de tecnologĂ­a de encriptaciĂłn para evitar intrusiones y ataques externos. De esta manera, se garantiza que cada transacciĂłn realizada en Binance sea segura y confiable. IntegraciĂłn con las finanzas tradicionales y la regulaciĂłn Binance ha estado trabajando en estrecha colaboraciĂłn con los reguladores financieros para asegurar que cumple con todas las regulaciones pertinentes. La plataforma ha establecido una sede en Malta para mantenerse al dĂ­a con los requisitos de las regulaciones europeas y ha establecido una sucursal en Singapur para cumplir con las regulaciones asiĂĄticas. AdemĂĄs, Binance ha estado buscando oportunidades para integrarse con las finanzas tradicionales a travĂ©s de la emisiĂłn de tokens de seguridad respaldados por activos reales. De esta manera, se ofrece una inversiĂłn mĂĄs segura y se mantiene al tanto de las regulaciones de valores. Nueva demanda de tokens de seguridad y su relaciĂłn con la regulaciĂłn de valores En los Ășltimos años, se ha producido un aumento en la demanda de tokens de seguridad. Estos tokens son respaldos por activos como bienes raĂ­ces o acciones, y permiten a los inversores obtener exposiciĂłn a estos activos sin necesidad de poseerlos fĂ­sicamente. El aumento de la demanda ha llevado a una mayor atenciĂłn regulatoria y a una mayor bĂșsqueda de claridad en la regulaciĂłn de valores. Binance ha estado trabajando para ofrecer la oferta de tokens de seguridad respaldados por activos reales para sus usuarios, siempre en cumplimiento de las regulaciones correspondientes. Esto permite a los usuarios invertir en activos del mundo real y obtener beneficios financieros justos y regulares.

El estado actual de Binance y las criptomonedas: Lo que debes saber

#SEC #original

El mundo de las criptomonedas y DeFi estĂĄ evolucionando rĂĄpidamente, lo que presenta tanto desafĂ­os como oportunidades para usuarios, plataformas y reguladores. La eliminaciĂłn de intermediarios y la democratizaciĂłn financiera son algunas de las promesas de la DeFi. Sin embargo, las plataformas de criptomonedas y DeFi son objeto de escrutinio por parte de los reguladores, como en el caso de Binance y Coinbase, que han sido demandados por ofrecer ciertas criptomonedas que son consideradas valores.

El mundo de las criptomonedas y DeFi

El mercado de las criptomonedas y DeFi ha experimentado varios cambios recientes. Uno de los mayores atractivos de la DeFi es la eliminaciĂłn de intermediarios, lo que abre puertas a oportunidades para la banca tradicional. Esto ha llevado a nuevas formas de inversiĂłn, como el staking, que permiten a los inversores ganar recompensas simplemente manteniendo sus criptomonedas en sus carteras.

Cambios recientes en el mercado

La DeFi ha experimentado un aumento en popularidad, lo que ha llevado a una mayor adopción y crecimiento de nuevas aplicaciones y productos financieros DeFi. La financiación colaborativa, o crowdfunding, a través del uso de tokens también se ha convertido en una forma popular en el mundo criptogråfico.

La democratizaciĂłn financiera y oportunidades para la banca tradicional

La DeFi representa una amenaza potencial para los intermediarios financieros tradicionales. El acceso a los servicios financieros se estĂĄ democratizando con las criptomonedas y el DeFi, lo que permite a mĂĄs personas tener acceso a la inversiĂłn, el comercio y el ahorro. La banca tradicional estĂĄ buscando formas de incorporar estas nuevas tecnologĂ­as a sus servicios para mantenerse competitiva y ofrecer alternativas a los clientes.

Ciclos de mercado: el impacto del halving de Bitcoin

El halving de Bitcoin se refiere a la reducción a la mitad de las recompensas para los mineros de Bitcoin por resolver un bloque en la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin. Esto tiene un impacto significativo en el valor de la moneda y en el mercado en general. Los ciclos de mercado también son importantes para los inversores criptogråficos, ya que pueden guiar la toma de decisiones de inversión.

DesafĂ­os y oportunidades en el mercado criptogrĂĄfico

La DeFi y el mundo criptogrĂĄfico presentan desafĂ­os y oportunidades interesantes para los usuarios y las empresas financieras. En esta secciĂłn se tratarĂĄn algunos de los mĂĄs destacados.

Privacidad en DeFi y el papel de los orĂĄculos

El anonimato es una de las promesas de la DeFi y es precisamente la privacidad la que atrae a muchos usuarios del sistema. Sin embargo, la privacidad no estå garantizada en este tipo de tecnología y existen riesgos, como el riesgo de filtraciones de información. Por otro lado, los oråculos juegan un papel importante en la DeFi y su funcionamiento, pero también pueden ser una fuente de inestabilidad en el mercado.

MinerĂ­a de liquidez

La minería de liquidez implica que los usuarios proporcionan liquidez a un mercado a cambio de recompensas en forma de tokens, lo que ha impactado significativamente el mercado criptogråfico y ha generado un importante beneficio económico para los usuarios. Pero también ha presentado desafíos, como la creación de un mercado muy volåtil y la aparición de ciertos problemas de seguridad.

RegulaciĂłn y escrutinio por parte de los reguladores

Las plataformas de criptodivisas y DeFi se estĂĄn enfrentando al escrutinio regulador cada vez con mĂĄs frecuencia. El anuncio de demandas contra Binance y Coinbase por ofrecer ciertas criptomonedas consideradas valores es un ejemplo de ello. En este contexto, es crucial que las plataformas cumplan con las regulaciones de los distintos paĂ­ses y usuarios para poder ofrecer un servicio seguro.

Estado actual de Binance y las criptomonedas

Binance es una de las plataformas de criptomonedas mĂĄs populares del mundo y ha estado trabajando arduamente para mejorar la seguridad y proteger a sus usuarios. A continuaciĂłn, se presentan algunas de las mejoras y nuevos desarrollos en la plataforma de Binance:

Mejoras en la seguridad y protecciĂłn a los usuarios

Binance ha mejorado la autenticación de dos factores para garantizar que cada cuenta esté protegida y asegurada. Asimismo, ha contratado a expertos en seguridad para monitorear la plataforma y evitar cualquier vulnerabilidad y amenaza.

Para apaciguar la preocupaciĂłn de los usuarios acerca de la privacidad de sus datos, Binance implementĂł una mayor transparencia en su gestiĂłn de datos personales. Esto se logrĂł al someter el almacenamiento de datos de sus usuarios a una auditorĂ­a externa, con el fin de garantizar su seguridad y privacidad.

La plataforma también ha invertido en la implementación de tecnología de encriptación para evitar intrusiones y ataques externos. De esta manera, se garantiza que cada transacción realizada en Binance sea segura y confiable.

IntegraciĂłn con las finanzas tradicionales y la regulaciĂłn

Binance ha estado trabajando en estrecha colaboración con los reguladores financieros para asegurar que cumple con todas las regulaciones pertinentes. La plataforma ha establecido una sede en Malta para mantenerse al día con los requisitos de las regulaciones europeas y ha establecido una sucursal en Singapur para cumplir con las regulaciones asiåticas. Ademås, Binance ha estado buscando oportunidades para integrarse con las finanzas tradicionales a través de la emisión de tokens de seguridad respaldados por activos reales. De esta manera, se ofrece una inversión mås segura y se mantiene al tanto de las regulaciones de valores.

Nueva demanda de tokens de seguridad y su relaciĂłn con la regulaciĂłn de valores

En los Ășltimos años, se ha producido un aumento en la demanda de tokens de seguridad. Estos tokens son respaldos por activos como bienes raĂ­ces o acciones, y permiten a los inversores obtener exposiciĂłn a estos activos sin necesidad de poseerlos fĂ­sicamente. El aumento de la demanda ha llevado a una mayor atenciĂłn regulatoria y a una mayor bĂșsqueda de claridad en la regulaciĂłn de valores. Binance ha estado trabajando para ofrecer la oferta de tokens de seguridad respaldados por activos reales para sus usuarios, siempre en cumplimiento de las regulaciones correspondientes. Esto permite a los usuarios invertir en activos del mundo real y obtener beneficios financieros justos y regulares.
Lamar Olive Oil Issues First On-Chain Bond with Obligate#original Lamar Olive Oil, a French company, has made history in the sustainable-agriculture industry by issuing an on-chain bond using Obligate, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform based in Switzerland. This groundbreaking move marks the first issuance denominated in Membrane Finance's EUROe, which is touted as the only EU-regulated crypto stablecoin. The underwriting and structuring process for Lamar Olive Oil's bond was meticulously executed, encompassing credit evaluation and ongoing risk monitoring, overseen by Obligate's credit rating partner, Credora. Obligate, built on the Polygon blockchain, offers valuable support to small and medium-sized enterprises by providing a secure and transparent avenue for issuing, tracking, and settling debt. With lowered thresholds for bond issuance, companies in developing and emerging markets can now access increased funding opportunities. The utilization of smart contracts in this process effectively replaces the roles of the traditional bond issuer and paying agent in the settlement layer. Smart contracts enhance efficiency, security, and transparency, streamlining the entire bond issuance procedure. This landmark event not only highlights the progressive adoption of blockchain technology in the finance sector but also showcases the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency stablecoins as a viable financial instrument. Membrane Finance's EUROe, being EU-regulated, ensures compliance and regulatory oversight, instilling trust and confidence in investors. By leveraging the advantages of blockchain and DeFi, Lamar Olive Oil and Obligate have successfully paved the way for other sustainable-agriculture companies to explore alternative funding options and embrace the benefits of decentralized finance. This achievement represents a significant step forward in bridging traditional finance with the exciting world of blockchain technology. The Lamar Olive Oil on-chain bond issuance sets a compelling precedent for the industry, demonstrating the transformative potential of blockchain-powered solutions in revolutionizing the way financial instruments are issued, managed, and traded. As blockchain adoption continues to gain momentum, we can expect further innovation and the emergence of new opportunities within the financial landscape.

Lamar Olive Oil Issues First On-Chain Bond with Obligate


Lamar Olive Oil, a French company, has made history in the sustainable-agriculture industry by issuing an on-chain bond using Obligate, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform based in Switzerland. This groundbreaking move marks the first issuance denominated in Membrane Finance's EUROe, which is touted as the only EU-regulated crypto stablecoin.

The underwriting and structuring process for Lamar Olive Oil's bond was meticulously executed, encompassing credit evaluation and ongoing risk monitoring, overseen by Obligate's credit rating partner, Credora.

Obligate, built on the Polygon blockchain, offers valuable support to small and medium-sized enterprises by providing a secure and transparent avenue for issuing, tracking, and settling debt. With lowered thresholds for bond issuance, companies in developing and emerging markets can now access increased funding opportunities.

The utilization of smart contracts in this process effectively replaces the roles of the traditional bond issuer and paying agent in the settlement layer. Smart contracts enhance efficiency, security, and transparency, streamlining the entire bond issuance procedure.

This landmark event not only highlights the progressive adoption of blockchain technology in the finance sector but also showcases the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency stablecoins as a viable financial instrument. Membrane Finance's EUROe, being EU-regulated, ensures compliance and regulatory oversight, instilling trust and confidence in investors.

By leveraging the advantages of blockchain and DeFi, Lamar Olive Oil and Obligate have successfully paved the way for other sustainable-agriculture companies to explore alternative funding options and embrace the benefits of decentralized finance. This achievement represents a significant step forward in bridging traditional finance with the exciting world of blockchain technology.

The Lamar Olive Oil on-chain bond issuance sets a compelling precedent for the industry, demonstrating the transformative potential of blockchain-powered solutions in revolutionizing the way financial instruments are issued, managed, and traded. As blockchain adoption continues to gain momentum, we can expect further innovation and the emergence of new opportunities within the financial landscape.
3 cryptos may allow you to achieve financial freedom in the next bull marketDon't miss itAuthor现莧持有者Spot Holder #original Every bull run produces many 100X cryptocurrencies. Every retail investor hopes to buy 100 times coins for himself, so that he can quickly realize wealth freedom and wealth accumulation. It is not easy to find 100 times coins. But we can still find altcoins that may rise 100 times in the next round of bull market based on the following characteristics. 100X coins generally have the following characteristics: First, the market value is relatively small, generally in the range of 100-100 million US dollars. Second, it is in line with current hot fields and hot topics. Third, a team with a relatively good background or investment from a well-known investment institution. Fourth, there are practical application scenarios. Based on the above four characteristics, I screened out 3 altcoins that may rise 100 times in the next bull market. for reference only. First Altcoin:CFX First: The current market value of CFX is about 1 billion US dollars. If it rises 100 times, it will be about 100 billion US dollars in market value. Compared with the total market value of the next bull market of about 5-6 trillion US dollars, 100 billion market value is not much. Second: The hottest topic in the first half of this year is that Hong Kong opened up the legal trading of cryptocurrencies in June, and CFX is a concept token in Hong Kong. It has also risen a lot this year, but there is still a lot of room for growth in the future. Third: CFX has a luxurious team. The founders are from the top Tsinghua University in China, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Toronto in Canada. Many investment institutions have participated in this project since the beginning, including Sequoia Capital, the world's top investment institution. Fourth: CFX cooperates with Xiaohongshu, the hottest social media in China, and cooperates with China Telecom, the world's largest telecom operator, to develop a blockchain-based SIM card. In addition, CFX has many applications that are about to land. Combining the above reasons, CFX has a reason to rise 100X in the next bull market. Second Altcoin: ACH First: The current market value of ACH is only 200 million, which is a very small market value. If it rises 100 times, the market value will be about 20 billion US dollars. It is in line with the characteristics of the 100 times currency of the bull market. Second: ACH is currently one of the most popular concept tokens in Hong Kong, and has the huge advantage of Q1 Hong Kong compliance license. It is the leading currency in the payment field and has huge potential. Third: ACH core team members have more than ten years of work experience in payment, Internet, telecommunications and other related industries. Fourth: ACH is the first developer in Asia of a mixed payment solution for fiat currency and cryptocurrency. It is also the world's first solution provider capable of realizing decentralized encrypted payment, and is currently actively integrating into the cryptocurrency wave in Hong Kong. Combining the above reasons, ACH has a reason to rise 100X in the next bull market. Third Altcoin: ID First: The current market value of ID is only 270 million, which is a very small market value. If it rises 100 times, the market value will be about 27 billion US dollars. The characteristics of 100 times currency in line with the bull market Second: SPACE ID is building a common name service network, providing a one-stop identity platform for discovering, registering, trading and managing Web3 domain names. It also covers a Web name SDK and API for cross-blockchain developers, and provides everyone with a multi-chain name service to easily establish and create their own Web3 identity. Comply with WEB3.0, which is the hottest field at the moment. Third: ID is an altcoin that belongs to Binance IEO. Generally speaking, it is not too bad with Binance IEO coins, because large companies will conduct multiple studies on IEO coins. Fourth: With the development of WEB3.0, everyone can establish their own Web3 identity. ID is also about to launch its own top-level domain name, which has applications that are about to land in many fields. The above are the 3 altcoins recommended today that may rise 000 times in the next round of bull market, for reference only. Three altcoins that could rise 100X in the next bull runCFX、ACH、ID If you are also a spot holder, if you also like spot, if you go bankrupt because of futures contract liquidation, welcome to follow me, I only talk about spot here, and I will bring you faith in the bear market

3 cryptos may allow you to achieve financial freedom in the next bull marketDon't miss it

Author现莧持有者Spot Holder #original

Every bull run produces many 100X cryptocurrencies. Every retail investor hopes to buy 100 times coins for himself, so that he can quickly realize wealth freedom and wealth accumulation. It is not easy to find 100 times coins. But we can still find altcoins that may rise 100 times in the next round of bull market based on the following characteristics.

100X coins generally have the following characteristics: First, the market value is relatively small, generally in the range of 100-100 million US dollars. Second, it is in line with current hot fields and hot topics. Third, a team with a relatively good background or investment from a well-known investment institution. Fourth, there are practical application scenarios. Based on the above four characteristics, I screened out 3 altcoins that may rise 100 times in the next bull market. for reference only.

First Altcoin:CFX

First: The current market value of CFX is about 1 billion US dollars. If it rises 100 times, it will be about 100 billion US dollars in market value. Compared with the total market value of the next bull market of about 5-6 trillion US dollars, 100 billion market value is not much.

Second: The hottest topic in the first half of this year is that Hong Kong opened up the legal trading of cryptocurrencies in June, and CFX is a concept token in Hong Kong. It has also risen a lot this year, but there is still a lot of room for growth in the future.

Third: CFX has a luxurious team. The founders are from the top Tsinghua University in China, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Toronto in Canada. Many investment institutions have participated in this project since the beginning, including Sequoia Capital, the world's top investment institution.

Fourth: CFX cooperates with Xiaohongshu, the hottest social media in China, and cooperates with China Telecom, the world's largest telecom operator, to develop a blockchain-based SIM card. In addition, CFX has many applications that are about to land.

Combining the above reasons, CFX has a reason to rise 100X in the next bull market.

Second Altcoin: ACH

First: The current market value of ACH is only 200 million, which is a very small market value. If it rises 100 times, the market value will be about 20 billion US dollars. It is in line with the characteristics of the 100 times currency of the bull market.

Second: ACH is currently one of the most popular concept tokens in Hong Kong, and has the huge advantage of Q1 Hong Kong compliance license. It is the leading currency in the payment field and has huge potential.

Third: ACH core team members have more than ten years of work experience in payment, Internet, telecommunications and other related industries.

Fourth: ACH is the first developer in Asia of a mixed payment solution for fiat currency and cryptocurrency. It is also the world's first solution provider capable of realizing decentralized encrypted payment, and is currently actively integrating into the cryptocurrency wave in Hong Kong.

Combining the above reasons, ACH has a reason to rise 100X in the next bull market.

Third Altcoin: ID

First: The current market value of ID is only 270 million, which is a very small market value. If it rises 100 times, the market value will be about 27 billion US dollars. The characteristics of 100 times currency in line with the bull market

Second: SPACE ID is building a common name service network, providing a one-stop identity platform for discovering, registering, trading and managing Web3 domain names. It also covers a Web name SDK and API for cross-blockchain developers, and provides everyone with a multi-chain name service to easily establish and create their own Web3 identity. Comply with WEB3.0, which is the hottest field at the moment.

Third: ID is an altcoin that belongs to Binance IEO. Generally speaking, it is not too bad with Binance IEO coins, because large companies will conduct multiple studies on IEO coins.

Fourth: With the development of WEB3.0, everyone can establish their own Web3 identity. ID is also about to launch its own top-level domain name, which has applications that are about to land in many fields.

The above are the 3 altcoins recommended today that may rise 000 times in the next round of bull market, for reference only.

Three altcoins that could rise 100X in the next bull runCFX、ACH、ID

If you are also a spot holder, if you also like spot, if you go bankrupt because of futures contract liquidation, welcome to follow me, I only talk about spot here, and I will bring you faith in the bear market
Very important, Is CFX the 100X token for the next bull market?Don't missAuthor: 现莧持有者Spot Holder #original n every bull market, many 100x coins will appear, and those that can increase more than 100x are almost second-tier altcoins. Because judging from the current market value, it is impossible for Bitcoin and Ethereum to rise 100x because of a round of bull market. 100x altcoins are what everyone hopes to find, because 100x altcoins can allow people to quickly realize wealth accumulation and even achieve wealth freedom. 100x altcoins generally have several characteristics. First: The market capitalization is relatively small, with a general market capitalization of US$50 million to US$1 billion. Second: great potential and relatively high recognition. Third: In line with current hot topics and hot fields. Next, I will focus on why CFX will become the 100-fold currency in the next bull market. It is for reference only, and everyone can judge by themselves. First: CFX is currently the only compliant public chain currency recognized by China. Everyone knows that mainland China is the second largest super economy in the world. Economists in Europe and the Goldman Sachs Group in the United States predict that China will overtake the United States in 2035 to become the world's largest economy. As we all know, capital is one of the most important factors driving up the price of cryptocurrencies. The Chinese government has explicitly banned cryptocurrencies, but supports CFX compliance. At the same time, China's state-owned enterprise and one of the world's largest telecommunications companies: China Telecom Group has cooperated with CFX, and there are still many projects to be developed that are also ready to cooperate with CFX. These will all be important factors driving CFX up. Second: The biggest good news in the cryptocurrency market this year is that Hong Kong will open legal cryptocurrency trading. CFX is a Hong Kong concept token. Just now I said that China’s economy is huge. Hong Kong is one of China’s special zones. This will attract a large amount of Chinese funds to enter Hong Kong’s cryptocurrency market, and promote a sharp rise in cryptocurrency prices. TRON founder Justin Sun said that the next round of super bull market will be driven by Chinese funds. As a Chinese compliant public chain token, CFX will definitely benefit from this. Third: At present, CFX is still very small, only about 1 billion US dollars. If it rises 100 times, then it will only have a market value of 100 billion US dollars. Compared with the total market value of cryptocurrencies in the next bull market of 6 trillion US dollars, CFX1000 A market cap of 100 million is insignificant. CFX has huge potential. Based on the above analysis, CFX may have a 100X increase in the next round of bull market. The above is for reference only. If you also like spot , please follow me, I will bring you faith in the bear market, and we will witness the arrival of the next round of bull market together

Very important, Is CFX the 100X token for the next bull market?Don't miss

Author: 现莧持有者Spot Holder #original

n every bull market, many 100x coins will appear, and those that can increase more than 100x are almost second-tier altcoins. Because judging from the current market value, it is impossible for Bitcoin and Ethereum to rise 100x because of a round of bull market. 100x altcoins are what everyone hopes to find, because 100x altcoins can allow people to quickly realize wealth accumulation and even achieve wealth freedom.

100x altcoins generally have several characteristics. First: The market capitalization is relatively small, with a general market capitalization of US$50 million to US$1 billion. Second: great potential and relatively high recognition. Third: In line with current hot topics and hot fields. Next, I will focus on why CFX will become the 100-fold currency in the next bull market. It is for reference only, and everyone can judge by themselves.

First: CFX is currently the only compliant public chain currency recognized by China. Everyone knows that mainland China is the second largest super economy in the world. Economists in Europe and the Goldman Sachs Group in the United States predict that China will overtake the United States in 2035 to become the world's largest economy. As we all know, capital is one of the most important factors driving up the price of cryptocurrencies. The Chinese government has explicitly banned cryptocurrencies, but supports CFX compliance. At the same time, China's state-owned enterprise and one of the world's largest telecommunications companies: China Telecom Group has cooperated with CFX, and there are still many projects to be developed that are also ready to cooperate with CFX. These will all be important factors driving CFX up.

Second: The biggest good news in the cryptocurrency market this year is that Hong Kong will open legal cryptocurrency trading. CFX is a Hong Kong concept token. Just now I said that China’s economy is huge. Hong Kong is one of China’s special zones. This will attract a large amount of Chinese funds to enter Hong Kong’s cryptocurrency market, and promote a sharp rise in cryptocurrency prices. TRON founder Justin Sun said that the next round of super bull market will be driven by Chinese funds. As a Chinese compliant public chain token, CFX will definitely benefit from this.

Third: At present, CFX is still very small, only about 1 billion US dollars. If it rises 100 times, then it will only have a market value of 100 billion US dollars. Compared with the total market value of cryptocurrencies in the next bull market of 6 trillion US dollars, CFX1000 A market cap of 100 million is insignificant. CFX has huge potential.

Based on the above analysis, CFX may have a 100X increase in the next round of bull market. The above is for reference only.

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