Binance Square
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154 Publications
Natz Jollivet
Binance Academy
If you've been waiting for the next course in our Intermediate Track, NFT Deep Dive, it's out now!

The first 1,000 eligible users who complete the course and share their certificates on LinkedIn will each qualify to win a $5 NFT Trading Fee Rebate Voucher.

Check out the announcement for more details 👇
Safest ways to earn money through crypto trading on Binance: $BNB $LINK Research and Education: Before diving into crypto trading, educate yourself about the market, different cryptocurrencies, trading strategies, and risk management techniques. Stay updated on market trends, news, and developments to make informed decisions. Start Small: Begin with a small investment to test your trading strategies and risk management skills. Avoid investing more than you can afford to lose, especially in volatile markets. Diversification: Diversify your portfolio by investing in a range of cryptocurrencies to spread risk. Avoid putting all your funds into a single asset to minimize potential losses. Set Stop-Loss Orders: Utilize stop-loss orders to automatically sell a cryptocurrency when it reaches a certain price, limiting potential losses. Adjust stop-loss levels based on market conditions and your risk tolerance. Use Technical Analysis: Learn how to use technical analysis tools and indicators to analyze price charts and identify potential entry and exit points. Combine technical analysis with fundamental analysis for a comprehensive trading approach. Stay Disciplined: Stick to your trading plan and avoid emotional decisions based on market fluctuations. Set realistic profit targets and adhere to risk management principles to protect your capital. Utilize Binance Features: Take advantage of Binance's features such as stop-limit orders, futures trading, margin trading, and staking to optimize your trading strategies. #CopyTradingRevolution Explore Binance Academy for educational resources and insights on crypto trading #learn2earn #Write2Earn! By following these safest ways to earn money through crypto trading on Binance and maintaining a disciplined approach, you can enhance your chances of success in the volatile cryptocurrency markets. Remember that trading involves risks, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and exercise caution while engaging in trading activities. and in the end what will be the next trend to UNI $UNI
Safest ways to earn money through crypto trading on Binance:


Research and Education:

Before diving into crypto trading, educate yourself about the market, different cryptocurrencies, trading strategies, and risk management techniques.

Stay updated on market trends, news, and developments to make informed decisions.

Start Small:

Begin with a small investment to test your trading strategies and risk management skills.

Avoid investing more than you can afford to lose, especially in volatile markets.


Diversify your portfolio by investing in a range of cryptocurrencies to spread risk.

Avoid putting all your funds into a single asset to minimize potential losses.

Set Stop-Loss Orders:

Utilize stop-loss orders to automatically sell a cryptocurrency when it reaches a certain price, limiting potential losses.

Adjust stop-loss levels based on market conditions and your risk tolerance.

Use Technical Analysis:

Learn how to use technical analysis tools and indicators to analyze price charts and identify potential entry and exit points.

Combine technical analysis with fundamental analysis for a comprehensive trading approach.

Stay Disciplined:

Stick to your trading plan and avoid emotional decisions based on market fluctuations.

Set realistic profit targets and adhere to risk management principles to protect your capital.

Utilize Binance Features:

Take advantage of Binance's features such as stop-limit orders, futures trading, margin trading, and staking to optimize your trading strategies.


Explore Binance Academy for educational resources and insights on crypto trading


By following these safest ways to earn money through crypto trading on Binance and maintaining a disciplined approach, you can enhance your chances of success in the volatile cryptocurrency markets. Remember that trading involves risks, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and exercise caution while engaging in trading activities.

and in the end

what will be the next trend to UNI

Gagnez de la Crypto-monnaie Gratuite en 2024 : Les 6 Meilleures Stratégies sur Binance #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #binance #Megadrop #learn2earn #Launchpool 1. Participez aux Airdrops : Focus sur Megadrop de Binance Les airdrops sont l'une des méthodes les plus populaires pour obtenir de la crypto-monnaie gratuite. Le Megadrop de Binance est une campagne d'airdrop exceptionnelle où les utilisateurs peuvent obtenir des quantités significatives de tokens simplement en satisfaisant certaines conditions, telles que suivre des comptes spécifiques sur les réseaux sociaux, participer à des quiz ou effectuer de petites transactions. Astuces pour maximiser vos gains : Suivez les annonces régulièrement : Vérifiez fréquemment Binance Square pour ne manquer aucun Megadrop.Activez les notifications : Activez les notifications sur l'application Binance pour être alerté immédiatement des nouveaux airdrops.Participez activement aux campagnes sociales : Engagez-vous dans les activités requises, telles que partager des posts ou inviter des amis. 2. Utilisez Binance Earn Binance Earn propose une variété de produits pour générer des rendements sur vos avoirs en crypto-monnaie. Explorez des options comme le staking, le farming de liquidité, et les comptes d'épargne flexibles. En verrouillant vos actifs dans des produits de staking, vous pouvez gagner des intérêts sous forme de crypto-monnaie gratuite. Astuces pour maximiser vos gains : Diversifiez vos investissements : Ne vous limitez pas à un seul produit. Investissez dans différents produits de Binance Earn pour équilibrer vos risques et potentiels de gain.Choisissez les taux les plus élevés : Comparez les taux d'intérêt offerts par différents produits et optez pour ceux qui offrent les rendements les plus élevés.Surveillez les promotions spéciales : Binance lance souvent des offres promotionnelles avec des taux d'intérêt boostés pour certaines périodes ou produits. 3. Apprenez et Gagnez avec Binance Learn and Earn Binance Learn and Earn est une initiative éducative qui récompense les utilisateurs pour leur apprentissage. Suivez des cours interactifs sur diverses crypto-monnaies et technologies blockchain, puis passez des quiz pour tester vos connaissances et gagner des récompenses en tokens. Astuces pour maximiser vos gains : Terminez tous les cours disponibles : Plus vous suivez de cours, plus vous avez de chances de gagner des tokens.Révisez les leçons : Assurez-vous de bien comprendre le contenu avant de passer les quiz pour maximiser vos chances de réussite.Participer dès le début : Les cours et quiz peuvent avoir des limites de temps ou des quotas de participants, donc engagez-vous dès que de nouveaux contenus sont disponibles. 4. Engagez-vous dans Binance Launchpool Binance Launchpool permet aux utilisateurs de mettre en staking leurs tokens pour cultiver de nouveaux tokens gratuitement. En plaçant vos BNB, BUSD ou autres tokens dans le Launchpool, vous pouvez recevoir des tokens de nouveaux projets listés sur Binance. Astuces pour maximiser vos gains : Staking régulier : Engagez-vous dans le staking dès que de nouveaux pools sont ouverts pour maximiser la période de gain.Recherchez les nouveaux projets : Investissez dans des projets prometteurs qui ont un potentiel de croissance élevé.Suivez les cycles de lancement : Soyez au courant des dates et des durées des cycles de lancement pour ne pas manquer les meilleures opportunités. 5. Écrivez pour Gagner avec Write2Earn sur Binance Square Write2Earn est une fonctionnalité unique de Binance qui récompense les utilisateurs pour leurs contributions écrites. Partagez vos analyses, prévisions de marché, ou articles éducatifs et recevez des récompenses en crypto. Astuces pour maximiser vos gains : Rédigez des contenus de haute qualité : Les articles bien recherchés et informatifs ont plus de chances d'être sélectionnés et récompensés.Suivez les tendances : Écrivez sur des sujets populaires et actuels dans la crypto-sphère pour attirer plus de lecteurs et de reconnaissance.Engagez avec la communauté : Participez aux discussions et aux commentaires pour augmenter votre visibilité et vos chances de succès. 6. Profitez des Programmes de Parrainage et des Cadeaux sur les Réseaux Sociaux Les programmes de parrainage de Binance offrent des récompenses attractives pour l'invitation de nouveaux utilisateurs. Partagez votre lien de parrainage pour gagner une commission sur les transactions effectuées par vos filleuls. De plus, Binance organise fréquemment des cadeaux et des concours sur ses réseaux sociaux. Astuces pour maximiser vos gains : Partagez largement votre lien de parrainage : Utilisez les réseaux sociaux, les forums et les blogs pour toucher un large public.Engagez-vous dans les concours : Participez activement aux concours et tirages au sort organisés par Binance pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.Suivez les comptes officiels de Binance : Restez à jour avec les dernières annonces et activités pour ne manquer aucune opportunité. IMPORTANT 2024 s'annonce comme une année riche en opportunités pour gagner des crypto-monnaies gratuites sur Binance Square. En combinant ces stratégies et en suivant nos astuces, vous pouvez maximiser vos gains et faire croître votre portefeuille de manière substantielle. Restez informé et actif sur Binance Square pour ne manquer aucune occasion. Merci😘👌

Gagnez de la Crypto-monnaie Gratuite en 2024 : Les 6 Meilleures Stratégies sur Binance

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #binance #Megadrop #learn2earn #Launchpool
1. Participez aux Airdrops : Focus sur Megadrop de Binance
Les airdrops sont l'une des méthodes les plus populaires pour obtenir de la crypto-monnaie gratuite. Le Megadrop de Binance est une campagne d'airdrop exceptionnelle où les utilisateurs peuvent obtenir des quantités significatives de tokens simplement en satisfaisant certaines conditions, telles que suivre des comptes spécifiques sur les réseaux sociaux, participer à des quiz ou effectuer de petites transactions.
Astuces pour maximiser vos gains :
Suivez les annonces régulièrement : Vérifiez fréquemment Binance Square pour ne manquer aucun Megadrop.Activez les notifications : Activez les notifications sur l'application Binance pour être alerté immédiatement des nouveaux airdrops.Participez activement aux campagnes sociales : Engagez-vous dans les activités requises, telles que partager des posts ou inviter des amis.
2. Utilisez Binance Earn
Binance Earn propose une variété de produits pour générer des rendements sur vos avoirs en crypto-monnaie. Explorez des options comme le staking, le farming de liquidité, et les comptes d'épargne flexibles. En verrouillant vos actifs dans des produits de staking, vous pouvez gagner des intérêts sous forme de crypto-monnaie gratuite.
Astuces pour maximiser vos gains :
Diversifiez vos investissements : Ne vous limitez pas à un seul produit. Investissez dans différents produits de Binance Earn pour équilibrer vos risques et potentiels de gain.Choisissez les taux les plus élevés : Comparez les taux d'intérêt offerts par différents produits et optez pour ceux qui offrent les rendements les plus élevés.Surveillez les promotions spéciales : Binance lance souvent des offres promotionnelles avec des taux d'intérêt boostés pour certaines périodes ou produits.
3. Apprenez et Gagnez avec Binance Learn and Earn
Binance Learn and Earn est une initiative éducative qui récompense les utilisateurs pour leur apprentissage. Suivez des cours interactifs sur diverses crypto-monnaies et technologies blockchain, puis passez des quiz pour tester vos connaissances et gagner des récompenses en tokens.
Astuces pour maximiser vos gains :
Terminez tous les cours disponibles : Plus vous suivez de cours, plus vous avez de chances de gagner des tokens.Révisez les leçons : Assurez-vous de bien comprendre le contenu avant de passer les quiz pour maximiser vos chances de réussite.Participer dès le début : Les cours et quiz peuvent avoir des limites de temps ou des quotas de participants, donc engagez-vous dès que de nouveaux contenus sont disponibles.
4. Engagez-vous dans Binance Launchpool
Binance Launchpool permet aux utilisateurs de mettre en staking leurs tokens pour cultiver de nouveaux tokens gratuitement. En plaçant vos BNB, BUSD ou autres tokens dans le Launchpool, vous pouvez recevoir des tokens de nouveaux projets listés sur Binance.
Astuces pour maximiser vos gains :
Staking régulier : Engagez-vous dans le staking dès que de nouveaux pools sont ouverts pour maximiser la période de gain.Recherchez les nouveaux projets : Investissez dans des projets prometteurs qui ont un potentiel de croissance élevé.Suivez les cycles de lancement : Soyez au courant des dates et des durées des cycles de lancement pour ne pas manquer les meilleures opportunités.
5. Écrivez pour Gagner avec Write2Earn sur Binance Square
Write2Earn est une fonctionnalité unique de Binance qui récompense les utilisateurs pour leurs contributions écrites. Partagez vos analyses, prévisions de marché, ou articles éducatifs et recevez des récompenses en crypto.
Astuces pour maximiser vos gains :
Rédigez des contenus de haute qualité : Les articles bien recherchés et informatifs ont plus de chances d'être sélectionnés et récompensés.Suivez les tendances : Écrivez sur des sujets populaires et actuels dans la crypto-sphère pour attirer plus de lecteurs et de reconnaissance.Engagez avec la communauté : Participez aux discussions et aux commentaires pour augmenter votre visibilité et vos chances de succès.
6. Profitez des Programmes de Parrainage et des Cadeaux sur les Réseaux Sociaux
Les programmes de parrainage de Binance offrent des récompenses attractives pour l'invitation de nouveaux utilisateurs. Partagez votre lien de parrainage pour gagner une commission sur les transactions effectuées par vos filleuls. De plus, Binance organise fréquemment des cadeaux et des concours sur ses réseaux sociaux.
Astuces pour maximiser vos gains :
Partagez largement votre lien de parrainage : Utilisez les réseaux sociaux, les forums et les blogs pour toucher un large public.Engagez-vous dans les concours : Participez activement aux concours et tirages au sort organisés par Binance pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.Suivez les comptes officiels de Binance : Restez à jour avec les dernières annonces et activités pour ne manquer aucune opportunité.
2024 s'annonce comme une année riche en opportunités pour gagner des crypto-monnaies gratuites sur Binance Square. En combinant ces stratégies et en suivant nos astuces, vous pouvez maximiser vos gains et faire croître votre portefeuille de manière substantielle. Restez informé et actif sur Binance Square pour ne manquer aucune occasion.
🔥🔥Earn 3 USDT Daily – No Risk Involved! 💯🔥🔥🔥 👉Explore various methods to earn 3 USDT daily, tailored to your skills, effort, and risk tolerance: Low-Risk, Low-Reward Options: ➡️Micro-tasks:Complete quick tasks on platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk, such as surveys and data entry. Earnings accumulate over time. ➡️Paid Surveys: Participate in surveys on Swagbucks and Branded Surveys for rewards. Your earnings depend on the survey length and your demographic. ➡️Content Creation: Leverage your writing, design, or video editing skills on Fiverr or Upwork. Pay varies based on your expertise and project complexity. ➡️Freelancing: Offer writing, translation, or programming services on Freelancer or Upwork. Consistent work requires specific skills and effort. ➡️Online Tutoring: Share your knowledge on platforms like Chegg Tutors or Preply. Earn through tutoring sessions with your subject expertise and communication skills. 👉Cryptocurrency Trading: Trade cryptocurrencies to potentially profit, keeping in mind the risks of market volatility. 👉Staking and Lending: Generate interest by staking your crypto assets or lend them for higher returns. Platform and asset choice involves risk. 👉Affiliate Marketing: Promote products from other companies and earn commissions on sales. Building an audience and effective promotion are key. 👉Day Trading: Buy and sell stocks or assets throughout the day to profit from short-term price movements. Requires substantial knowledge and carries high risk. 👉Remember: We dedicate a lot of effort to provide you with the best investment articles. 👉Your generous tips empower our mission and help us continue offering top-notch investment advice.🙏🙏🙏 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #lanchpool #learn2earn #Write2Earn!
🔥🔥Earn 3 USDT Daily – No Risk Involved! 💯🔥🔥🔥

👉Explore various methods to earn 3 USDT daily, tailored to your skills, effort, and risk tolerance:

Low-Risk, Low-Reward Options:
➡️Micro-tasks:Complete quick tasks on platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk, such as surveys and data entry. Earnings accumulate over time.
➡️Paid Surveys: Participate in surveys on Swagbucks and Branded Surveys for rewards. Your earnings depend on the survey length and your demographic.
➡️Content Creation: Leverage your writing, design, or video editing skills on Fiverr or Upwork. Pay varies based on your expertise and project complexity.
➡️Freelancing: Offer writing, translation, or programming services on Freelancer or Upwork. Consistent work requires specific skills and effort.
➡️Online Tutoring: Share your knowledge on platforms like Chegg Tutors or Preply. Earn through tutoring sessions with your subject expertise and communication skills.
👉Cryptocurrency Trading: Trade cryptocurrencies to potentially profit, keeping in mind the risks of market volatility.
👉Staking and Lending: Generate interest by staking your crypto assets or lend them for higher returns. Platform and asset choice involves risk.
👉Affiliate Marketing: Promote products from other companies and earn commissions on sales. Building an audience and effective promotion are key.
👉Day Trading: Buy and sell stocks or assets throughout the day to profit from short-term price movements. Requires substantial knowledge and carries high risk.

👉Remember: We dedicate a lot of effort to provide you with the best investment articles.
👉Your generous tips empower our mission and help us continue offering top-notch investment advice.🙏🙏🙏
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #lanchpool #learn2earn #Write2Earn!
🌟The Daily Chart (BTC)🌟 A detailed analysis of the daily chart shows that the $72K-$74K price range has acted as a formidable resistance for bitcoin, halting several upward attempts in recent months. This range is characterized by a high level of supply, resulting in substantial selling pressure and making it a challenging barrier for BTC buyers to overcome. Bitcoin buyers have been attempting to break through this significant resistance area for several weeks. A sudden breach above this critical juncture could trigger a notable upward movement due to a significant short-squeeze event, potentially leading to a new all-time high. On the other hand, this pivotal juncture could also act as a barrier, leading to a period of sideways consolidation and minor retracements. In this scenario, the 100-day moving average at $64.7K will serve as a crucial support level in the mid-term #btc70k #ETHETFsApproved #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #learn2earn $BTC $ETH $BNB
🌟The Daily Chart (BTC)🌟

A detailed analysis of the daily chart shows that the $72K-$74K price range has acted as a formidable resistance for bitcoin, halting several upward attempts in recent months. This range is characterized by a high level of supply, resulting in substantial selling pressure and making it a challenging barrier for BTC buyers to overcome.

Bitcoin buyers have been attempting to break through this significant resistance area for several weeks. A sudden breach above this critical juncture could trigger a notable upward movement due to a significant short-squeeze event, potentially leading to a new all-time high.

On the other hand, this pivotal juncture could also act as a barrier, leading to a period of sideways consolidation and minor retracements. In this scenario, the 100-day moving average at $64.7K will serve as a crucial support level in the mid-term
#btc70k #ETHETFsApproved #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #learn2earn
Ethereum (ETH) Price Surges 5% Moving Closer to $4,000, New All-Time High Soon? As the launch of spot ETFs for Ethereum approaches, institutional interest in the cryptocurrency is on the rise. With Ethereum's price surpassing the $4,000 mark, the path to a new all-time high of $5,000 appears to be opening up. #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #Learn2Write #learn2earn #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH $BNB $BTC
Ethereum (ETH) Price Surges 5% Moving Closer to $4,000, New All-Time High Soon?

As the launch of spot ETFs for Ethereum approaches, institutional interest in the cryptocurrency is on the rise. With Ethereum's price surpassing the $4,000 mark, the path to a new all-time high of $5,000 appears to be opening up.
#altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #Learn2Write #learn2earn #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
🎉 Top 6 Strategies to Earn Free Cryptocurrency in 2024 🎉The crypto markets have seen incredible growth and adoption in the past few years, with a flood of new users entering the space. As a result, crypto companies are offering more ways than ever for users to earn free cryptocurrency simply by participating in their platforms and initiatives. If you're looking to get in on the action and start earning some free crypto in 2024, here are my top 6 strategies to consider: 1. Take Advantage of Airdrops Airdrops are hands down one of the best ways to earn free crypto. They involve a crypto project simply giving away free tokens or coins to users who meet certain criteria, such as holding a minimum amount of another crypto, being active on social media, or completing simple tasks. One airdrop that's sure to be a big deal in 2024 is Binance's Megadrop. Binance periodically runs Megadrops where they give away millions of dollars worth of new tokens to eligible users. To participate, you'll generally just need to hold a small amount of BNB in your Binance account. Keep an eye on Binance's announcements in 2024 to learn about upcoming Megadrop opportunities. 2. Use Binance Earn Binance Earn is Binance's suite of crypto earning products that allow you to put your crypto holdings to work and start earning passive income. Options include flexible and fixed-term savings accounts that earn interest on your crypto, as well as staking where you can earn rewards for holding certain cryptocurrencies. Binance is consistently adding new earning opportunities to the platform, so it's worth periodically checking the Binance Earn section to see what's available. 3. Complete Binance Learn and Earn Quizzes Binance Learn and Earn is an educational program that allows you to earn crypto just for expanding your crypto knowledge. All you have to do is complete short quizzes on various crypto topics and you'll earn a small amount of crypto as a reward. It's a fantastic way to get free crypto while also improving your understanding of the space. 4. Participate in Binance Launchpool Binance Launchpool is a platform that allows you to stake your BNB, BUSD or other Binance platform tokens to earn new cryptocurrency tokens that are being launched on Binance. It's a great way to get exposure to new crypto projects while also earning free tokens in the process. 5. Write Content on Binance Square Binance Square is the blogging platform on the Binance website, and they have a "Write2Earn" program that allows you to earn BUSD (Binance USD) for publishing high-quality, informative content. If you have crypto knowledge to share, this is a fantastic way to get rewarded for it. 6. Take Advantage of Referral Programs Many crypto platforms, including Binance, offer generous referral programs that allow you to earn free crypto by getting your friends and family to sign up and use the platform. All you have to do is share your unique referral link, and you'll earn a commission every time someone you refer completes certain actions like making a trade or staking their crypto. In addition to these strategies, also keep an eye out for any dynamic social media giveaways run by Binance and other major crypto platforms in 2024. They frequently give away free crypto just for engaging with their posts or completing simple tasks. By taking advantage of the numerous earning opportunities available, you can quite easily start accumulating free crypto in 2024 to supplement your overall crypto portfolio. Just make sure to do your own research, follow best practices for security, and only participate in initiatives from reputable, trustworthy crypto companies. Happy earning! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #laucnhpool #earn #learn2earn #write2earn

🎉 Top 6 Strategies to Earn Free Cryptocurrency in 2024 🎉

The crypto markets have seen incredible growth and adoption in the past few years, with a flood of new users entering the space. As a result, crypto companies are offering more ways than ever for users to earn free cryptocurrency simply by participating in their platforms and initiatives. If you're looking to get in on the action and start earning some free crypto in 2024, here are my top 6 strategies to consider:
1. Take Advantage of Airdrops
Airdrops are hands down one of the best ways to earn free crypto. They involve a crypto project simply giving away free tokens or coins to users who meet certain criteria, such as holding a minimum amount of another crypto, being active on social media, or completing simple tasks. One airdrop that's sure to be a big deal in 2024 is Binance's Megadrop. Binance periodically runs Megadrops where they give away millions of dollars worth of new tokens to eligible users. To participate, you'll generally just need to hold a small amount of BNB in your Binance account. Keep an eye on Binance's announcements in 2024 to learn about upcoming Megadrop opportunities.
2. Use Binance Earn
Binance Earn is Binance's suite of crypto earning products that allow you to put your crypto holdings to work and start earning passive income. Options include flexible and fixed-term savings accounts that earn interest on your crypto, as well as staking where you can earn rewards for holding certain cryptocurrencies. Binance is consistently adding new earning opportunities to the platform, so it's worth periodically checking the Binance Earn section to see what's available.
3. Complete Binance Learn and Earn Quizzes
Binance Learn and Earn is an educational program that allows you to earn crypto just for expanding your crypto knowledge. All you have to do is complete short quizzes on various crypto topics and you'll earn a small amount of crypto as a reward. It's a fantastic way to get free crypto while also improving your understanding of the space.
4. Participate in Binance Launchpool
Binance Launchpool is a platform that allows you to stake your BNB, BUSD or other Binance platform tokens to earn new cryptocurrency tokens that are being launched on Binance. It's a great way to get exposure to new crypto projects while also earning free tokens in the process.
5. Write Content on Binance Square
Binance Square is the blogging platform on the Binance website, and they have a "Write2Earn" program that allows you to earn BUSD (Binance USD) for publishing high-quality, informative content. If you have crypto knowledge to share, this is a fantastic way to get rewarded for it.
6. Take Advantage of Referral Programs
Many crypto platforms, including Binance, offer generous referral programs that allow you to earn free crypto by getting your friends and family to sign up and use the platform. All you have to do is share your unique referral link, and you'll earn a commission every time someone you refer completes certain actions like making a trade or staking their crypto.
In addition to these strategies, also keep an eye out for any dynamic social media giveaways run by Binance and other major crypto platforms in 2024. They frequently give away free crypto just for engaging with their posts or completing simple tasks.
By taking advantage of the numerous earning opportunities available, you can quite easily start accumulating free crypto in 2024 to supplement your overall crypto portfolio. Just make sure to do your own research, follow best practices for security, and only participate in initiatives from reputable, trustworthy crypto companies. Happy earning!
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #laucnhpool #earn #learn2earn #write2earn
Tips for profitable trading “beginners guide “ Here are some tips for starting Binance trading: 1. Understand the basics: Learn about cryptocurrencies, trading concepts, and Binance's features. 2. Set up a secure account: Enable 2-factor authentication, use a strong password, and verify your identity. 3. Start small: Begin with a minimal investment to get familiar with the platform and trading. 4. Choose popular cryptocurrencies: Select well-known coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or stablecoins like USDT. 5. Use the "Convert" feature: Easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another with this feature. 6. Set market orders: Buy or sell at the current market price to avoid complexities. 7. Monitor and adjust: Keep an eye on your investments and adjust your strategy as needed. 8. Stay informed: Follow market trends, news, and analysis to make informed decisions. 9. Diversify: Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to minimize risk. 10. Be cautious: Trading carries risks, so don't invest more than you can afford to lose. 11. Use Binance's resources: Take advantage of tutorials, guides, and customer support to help you get started. 12. Stay patient and disciplined: Trading is a long-term game, so avoid impulsive decisions. Remember, trading on Binance or any platform involves risks. Always prioritize education, caution, and responsible investing practices. Good luck! #learn2earn #begginermistake $BTC $ETH $BNB

Tips for profitable trading “beginners guide “

Here are some tips for starting Binance trading:
1. Understand the basics: Learn about cryptocurrencies, trading concepts, and Binance's features.
2. Set up a secure account: Enable 2-factor authentication, use a strong password, and verify your identity.
3. Start small: Begin with a minimal investment to get familiar with the platform and trading.
4. Choose popular cryptocurrencies: Select well-known coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or stablecoins like USDT.
5. Use the "Convert" feature: Easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another with this feature.
6. Set market orders: Buy or sell at the current market price to avoid complexities.
7. Monitor and adjust: Keep an eye on your investments and adjust your strategy as needed.
8. Stay informed: Follow market trends, news, and analysis to make informed decisions.
9. Diversify: Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to minimize risk.
10. Be cautious: Trading carries risks, so don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
11. Use Binance's resources: Take advantage of tutorials, guides, and customer support to help you get started.
12. Stay patient and disciplined: Trading is a long-term game, so avoid impulsive decisions.
Remember, trading on Binance or any platform involves risks. Always prioritize education, caution, and responsible investing practices. Good luck!
#learn2earn #begginermistake $BTC $ETH $BNB
Day 11: Cryptocurrency explained from basic to advanced level #learn2earn Have you ever wondered how NFTs ( Non Fungible Token) works When an NFT is created or transferred, the transaction is permanently recorded and timestamped on the blockchain, allowing anyone to trace the NFT's history back to its origin. Developers often use established standards, like Ethereum's ERC-721 and ERC-1155, to create NFTs, ensuring they work well across various platforms. Other blockchains, such as Eos, Neo, and Tron, have their own NFT standards. Unlike regular cryptocurrencies, NFTs are traded on specialized marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible, rather than typical exchanges. This infrastructure ensures NFTs remain unique, verifiable, and accessible for trading within dedicated platforms. #Write&Earn #BinanceLaunchpool #PEPE‏ #WIF
Day 11: Cryptocurrency explained from basic to advanced level #learn2earn

Have you ever wondered how NFTs ( Non Fungible Token) works

When an NFT is created or transferred, the transaction is permanently recorded and timestamped on the blockchain, allowing anyone to trace the NFT's history back to its origin. Developers often use established standards, like Ethereum's ERC-721 and ERC-1155, to create NFTs, ensuring they work well across various platforms. Other blockchains, such as Eos, Neo, and Tron, have their own NFT standards. Unlike regular cryptocurrencies, NFTs are traded on specialized marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible, rather than typical exchanges. This infrastructure ensures NFTs remain unique, verifiable, and accessible for trading within dedicated platforms.

#Write&Earn #BinanceLaunchpool #PEPE‏ #WIF
Day 10: Cryptocurrency explained from basic to advanced level #learn2earn Every One is talking about the Ethereum ETF let me tell you what is ETF and then about the Ethereum ETF. ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) is a type of investment that is traded on stock exchange much like an Individual stock but it holds a collection of different assets such as Stocks, bonds or commodities allowing investors to diversify their investments. There are speculation that the Ethereum ETF is going to pass on Thursday let's hope for the best. Be ready for pump #ETHETFS Follow for more content. #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC
Day 10: Cryptocurrency explained from basic to advanced level #learn2earn

Every One is talking about the Ethereum ETF let me tell you what is ETF and then about the Ethereum ETF.

ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) is a type of investment that is traded on stock exchange much like an Individual stock but it holds a collection of different assets such as Stocks, bonds or commodities allowing investors to diversify their investments.

There are speculation that the Ethereum ETF is going to pass on Thursday let's hope for the best.

Be ready for pump #ETHETFS

Follow for more content.

#altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC
Bianance #learnandearn questions and answer What is Nervos (CKB) Q1. CKB is developing a payment channel network to connect the Bitcoin Lightning Network. True or False? = True Q2. What consensus mechanism does CKB use? =PoW Q3. What's the full name of the $CKB Blockchain? =Common Knowledge Base Q4. Which of the following instruction sets is CKB's virtual machine based on? = RISC -V Q5. What similarities between Bitcoin and $CKB are being utilized in the BTCKB initiative? = Both Q6. When was CKB"s launched? = 2019 Q7. $CKB leverages a novel generalized UTXO model for accounting What's the name of this model? = Cell model Q8. The CKB Blockchain is turing -complete. True or False? = True Q9. CKB's virtual machine supports all current and future cryptographic primitives. True or False? = True #BinanceEarnings #learn2earn #CKBupdates #btcupdates2024
Bianance #learnandearn questions and answer
What is Nervos (CKB)
Q1. CKB is developing a payment channel network to connect the Bitcoin Lightning Network. True or False?
= True
Q2. What consensus mechanism does CKB use?
Q3. What's the full name of the $CKB Blockchain?
=Common Knowledge Base
Q4. Which of the following instruction sets is CKB's virtual machine based on?
Q5. What similarities between Bitcoin and $CKB are being utilized in the BTCKB initiative?
= Both
Q6. When was CKB"s launched?
= 2019
Q7. $CKB leverages a novel generalized UTXO model for accounting What's the name of this model?
= Cell model
Q8. The CKB Blockchain is turing -complete. True or False?
= True
Q9. CKB's virtual machine supports all current and future cryptographic primitives. True or False?
= True

#BinanceEarnings #learn2earn #CKBupdates #btcupdates2024
$SHIB #learn2earn #write2earn…. This message for all youtubers and content creators with one has predicted the right estimation cause crypto is volatile with no levrages.. so stop futures. well I have made profits,💰 well my proganda today is we bring the bright future of #shib I my self was broken untill today, hope made me to get out of where I am!! jus own the bag full of #shib follow me...I will grow and make you grow with me..before you invest reach me!!
$SHIB #learn2earn #write2earn….

This message for all youtubers and content creators with one has predicted the right estimation cause crypto is volatile with no levrages.. so stop futures. well I have made profits,💰

well my proganda today is we bring the bright future of #shib I my self was broken untill today, hope made me to get out of where I am!!

jus own the bag full of #shib

follow me...I will grow and make you grow with me..before you invest reach me!!
Bullish OMG! What happen with #AI Who bought #AI from 1.1 $ now 60% profits with only 1 Months *I tell you again and again about #AI will reach 1.5 soon! Now #AI is ongoing to go next target 0.5$ Do you think we can reach it today??? But always remember take a part of your profits. Take profits always important than you can analysis right 100 Remember: This not Financial Advice, always DYOR🤤 #learn2earn #TradeNTell

OMG! What happen with #AI

Who bought #AI from 1.1 $ now 60% profits with only 1 Months

*I tell you again and again about #AI will reach 1.5 soon!

Now #AI is ongoing to go next target 0.5$

Do you think we can reach it today???

But always remember take a part of your profits.

Take profits always important than you can analysis right 100

Remember: This not Financial Advice, always


#learn2earn #TradeNTell
#learn2earn Bitcoin will break All time high soon we an ee btc to 70 k Let btc do the corection between 2000$ again It will be back because the whales will liquidate short first o dont put short long at put Good leaverage Dont forget to out Stop loss i have Buy btc again at 59,900$BTC still in profit so once it reach 68 again Enjoy the bull rally ❤️❤️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💪
#learn2earn Bitcoin will break All time high soon we an ee btc to 70 k
Let btc do the corection between 2000$ again It will be back because the whales will liquidate short first o dont put short long at put Good leaverage
Dont forget to out Stop loss i have Buy btc again at 59,900$BTC still in profit so once it reach 68 again Enjoy the bull rally ❤️❤️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💪
🔥THIS COIN PUMPS OVER 78% AGAINST ALL ODDS🔥 Every morning, I take a look at the binance homepage. There is almost always a gem that's skyrocketing more so if $BTC is on the rise. But not very often when $BTC dips $BTC dropped 7% below $67000 while several projects took the dive with $BTC. A few projects held their ground, and this one not just held its ground but thrived amidst the storm. WHAT IS $REI #REI Network An upgraded version of GXCHAIN is an EVM-compatible public blockchain. As an Ethereum para chain, it owns the features of lightweight, free, and dev-friendly. REI Network effectively solves the current high cost and low-efficiency problems of public chains. #write2earn #REI #learn2earn #BTC

Every morning, I take a look at the binance homepage. There is almost always a gem that's skyrocketing more so if $BTC is on the rise. But not very often when $BTC dips

$BTC dropped 7% below $67000 while several projects took the dive with $BTC . A few projects held their ground, and this one not just held its ground but thrived amidst the storm.


#REI Network An upgraded version of GXCHAIN is an EVM-compatible public blockchain. As an Ethereum para chain, it owns the features of lightweight, free, and dev-friendly. REI Network effectively solves the current high cost and low-efficiency problems of public chains.

#write2earn #REI #learn2earn #BTC
Day 7: Cryptocurrency explained from basic to advanced level #learn2earn Have you ever imagined how your wallet works : The wallet doesn't have any coins instead it holds the key to their coins which are stored in block chains. The wallet stores two types of keys of the user public key and a private key. A public key is like a bank account number can be shared but a private key like a password which is kept a secret. When sending tokens, a user’s private key signs the transaction and broadcasts it to the blockchain network. The network then includes the transaction to reflect the updated balance in both the sender’s and recipient’s address. Follow for more knowledgeable content #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #MicroStrategy #buythedip
Day 7: Cryptocurrency explained from basic to advanced level #learn2earn

Have you ever imagined how your wallet works :

The wallet doesn't have any coins instead it holds the key to their coins which are stored in block chains.

The wallet stores two types of keys of the user public key and a private key. A public key is like a bank account number can be shared but a private key like a password which is kept a secret.

When sending tokens, a user’s private key signs the transaction and broadcasts it to the blockchain network. The network then includes the transaction to reflect the updated balance in both the sender’s and recipient’s address.

Follow for more knowledgeable content
#BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #MicroStrategy #buythedip
Again need to give some tip according to me we can see small pump till 66k again then back to 55k soon my opinion Stay away eom market let btc go till 35 k again we can se btc nuteral than we can see big pump i told you guys btc will go down but let me explain one more thing those peoples re s aying Having halving forget that Btc ill go till 80 k 90 k Because of this News iran and israel if the matter cooldown market will Be bullish again#learn2earn
Again need to give some tip according to me we can see small pump till 66k again then back to 55k soon my opinion Stay away eom market let btc go till 35 k again we can se btc nuteral than we can see big pump i told you guys btc will go down but let me explain one more thing those peoples re s aying Having halving forget that Btc ill go till 80 k 90 k Because of this News iran and israel if the matter cooldown market will Be bullish again#learn2earn
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