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Artificial Intelligence that is trained by us all - #MeromAI is the first of its kind and @VictoriaFlores has the lowdown on it! 👇👇👇👇
Artificial Intelligence that is trained by us all - #MeromAI is the first of its kind and @Victoria Flores-OriaOres has the lowdown on it! 👇👇👇👇
Victoria Flores-OriaOres
¡MeromAI la evolution de la inteligencia artificial descentralizada llega a WAX!
Al oír de inteligencia artificial, muchos pueden suponer que trata de un tema de ciencia ficción, como en las películas o en libros de Phillip K Dick, en los que expresa la inteligencia artificial, como un mundo de posibilidades fantásticas.
El inicio de la Inteligencia Artificial , se remonta a los años de 1930 con Alan Turing, quien en el año 1950 pública un artículo llamado “Computing machinery and Intelligency” en el que se plantea la pregunta: ¿Pueden las máquinas pensar? A su vez propone un método para determinarlo, llamado “Test de Turing” el mismo sigue vigente y es motivo de constantes estudios.
Después de un poco de historia sobre la inteligencia artificial, vamos a conocer a MeromAI, el tema objeto de éste artículo.
La aplicación de inteligencia artificial impulsada por humanos.
La misión es la descentralización de la inteligencia artificial con la participación de una comunidad global.

Los contribuyentes ganan el token $AIMR por ayudar a la capacitación de los LLM de código abierto y proporcionar potencia informática.
Los resultados del trabajo de capacitación de los LLM, se incluirán en aplicaciones que sirvan para que las personas trabajen, jueguen e interactúen con el mundo real.
La descentralización de la inteligencia artificial, es el resultado de la colaboración de miles de contribuyentes, que alimenta los datos de la inteligencia artificial, democratizando las redes de IA, manejada por la comunidad global de usuarios.
Utilidad del token $AIMR
• Incentivar la curación humana
• Priorizar a la comunidad
• Construcción de un ecosistema y base de datos IA sólida
#MeromAI es un proyecto asociado a la comunidad de WAX y el $AIMR es disponibilidad en @WAX Blockchain. Usted también puede encontrar MeromAI en $ETH Network, esperamos pronto esté disponible en $BNB y $BTC

A continuación vamos a examinar la Minería Social y cómo contrasta con MeromAI.
La Minería Social
La Minería Social de @DAO Labs es un sistema de trabajo impulsado por los miembros de la comunidad de DAO Labs.
Al igual que MeromAI la #SocialMining es descentralizado, enfocado en el empoderamiento de la comunidad de mineros sociales que lo conforman, la construcción de comunidades y la difusión del conocimiento de proyectos tecnológicos en Blockchain.
Los mineros sociales participan en varias actividades:
• Creación de artículos
• Videos
• Memes
• Infografías
• Imágenes
• Publicaciones en X Social Network y otros importantes medios sociales.
• Participan en la curaduría de contenido e interactúan con el contenido de sus compañeros.
Las contribuciones de los mineros sociales, son evaluadas y recompensadas en base al sistema de mérito con puntos, que son cambiados por la criptomoneda del proyecto en el cual trabaja.
DAO Labs tiene disponible seis centros para poner en práctica el propósito de la Minería Social.
DAOVERSE, @Polygon , @Ton Network , KAVA , @WAX y @Avalanche_CN .
Es importante mencionar que éstos centros asociados a DAO Labs, son el top 100 en CoinMarketCap.
En el ejercicio de la Minería Social, yo he podido aprender sobre el propósito de cada centro en el que trabajo, ejemplo: WAXHub de #WAXBlockchain , es una cadena líder en los GameFi (juegos asociados a las finanzas) y las colecciones de NFT (Token no fungible), las tareas o misiones se diseñan a pedido y tomando en cuenta el objetivo de WAX.
¿Qué puedo hacer en la Minería Social?
Después de unirse a la Minería Social, por ejemplo al WAXHub, usted deberá completar el registro, vincular su cuenta de WAX y su cuenta de usuario de X Social Network.
Entonces estará listo para ir al menú de tareas, seleccionar una tarea vigente y comenzar a trabajar y publicar su contenido, según las especificaciones señaladas dentro de la misma. (Vea la parte superior que señala las actividades de los mineros sociales).
¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la Minería Social?
La Minería Social de DAO Labs proporciona múltiples beneficios:
Cero 0 inversión Ganancias en $USTD $MATIC $TON $KAVA $WAX $AVAX Descubrir y perfeccionar habilidades Es trabajo remoto y flexible Posibilidad de crecimiento Conectar con increíble talento humano alrededor del mundo.
Los mineros sociales estamos listos para continuar participando en la difusión de WAX y el ecosistema que lo conforma.
Bienvenidas las ideas que provean calidad de vida y nuevas oportunidades de trabajo para los mineros sociales.💡
Para unirse a la Minería Social de DAO Labs, diríjase a los canales oficiales en:
X Social Network
Sitio Web
Grupo en Telegram y
Servidor Discord.

#Web3 #Binance
The #DaoLabs #SocialMining community hubs continue pushing the envelope of what is possible. @WAX is now introducing the revolutionary #MeromAI the collaborative AI project!! Read on for the details!
The #DaoLabs #SocialMining community hubs continue pushing the envelope of what is possible. @WAX is now introducing the revolutionary #MeromAI the collaborative AI project!! Read on for the details!
DAO Labs
MeromAI Celebration on WAXHub: Empowering AI with Social Mining
#WAXHub social miners of in are having a #MeromAI celebration these days. MeromAI, whose positive impact is felt in the $WAXP price, is an artificial intelligence platform that works with the contributions of people. MeromAI is the first AI project running on the @WAX .

Users contribute to train artificial intelligence and provide computer power, and earn $AIMR tokens in return. These artificial intelligence models are used in applications that improve people's work, shopping, games and interactions with the world.

Why is it important?
1. Democratic Artificial Intelligence
Unlike artificial intelligence, which is controlled by large companies, MeromAI is a platform that everyone can contribute to and benefit from.

2. Human-Powered AI
MeromAI creates AI datasets with the contributions of people around the world, thereby making artificial intelligence more accessible and transparent.

MeromAI is a human-powered platform that takes AI out of the hands of large companies and gives it to the global community. Users earn tokens by contributing, and AI becomes more democratic and accessible.

#SocialMining , which advocates for the general public to reach startup projects dedicated to producing new technologies and a fairer financial system, is snowballing under the leadership of #DAOLabs
Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence Built on Blockchain?MeromAI is an innovative artificial intelligence platform in alpha on the Ethereum $ETH #BaseChain and WAX $WAXP networks and will soon be available on the Solana $SOL network. In this article, we will explore the unique opportunities offered by #MeromAI and its contributions to the blockchain ecosystem. MeromAI's goal is to transform the AI world dominated by large corporations into a decentralized and community-driven alternative. What sets it apart from other blockchain-based AI projects is that it is an open-source model that encourages and rewards community participation and that $AIMR tokens are distributed fairly, without pre-mining, private token sales, or ICOs. It also offers everyone the opportunity to participate in the creation of AI models and rewards them with $AIMR tokens based on their activity on the platform. It is available on Ethereum, Base, and WAX Blockchain and will soon be active on the Solona network. Isn't multi-chain support one of the most important features that makes a project stand out? Earning $AIMR token starts with training Meromai AI. But how do you train it? To start creating prompts or responses, you must first register with MeromAI. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make any contribution without completing the registration process. First, examine the platform. Read the rules and find out what you need to do to avoid having your contributions rejected. The FAQS page will guide you. Thanks to our AI experience starting with ChatGPT, some of us can already ask questions as effectively as a prompt engineer and get accurate answers. So what is the secret to getting effective answers in AI models? Of course, creating specific and descriptive prompts... For example, if you are wondering how the cryptocurrency market will be affected after the approval of #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July and you type a simple prompt like “ETH ETF Approval 23 July” to the AI model, the response you will get will definitely not satisfy you. Therefore, you need to write a prompt by further clarifying the topic you want to learn. For example, I wrote prompts to MeromAI in 3 different ways and the answers I got were different. As you can see, the clearer your prompts are, the more accurate the responses you will receive. If you want to train MeromAI for its purposes, you must first understand the importance of effective prompt writing. By seeing what kind of results you can achieve by writing effective prompts, it will be objective to evaluate whether other users' prompts are also effective. You can start by looking at the image below. So why should you continue to contribute to the MeromAI project? MeromAI is a completely open-source AI stack with contributions from thousands of people. The aim is to train AI like a human. How do we think or react as human beings? This is what we need to pay attention to. In particular, we have never been able to contribute to any AI project and get a reward in return. Can you imagine what a great opportunity this is for technology and blockchain enthusiasts like us? Moreover, considering the role that artificial intelligence will play in the transition from Web 3.0 to Web 4.0 and that “prompt engineering” is among the professions of the future, MeromAI will also improve our ability to see, examine, and understand things closely. In fact, it will do more. So how will the deployment of MeromAI on the WAX Blockchain, one of the most important supporters of Web3, benefit the WAX ecosystem? WAX has already started to encourage community participation and reward them with WAXP tokens with the launch of the @DAOLabs social mining platform WAXHub. I think the deployment of MeromAI, also a community-driven project, on WAX, is an indication of how much WAX values its community. In addition, the deployment of MeromAI on the #WAXBlockchain will contribute to the expansion and diversification of the WAX ecosystem. In particular, it is noteworthy that WAX is pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology by expanding its existing and potential user base and enabling new use cases to be explored. MeromAI's success on WAX can be seen as a testament to the synergy that comes from the combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies and has the potential to pave the way for innovation in this area. As you can see, it is very important in an ecosystem to engage the community and encourage them to add value. Both MeromAI and DAOLabs offer platforms that encourage and reward users' active participation. Every valuable contribution to projects on DAOLabs #SocialMining Hubs (Avalanche, Polygon, Kava, WAX, TON, and DAOVERSE) allows social miners to be rewarded with project tokens. This can be done by tweeting, writing articles, creating infographics, sharing gifs or memes, or even creating digital designs. In conclusion, MeromAI, which takes a similar approach to DAOLab's social mining approach, provides an excellent example of how blockchain-based projects can become more sustainable and community-driven. By encouraging user participation, such projects are taking important steps toward a decentralized future.

Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence Built on Blockchain?

MeromAI is an innovative artificial intelligence platform in alpha on the Ethereum $ETH #BaseChain and WAX $WAXP networks and will soon be available on the Solana $SOL network. In this article, we will explore the unique opportunities offered by #MeromAI and its contributions to the blockchain ecosystem.

MeromAI's goal is to transform the AI world dominated by large corporations into a decentralized and community-driven alternative.
What sets it apart from other blockchain-based AI projects is that it is an open-source model that encourages and rewards community participation and that $AIMR tokens are distributed fairly, without pre-mining, private token sales, or ICOs.
It also offers everyone the opportunity to participate in the creation of AI models and rewards them with $AIMR tokens based on their activity on the platform. It is available on Ethereum, Base, and WAX Blockchain and will soon be active on the Solona network. Isn't multi-chain support one of the most important features that makes a project stand out?
Earning $AIMR token starts with training Meromai AI. But how do you train it?
To start creating prompts or responses, you must first register with MeromAI. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make any contribution without completing the registration process. First, examine the platform. Read the rules and find out what you need to do to avoid having your contributions rejected. The FAQS page will guide you.

Thanks to our AI experience starting with ChatGPT, some of us can already ask questions as effectively as a prompt engineer and get accurate answers.
So what is the secret to getting effective answers in AI models?
Of course, creating specific and descriptive prompts... For example, if you are wondering how the cryptocurrency market will be affected after the approval of #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July and you type a simple prompt like “ETH ETF Approval 23 July” to the AI model, the response you will get will definitely not satisfy you. Therefore, you need to write a prompt by further clarifying the topic you want to learn. For example, I wrote prompts to MeromAI in 3 different ways and the answers I got were different.

As you can see, the clearer your prompts are, the more accurate the responses you will receive. If you want to train MeromAI for its purposes, you must first understand the importance of effective prompt writing.
By seeing what kind of results you can achieve by writing effective prompts, it will be objective to evaluate whether other users' prompts are also effective. You can start by looking at the image below.

So why should you continue to contribute to the MeromAI project?
MeromAI is a completely open-source AI stack with contributions from thousands of people. The aim is to train AI like a human. How do we think or react as human beings? This is what we need to pay attention to.
In particular, we have never been able to contribute to any AI project and get a reward in return. Can you imagine what a great opportunity this is for technology and blockchain enthusiasts like us? Moreover, considering the role that artificial intelligence will play in the transition from Web 3.0 to Web 4.0 and that “prompt engineering” is among the professions of the future, MeromAI will also improve our ability to see, examine, and understand things closely. In fact, it will do more.

So how will the deployment of MeromAI on the WAX Blockchain, one of the most important supporters of Web3, benefit the WAX ecosystem?
WAX has already started to encourage community participation and reward them with WAXP tokens with the launch of the @DAO Labs social mining platform WAXHub. I think the deployment of MeromAI, also a community-driven project, on WAX, is an indication of how much WAX values its community.
In addition, the deployment of MeromAI on the #WAXBlockchain will contribute to the expansion and diversification of the WAX ecosystem.
In particular, it is noteworthy that WAX is pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology by expanding its existing and potential user base and enabling new use cases to be explored.
MeromAI's success on WAX can be seen as a testament to the synergy that comes from the combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies and has the potential to pave the way for innovation in this area.
As you can see, it is very important in an ecosystem to engage the community and encourage them to add value. Both MeromAI and DAOLabs offer platforms that encourage and reward users' active participation. Every valuable contribution to projects on DAOLabs #SocialMining Hubs (Avalanche, Polygon, Kava, WAX, TON, and DAOVERSE) allows social miners to be rewarded with project tokens. This can be done by tweeting, writing articles, creating infographics, sharing gifs or memes, or even creating digital designs.
In conclusion, MeromAI, which takes a similar approach to DAOLab's social mining approach, provides an excellent example of how blockchain-based projects can become more sustainable and community-driven. By encouraging user participation, such projects are taking important steps toward a decentralized future.
A Decentralized Artificial Intelligence ModelWhile everyone is focusing on $BTC and $ETH , as a @DAOLabs #SocialMining enthusiast, I have my eyes on @WAX Blockchain and their integration with #MeromAI #artificialintelligence is a huge leap forward. Why? Let me count the ways. We are all aware that blockchain is all about safety and security. According to #KPMG , that is why blockchain will be instrumental in solving the problems created by adoption of generative AI tools – especially in safeguarding information. That is why KPMG calls blockchain and artificial intelligence the new power couple. However, the current AI models rely on the opposite of what Web3 stands for – they are centrally trained, centrally located and centrally controlled AI. That is where MeromAI enters the picture – a decentralized AI whose training is  done by anyone ready to stake in the project. In a sense, every one from Adelaide to Zhaoqing can have a say in the development and training of this wonderous technology. To prevent the shortsightedness of only including the WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) perspectives and biases, and even in those cultures, to stop elitism from tainting the future development of AI, we need such projects. This human-AI, where responses, curation and ratings are all by the community, rather than Big Tech and Big Money is a revolution. As a social miner, I see the benefits of this community-minded approach: Social Mining and Decentralized AI are both equitable and truly open to all.It is one's effort, hard work, ingenuity and dedication that brings success. Building up the community also builds up the project, so the focus stays on the individual and their prosperity.     #WAXBlockchain will drive users and innovation, and one can earn $AIMR through responding, curating and rating. MeromAI is still in its infancy, but through its collaboration with WAX, its growth will definitely be worth watching. Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article are for informative and educational purposes, and are not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR! Sources: [MeromAI]( KPMGDaoLabs {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB

A Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Model

While everyone is focusing on $BTC and $ETH , as a @DAO Labs #SocialMining enthusiast, I have my eyes on @WAX Blockchain and their integration with #MeromAI #artificialintelligence is a huge leap forward. Why? Let me count the ways.

We are all aware that blockchain is all about safety and security. According to #KPMG , that is why blockchain will be instrumental in solving the problems created by adoption of generative AI tools – especially in safeguarding information. That is why KPMG calls blockchain and artificial intelligence the new power couple.
However, the current AI models rely on the opposite of what Web3 stands for – they are centrally trained, centrally located and centrally controlled AI. That is where MeromAI enters the picture – a decentralized AI whose training is  done by anyone ready to stake in the project. In a sense, every one from Adelaide to Zhaoqing can have a say in the development and training of this wonderous technology. To prevent the shortsightedness of only including the WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) perspectives and biases, and even in those cultures, to stop elitism from tainting the future development of AI, we need such projects.

This human-AI, where responses, curation and ratings are all by the community, rather than Big Tech and Big Money is a revolution. As a social miner, I see the benefits of this community-minded approach:
Social Mining and Decentralized AI are both equitable and truly open to all.It is one's effort, hard work, ingenuity and dedication that brings success. Building up the community also builds up the project, so the focus stays on the individual and their prosperity.    
#WAXBlockchain will drive users and innovation, and one can earn $AIMR through responding, curating and rating. MeromAI is still in its infancy, but through its collaboration with WAX, its growth will definitely be worth watching.

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article are for informative and educational purposes, and are not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR!

MeromAI KPMGDaoLabs

MeromAI’s Deployment on the WAX Blockchain: A New Era of Community-Driven AI InnovationThe integration of #MeromAI into the #WAXBlockchain represents a significant milestone not just for #MeromAI, but also for the broader WAX ecosystem. This development highlights a symbiotic relationship between advanced AI technology and blockchain innovation, underscoring the power of community-driven approaches in both fields. MeromAI: Redefining AI Accessibility MeromAI is making waves by establishing a robust AI technology stack with a focus on decentralization and accessibility. Their approach is characterized by a fair and transparent launch of the $AIMR token on the #WAXBlockchain . Unlike many projects that resort to pre-mining or private token sales, #MeromAI opted for a community-centric model, ensuring that the token distribution was equitable and the entry barrier for global participants was minimal. This fair launch aligns with their mission to democratize AI access and foster community engagement. The Significance of the WAX Blockchain WAX (Worldwide Asset eXchange) is renowned for its focus on decentralized asset trading and #NFT​ ecosystems. By deploying token just like Bitcoin ( $BTC ), Ethereum ( $ETH ), and Binance Coin ( $BNB ) . #MeromAI will be deploying $AIMR on WAX, #MeromAI is tapping into a blockchain that supports high transaction throughput and low fees, ideal for facilitating seamless interactions within their AI ecosystem. This strategic choice amplifies MeromAI’s commitment to scalability and efficiency, essential for their long-term vision of AI training, decentralized infrastructure, and interactive AI models. Community-Centric Philosophy and DAOLab’s Social Mining MeromAI’s deployment on WAX echoes the principles of #DaoLabs #SocialMining initiative. #DaoLabs approach to #SocialMining particularly within the #DAOVERSE ecosystem, emphasizes harnessing community engagement and contributions to drive value creation and project success. This philosophy resonates with MeromAI’s strategy of involving the global community from the ground up. Just as #DaoLabs rewards active community members through #SocialMining MeromAI’s fair launch model ensures that token holders and contributors are integral to the project's growth and success. In Conclusion, The deployment of MeromAI on the WAX blockchain signifies more than just a technological advancement; it represents a paradigm shift towards community-driven AI innovation. By integrating with WAX and adopting a fair launch model, #MeromAI exemplifies how blockchain technology and AI can intersect to foster inclusive and transparent ecosystems. This approach not only benefits the WAX community but also sets a precedent for future projects aiming to harmonize technology with community engagement.

MeromAI’s Deployment on the WAX Blockchain: A New Era of Community-Driven AI Innovation

The integration of #MeromAI into the #WAXBlockchain represents a significant milestone not just for #MeromAI, but also for the broader WAX ecosystem. This development highlights a symbiotic relationship between advanced AI technology and blockchain innovation, underscoring the power of community-driven approaches in both fields.

MeromAI: Redefining AI Accessibility
MeromAI is making waves by establishing a robust AI technology stack with a focus on decentralization and accessibility. Their approach is characterized by a fair and transparent launch of the $AIMR token on the #WAXBlockchain . Unlike many projects that resort to pre-mining or private token sales, #MeromAI opted for a community-centric model, ensuring that the token distribution was equitable and the entry barrier for global participants was minimal. This fair launch aligns with their mission to democratize AI access and foster community engagement.
The Significance of the WAX Blockchain

WAX (Worldwide Asset eXchange) is renowned for its focus on decentralized asset trading and #NFT​ ecosystems. By deploying token just like Bitcoin ( $BTC ), Ethereum ( $ETH ), and Binance Coin ( $BNB ) . #MeromAI will be deploying $AIMR on WAX, #MeromAI is tapping into a blockchain that supports high transaction throughput and low fees, ideal for facilitating seamless interactions within their AI ecosystem. This strategic choice amplifies MeromAI’s commitment to scalability and efficiency, essential for their long-term vision of AI training, decentralized infrastructure, and interactive AI models.
Community-Centric Philosophy and DAOLab’s Social Mining

MeromAI’s deployment on WAX echoes the principles of #DaoLabs #SocialMining initiative. #DaoLabs approach to #SocialMining particularly within the #DAOVERSE ecosystem, emphasizes harnessing community engagement and contributions to drive value creation and project success.
This philosophy resonates with MeromAI’s strategy of involving the global community from the ground up. Just as #DaoLabs rewards active community members through #SocialMining MeromAI’s fair launch model ensures that token holders and contributors are integral to the project's growth and success.
In Conclusion, The deployment of MeromAI on the WAX blockchain signifies more than just a technological advancement; it represents a paradigm shift towards community-driven AI innovation. By integrating with WAX and adopting a fair launch model, #MeromAI exemplifies how blockchain technology and AI can intersect to foster inclusive and transparent ecosystems. This approach not only benefits the WAX community but also sets a precedent for future projects aiming to harmonize technology with community engagement.
The Impact of AI on Decentralized Projects: A Paradigm Shift in Web3Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably a transformative force in today's digital landscape. Its integration across various Web2 and Web3 infrastructures is enhancing efficiency and innovation. In the realm of Web3, AI is revolutionizing gaming, social finance, and more by creating dynamic, immersive experiences that seamlessly blend virtual and reality. The foundational cryptocurrencies, including #BTC☀ , #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 , and #BNBToken , were built on decentralized principles, paving the way for emerging projects like #MeromAI and #SocialMining to follow suit and create impactful decentralized platforms. Decentralizing and Democratizing AI MeromAI stands out as a pioneering AI platform powered by people and based on open-source models. It has the distinction of being the first AI platform to partner with the WAX community, launching the first AI project token on the WAX blockchain. This integration aligns with other successful projects on WAX, and its utility token, $WAXP, is tradable on #Binance, making WAX a suitable choice for MeromAI's endeavors. The core mission of MeromAI is to decentralize and democratize AI. By incentivizing users to help train AI models and provide computing power, MeromAI empowers individuals to earn $AIMR tokens. These AI models are designed to assist with various tasks, including work, shopping, and play, providing practical benefits in everyday life. Following in the footsteps of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which catalyzed numerous advancements since its launch in 2022, MeromAI introduced its decentralized solution in 2023, further advancing the accessibility and applicability of AI. Mission and Vision MeromAI's mission is rooted in creating a decentralized, human-powered, open-source AI platform. By crowdsourcing AI dataset curation with the participation of thousands, MeromAI aims to democratize AI and shift control from large corporations to the global community. Tokenomics of $AIMR Let's take a view at $AIMR tokenomics which was designed to foster a community-driven approach: - Incentivization: $AIMR tokens reward individuals for creating high-quality AI datasets. - Community-First Approach: The tokenomics align the global MeromAI community with its core contributors. - Fair Launch: $AIMR had no pre-mining, private sale, or ICO, ensuring a fair launch with low initial liquidity across multiple blockchains, allowing broad community participation. Social Mining Hubs and Their Role in Decentralization I think that MeromAI's community-centric approach is mirrored in other decentralized projects like Social Mining by @DAOLabs Since its introduction in 2021, Social Mining has incentivized individuals to govern and build DAO Labs' Social Mining community for any network of organizations. This model rewards users for quality contributions, maintaining a focus on decentralization and user empowerment. Both MeromAI and Social Mining involves the decentralized community on different grounds. While AI seems the option for MeromAI, the Social aspect of DAOLabs combs the other way through organic user contributions. Then again, the Social Mining tool is available to the top 100 crypto projects and currencies, offering sustainable rewards in stablecoins such as $USDT and $USDC. This incentivizes meaningful participation and contributes to the overall growth and stability of the decentralized ecosystem. I will conclude with this point, that the integration of AI in decentralized projects represents a significant evolution in the Web3 space. Platforms like MeromAI and Social Mining are not only advancing the capabilities of AI but are also fostering a more inclusive, community-driven approach to technology development. By decentralizing AI and incentivizing user participation, thereby paving the way for a more equitable and innovative digital future.

The Impact of AI on Decentralized Projects: A Paradigm Shift in Web3

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably a transformative force in today's digital landscape. Its integration across various Web2 and Web3 infrastructures is enhancing efficiency and innovation. In the realm of Web3, AI is revolutionizing gaming, social finance, and more by creating dynamic, immersive experiences that seamlessly blend virtual and reality. The foundational cryptocurrencies, including #BTC☀ , #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 , and #BNBToken , were built on decentralized principles, paving the way for emerging projects like #MeromAI and #SocialMining to follow suit and create impactful decentralized platforms.

Decentralizing and Democratizing AI
MeromAI stands out as a pioneering AI platform powered by people and based on open-source models. It has the distinction of being the first AI platform to partner with the WAX community, launching the first AI project token on the WAX blockchain. This integration aligns with other successful projects on WAX, and its utility token, $WAXP, is tradable on #Binance, making WAX a suitable choice for MeromAI's endeavors.

The core mission of MeromAI is to decentralize and democratize AI. By incentivizing users to help train AI models and provide computing power, MeromAI empowers individuals to earn $AIMR tokens. These AI models are designed to assist with various tasks, including work, shopping, and play, providing practical benefits in everyday life.

Following in the footsteps of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which catalyzed numerous advancements since its launch in 2022, MeromAI introduced its decentralized solution in 2023, further advancing the accessibility and applicability of AI.

Mission and Vision
MeromAI's mission is rooted in creating a decentralized, human-powered, open-source AI platform. By crowdsourcing AI dataset curation with the participation of thousands, MeromAI aims to democratize AI and shift control from large corporations to the global community.

Tokenomics of $AIMR
Let's take a view at $AIMR tokenomics which was designed to foster a community-driven approach:
- Incentivization: $AIMR tokens reward individuals for creating high-quality AI datasets.
- Community-First Approach: The tokenomics align the global MeromAI community with its core contributors.
- Fair Launch: $AIMR had no pre-mining, private sale, or ICO, ensuring a fair launch with low initial liquidity across multiple blockchains, allowing broad community participation.

Social Mining Hubs and Their Role in Decentralization

I think that MeromAI's community-centric approach is mirrored in other decentralized projects like Social Mining by @DAO Labs Since its introduction in 2021, Social Mining has incentivized individuals to govern and build DAO Labs' Social Mining community for any network of organizations. This model rewards users for quality contributions, maintaining a focus on decentralization and user empowerment.
Both MeromAI and Social Mining involves the decentralized community on different grounds. While AI seems the option for MeromAI, the Social aspect of DAOLabs combs the other way through organic user contributions.
Then again, the Social Mining tool is available to the top 100 crypto projects and currencies, offering sustainable rewards in stablecoins such as $USDT and $USDC. This incentivizes meaningful participation and contributes to the overall growth and stability of the decentralized ecosystem.

I will conclude with this point, that the integration of AI in decentralized projects represents a significant evolution in the Web3 space. Platforms like MeromAI and Social Mining are not only advancing the capabilities of AI but are also fostering a more inclusive, community-driven approach to technology development. By decentralizing AI and incentivizing user participation, thereby paving the way for a more equitable and innovative digital future.
Introducing PromptToEarn With MeromAI on WAX Blockchain 🌐 || By Akahilz 🎓Tl:Dr 👾 #MeromAI is revolutionizing AI with it's Human-Powered AI initiative, where users can earn for contributing to AI prompts. 👾 Unlike projects like $BTC $ETH $BNB , MeromAI's native token $AIMR is not yet available on Binance Exchange 💱. 👾 Users can Prompt to Earn with MeromAI, a great earning initiative for users in crypto as is #SocialMining with #DaoLabs is also a great option too. The emergence of AI has brought in numerous opportunities, MeromAI which is built on #WAXBlockchain is a great initiative to consider as it provides an avenue for human powered AI. Overview 📚 In a groundbreaking move, MeromAI is transforming the AI landscape by decentralizing and democratizing access to artificial intelligence. Built on Open Source LLM models, MeromAI's human-powered AI platform empowers the global community to shape the future of AI. Decentralizing AI: A New Era ChatGPT's emergence in 2022 highlighted the need for a decentralized alternative to corporate-dominated AI. MeromAI's mission is to put AI in the hands of the people, away from large corporations. By crowdsourcing AI data curation, MeromAI has pioneered Human-Powered AI, engaging thousands of participants worldwide. With prompt to earn, users can sign up on MeromAI easily and earn AIMR tokens for adding prompts to the AI database. This is very easy to do. WAX users can use their WAX Wallet to log in or other users can use other options provided. $AIMR Tokenomics: Community-First Approach The $AIMR utility token incentivizes high-quality dataset curation, a crucial building block in AI development. With no pre-mining, private token sale, or ICO, $AIMR's launch ensured a fair and community-driven approach. Emissions will be awarded over 8 years, aligning incentives with MeromAI's roadmap phases. 8-Year Decentralization Plan 💻 The MeromAI's roadmap includes: 1. Building infrastructure (complete) 2. AI training for $AIMR rewards 3. DePIN participation for $AIMR rewards 4. AI agent development 5. Rewards switch to $AIMR and platform fees 6. Majority of rewards in platform fees Summary ⏳ Join the MeromAI Community! Be part of the future of human-powered AI. Get your WAX $AIMR token now and contribute to the decentralized AI movement. Explore MeromAI's website and Twitter channels to learn more. Trivia 🤨 Which Blockchain supports MeromAI? - CARDANO - TON - SOLANA - WAX Comment answer below as seen above📌 Follow, like and share post So more people learn about this!👏🏻 Disclaimer 💭 Post = Educational purposes only, NFA! Always dyor 🔍🔎

Introducing PromptToEarn With MeromAI on WAX Blockchain 🌐 || By Akahilz 🎓

👾 #MeromAI is revolutionizing AI with it's Human-Powered AI initiative, where users can earn for contributing to AI prompts.
👾 Unlike projects like $BTC $ETH $BNB , MeromAI's native token $AIMR is not yet available on Binance Exchange 💱.
👾 Users can Prompt to Earn with MeromAI, a great earning initiative for users in crypto as is #SocialMining with #DaoLabs is also a great option too.

The emergence of AI has brought in numerous opportunities, MeromAI which is built on #WAXBlockchain is a great initiative to consider as it provides an avenue for human powered AI.

Overview 📚
In a groundbreaking move, MeromAI is transforming the AI landscape by decentralizing and democratizing access to artificial intelligence. Built on Open Source LLM models, MeromAI's human-powered AI platform empowers the global community to shape the future of AI.

Decentralizing AI: A New Era
ChatGPT's emergence in 2022 highlighted the need for a decentralized alternative to corporate-dominated AI. MeromAI's mission is to put AI in the hands of the people, away from large corporations. By crowdsourcing AI data curation, MeromAI has pioneered Human-Powered AI, engaging thousands of participants worldwide.
With prompt to earn, users can sign up on MeromAI easily and earn AIMR tokens for adding prompts to the AI database. This is very easy to do.

WAX users can use their WAX Wallet to log in or other users can use other options provided.

$AIMR Tokenomics: Community-First Approach

The $AIMR utility token incentivizes high-quality dataset curation, a crucial building block in AI development. With no pre-mining, private token sale, or ICO, $AIMR's launch ensured a fair and community-driven approach. Emissions will be awarded over 8 years, aligning incentives with MeromAI's roadmap phases.

8-Year Decentralization Plan 💻
The MeromAI's roadmap includes:
1. Building infrastructure (complete)
2. AI training for $AIMR rewards
3. DePIN participation for $AIMR rewards
4. AI agent development
5. Rewards switch to $AIMR and platform fees
6. Majority of rewards in platform fees

Summary ⏳

Join the MeromAI Community!
Be part of the future of human-powered AI. Get your WAX $AIMR token now and contribute to the decentralized AI movement.
Explore MeromAI's website and Twitter channels to learn more.

Trivia 🤨
Which Blockchain supports MeromAI?

Comment answer below as seen above📌
Follow, like and share post
So more people learn about this!👏🏻

Disclaimer 💭
Post = Educational purposes only, NFA!
Always dyor 🔍🔎
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