Binance Square
6,015 vues
15 Publications
Deux prochains BullRun stratosphérique Le prochain BullRun crypto promet d'être un chapitre majeur de l'histoire financière. Pendant longtemps, Bitcoin et d'autres cryptomonnaies ont été portés par des investisseurs individuels, souvent de petits portefeuilles, qui ont cru en le potentiel de cette technologie disruptive. Cependant, un vent de changement souffle sur le paysage cryptographique, et il est alimenté par l'intérêt croissant des institutions financières.L'entrée en scène des institutions est un signal fort que la révolution crypto est en marche. L'énorme influx de capitaux institutionnels vers les cryptomonnaies pourrait bien être le moteur des deux prochains BullRuns, ce qui témoigne de la maturité croissante de l'industrie. Les investisseurs institutionnels, qui recherchent des actifs alternatifs, la diversification et une couverture contre l'inflation, voient de plus en plus les cryptomonnaies comme une option viable.À long terme, il est tout à fait possible que les gouvernements eux-mêmes s'impliquent davantage dans cet espace, régulant et émettant leurs propres monnaies numériques. Le monde de la finance est en train de changer, et la blockchain et les cryptomonnaies sont au cœur de cette révolution.Dans ce contexte de transformation financière, seuls les investisseurs avertis et bien informés tireront pleinement profit de ces opportunités. Notre page demeure un précieux outil pour vous accompagner tout au long de ce changement, en vous fournissant les informations, les analyses et les conseils essentiels pour naviguer dans ce nouvel environnement financier.Restez à l'affût des dernières actualités, des analyses approfondies et des conseils pratiques pour prospérer dans cette ère nouvelle. Ensemble, nous sommes prêts à atteindre de nouveaux sommets et à contribuer activement à façonner l'avenir passionnant des cryptomonnaies et de la finance décentralisée. #Elviskonjoh #Crypto #ETF #BullRun #Institutions #Blockchain

Deux prochains BullRun stratosphérique

Le prochain BullRun crypto promet d'être un chapitre majeur de l'histoire financière. Pendant longtemps, Bitcoin et d'autres cryptomonnaies ont été portés par des investisseurs individuels, souvent de petits portefeuilles, qui ont cru en le potentiel de cette technologie disruptive. Cependant, un vent de changement souffle sur le paysage cryptographique, et il est alimenté par l'intérêt croissant des institutions financières.L'entrée en scène des institutions est un signal fort que la révolution crypto est en marche. L'énorme influx de capitaux institutionnels vers les cryptomonnaies pourrait bien être le moteur des deux prochains BullRuns, ce qui témoigne de la maturité croissante de l'industrie. Les investisseurs institutionnels, qui recherchent des actifs alternatifs, la diversification et une couverture contre l'inflation, voient de plus en plus les cryptomonnaies comme une option viable.À long terme, il est tout à fait possible que les gouvernements eux-mêmes s'impliquent davantage dans cet espace, régulant et émettant leurs propres monnaies numériques. Le monde de la finance est en train de changer, et la blockchain et les cryptomonnaies sont au cœur de cette révolution.Dans ce contexte de transformation financière, seuls les investisseurs avertis et bien informés tireront pleinement profit de ces opportunités. Notre page demeure un précieux outil pour vous accompagner tout au long de ce changement, en vous fournissant les informations, les analyses et les conseils essentiels pour naviguer dans ce nouvel environnement financier.Restez à l'affût des dernières actualités, des analyses approfondies et des conseils pratiques pour prospérer dans cette ère nouvelle. Ensemble, nous sommes prêts à atteindre de nouveaux sommets et à contribuer activement à façonner l'avenir passionnant des cryptomonnaies et de la finance décentralisée. #Elviskonjoh #Crypto #ETF #BullRun #Institutions #Blockchain
Addressing Misconceptions: Arkham CEO Explains the Purpose of the Intel Exchange#Arkham CEO, Miguel Morel, has responded to the claims circulating in the crypto community regarding the company’s “ #Intel Exchange” program. He refutes the notion that it is a “snitch-to-earn” or “dox-to-earn” system and instead emphasizes its purpose in identifying bad actors within the blockchain ecosystem. Unveiling the Arkham Intel #Exchange: Deanonymizing the Blockchain Arkham’s Intel Exchange, launched as a token sale on Binance Launchpad, aims to bring transparency to the blockchain by rewarding users who reveal the true identities behind anonymous blockchain addresses. The platform garnered criticism on Crypto Twitter, with many labeling it a “snitch-to-earn” system. Arkham CEO’s Response: Privacy Challenges in Public Blockchains During a Twitter Space session, CEO Miguel Morel addressed the public relations controversy surrounding Arkham’s Intel Exchange. He acknowledged the challenges of maintaining privacy on public blockchains, asserting that they are not the ideal platforms for keeping personal information private. Defending the Purpose: Exposing Scammers and Hackers Morel defended the Arkham #IntelExchange , stating that its primary objective is to uncover scammers and hackers involved in crypto exploits. He emphasized the need to protect the crypto community from malicious actors and clarified that Arkham will retain control over the data shared on the platform. Ensuring Responsible Information Sharing Contrary to the perception of a completely free market, Morel emphasized that the Intel Exchange will be subject to restrictions and guidelines set by Arkham. The platform will carefully regulate the information shared to prevent abuse and false accusations. Targeting Trading Firms and Large #Institutions Morel highlighted that Arkham’s focus is primarily on uncovering trading firms, market makers, exchanges, and large institutions that benefit from inside information on significant token transactions. By doing so, the platform aims to promote fairness and transparency in the crypto market. Addressing Concerns of Abuse and False Accusations While concerns were raised about potential abuse and false accusations facilitated by “crypto detectives,” Morel assured that Arkham’s bounty system will undergo rigorous vetting and approval processes. He emphasized that the platform will be more regulated than social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. Data Management and User Privacy TV host Ran Neuner raised concerns about Arkham’s management of user data, expressing reservations about potential privacy breaches. Morel acknowledged the importance of responsible data management and reassured users that Arkham will take necessary measures to protect their information. Recent Email Leak Incident and Referral Program Arkham faced criticism recently for leaking user emails through its Weblink referral program. The inclusion of easily decipherable characters in referral links revealed users’ email addresses, raising concerns about data security and privacy practices. Enhancing Security and Regulating Information: Arkham’s Approach to the Intel Exchange Arkham CEO Miguel Morel further elaborated on the company’s commitment to ensuring security and responsible information sharing through the Intel Exchange. He emphasized that Arkham will implement strict guidelines and regulations to govern the platform effectively. Unlike social media platforms, every bounty shared on the Intel Exchange will require approval, preventing the dissemination of false or misleading information.

Addressing Misconceptions: Arkham CEO Explains the Purpose of the Intel Exchange

#Arkham CEO, Miguel Morel, has responded to the claims circulating in the crypto community regarding the company’s “ #Intel Exchange” program.

He refutes the notion that it is a “snitch-to-earn” or “dox-to-earn” system and instead emphasizes its purpose in identifying bad actors within the blockchain ecosystem.

Unveiling the Arkham Intel #Exchange: Deanonymizing the Blockchain

Arkham’s Intel Exchange, launched as a token sale on Binance Launchpad, aims to bring transparency to the blockchain by rewarding users who reveal the true identities behind anonymous blockchain addresses.

The platform garnered criticism on Crypto Twitter, with many labeling it a “snitch-to-earn” system.

Arkham CEO’s Response: Privacy Challenges in Public Blockchains

During a Twitter Space session, CEO Miguel Morel addressed the public relations controversy surrounding Arkham’s Intel Exchange.

He acknowledged the challenges of maintaining privacy on public blockchains, asserting that they are not the ideal platforms for keeping personal information private.

Defending the Purpose: Exposing Scammers and Hackers

Morel defended the Arkham #IntelExchange , stating that its primary objective is to uncover scammers and hackers involved in crypto exploits.

He emphasized the need to protect the crypto community from malicious actors and clarified that Arkham will retain control over the data shared on the platform.

Ensuring Responsible Information Sharing

Contrary to the perception of a completely free market, Morel emphasized that the Intel Exchange will be subject to restrictions and guidelines set by Arkham.

The platform will carefully regulate the information shared to prevent abuse and false accusations.

Targeting Trading Firms and Large #Institutions

Morel highlighted that Arkham’s focus is primarily on uncovering trading firms, market makers, exchanges, and large institutions that benefit from inside information on significant token transactions.

By doing so, the platform aims to promote fairness and transparency in the crypto market.

Addressing Concerns of Abuse and False Accusations

While concerns were raised about potential abuse and false accusations facilitated by “crypto detectives,” Morel assured that Arkham’s bounty system will undergo rigorous vetting and approval processes.

He emphasized that the platform will be more regulated than social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

Data Management and User Privacy

TV host Ran Neuner raised concerns about Arkham’s management of user data, expressing reservations about potential privacy breaches.

Morel acknowledged the importance of responsible data management and reassured users that Arkham will take necessary measures to protect their information.

Recent Email Leak Incident and Referral Program

Arkham faced criticism recently for leaking user emails through its Weblink referral program.

The inclusion of easily decipherable characters in referral links revealed users’ email addresses, raising concerns about data security and privacy practices.

Enhancing Security and Regulating Information: Arkham’s Approach to the Intel Exchange

Arkham CEO Miguel Morel further elaborated on the company’s commitment to ensuring security and responsible information sharing through the Intel Exchange.

He emphasized that Arkham will implement strict guidelines and regulations to govern the platform effectively.

Unlike social media platforms, every bounty shared on the Intel Exchange will require approval, preventing the dissemination of false or misleading information.
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