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经过数周的大量购买后,现货比特币ETF的资金流入已经放缓,只有贝莱德旗下的IBIT继续保持每日连续的正向资金流入。一位专家表示,这是ETF领域的正常发展现象。 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETFbitcoin $BTC
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETFbitcoin $BTC
根据SoSoValue数据,4月16日美东时间,比特币现货ETF总计净流出5803万美元。灰度(Grayscale)ETF GBTC当日净流出7938万美元,使得其历史净流出总额达到164.6亿美元。相比之下,贝莱德(BlackRock)ETF IBIT成为昨日单日净流入最多的比特币现货ETF,净流入约为2578万美元。其次是VanEck ETF HODL,单日净流入约为356万美元。截至发稿时,比特币现货ETF的总资产净值为527.3亿美元,ETF净资产比率(市值相对于比特币总市值的比率)达到4.25%,历史累计净流入达124.3亿美元。 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #现货BTC #ETFbitcoin $BTC
根据SoSoValue数据,4月16日美东时间,比特币现货ETF总计净流出5803万美元。灰度(Grayscale)ETF GBTC当日净流出7938万美元,使得其历史净流出总额达到164.6亿美元。相比之下,贝莱德(BlackRock)ETF IBIT成为昨日单日净流入最多的比特币现货ETF,净流入约为2578万美元。其次是VanEck ETF HODL,单日净流入约为356万美元。截至发稿时,比特币现货ETF的总资产净值为527.3亿美元,ETF净资产比率(市值相对于比特币总市值的比率)达到4.25%,历史累计净流入达124.3亿美元。
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #现货BTC #ETFbitcoin $BTC
4月17日午间重要动态摘要如下: 1.Jupiter推出LST代币JupSOL。 2.距离比特币区块奖励减半仅剩约3天时间。 3.Magic Eden宣布推出比特币NFT项目Offers功能。 4.一季度GameFi领域投资规模达2.68亿美元。 5.HashKey Global将对来自第三方交易所的充值进行所有权认证。 6.彭博ETF分析师指出,最近几日现货比特币ETF资金流入为零是完全正常的现象。 7.去中心化网络硬件基础设施公司GEODNET完成200万美元新一轮融资。 8.分析表明,目前比特币处于第四轮周期之中,当前位置提示短期币价过热风险。 #JUP #减半 #ETFbitcoin
3.Magic Eden宣布推出比特币NFT项目Offers功能。
5.HashKey Global将对来自第三方交易所的充值进行所有权认证。
#JUP #减半 #ETFbitcoin
James Seyffart表示,虽然一些市场评论员对美国比特币ETF的资金流入量较低表示担忧,但最近几天现货比特币ETF资金流入为零是正常现象,不应被误解为产品本身的失败。在大多数日子里,所有美国ETF的资金流入都是零,对于任何特定行业的ETF来说都是正常的。要记录新的资金流入或流出,必须存在足够大的不匹配,以证明制造或销毁新基金份额是合理的。 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETFbitcoin $BTC
James Seyffart表示,虽然一些市场评论员对美国比特币ETF的资金流入量较低表示担忧,但最近几天现货比特币ETF资金流入为零是正常现象,不应被误解为产品本身的失败。在大多数日子里,所有美国ETF的资金流入都是零,对于任何特定行业的ETF来说都是正常的。要记录新的资金流入或流出,必须存在足够大的不匹配,以证明制造或销毁新基金份额是合理的。
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETFbitcoin $BTC
香港证监会或许将于4月底一次过批出首批虚拟货币ETF 据报道,嘉实国际、华夏基金及博时基金三家中资基金公司计划推出比特币及以太币现货ETF,有望成为全球首批推出以太币现货ETF的公司。消息称,预计证监会将在4月底一次过批准首批虚拟货币ETF,情况类似于美国证交会(SEC)今年1月批准了11只比特币现货ETF。 对此,证监会回应称,经其认可的投资产品将在其网站上公开发售的投资产品列表上列明。证监会表示,若申请的ETF产品大致符合其要求,则会颁发有条件的授权书,但申请公司仍需遵守各种条件,包括支付相关费用、提交文件,并获得港交所(0388)的上市批准。有关申请基金公司预计将向港交所递交申请。 #ETFbitcoin #香港比特币现货etf

#ETFbitcoin #香港比特币现货etf
Messari发布的2024年第一季度比特币报告显示,BTC价格环比增长69%,达到71,310美元,创下历史新高。这一涨势在4月份临近新的减半周期时达到顶峰。现货BTC ETF的成功是价格上涨的主要驱动因素,第一季度资金流入超过120亿美元。现货BTC ETF目前持有831,000 BTC,价值590亿美元。铭文交易数和费用环比下降40%和60%。尽管如此,NFT交易平台的日销售额仍然超过1000万美元。四月份的减半将推出Runes代币协议和Epic sat。矿工收入(美元)环比增长34%,矿工正在探索铭文和MEV作为额外收入来源。一些矿工已正式开始出售区块,以满足Ordinals开发者的需求。可编程比特币层的TVL环比增长127%。目前正在构建数十个新层来扩展比特币并增加其可编程性,其中许多层正在探索基于BitVM的桥接和状态验证。 #热门话题 #大盘走势 #BTC、 $BTC #ETFbitcoin
Messari发布的2024年第一季度比特币报告显示,BTC价格环比增长69%,达到71,310美元,创下历史新高。这一涨势在4月份临近新的减半周期时达到顶峰。现货BTC ETF的成功是价格上涨的主要驱动因素,第一季度资金流入超过120亿美元。现货BTC ETF目前持有831,000 BTC,价值590亿美元。铭文交易数和费用环比下降40%和60%。尽管如此,NFT交易平台的日销售额仍然超过1000万美元。四月份的减半将推出Runes代币协议和Epic sat。矿工收入(美元)环比增长34%,矿工正在探索铭文和MEV作为额外收入来源。一些矿工已正式开始出售区块,以满足Ordinals开发者的需求。可编程比特币层的TVL环比增长127%。目前正在构建数十个新层来扩展比特币并增加其可编程性,其中许多层正在探索基于BitVM的桥接和状态验证。
#热门话题 #大盘走势 #BTC、 $BTC #ETFbitcoin
$BTC dont get blinded by the news you can find me on tee gee DONT short it but its bearish wait below #BTCETFSPOT Update Currently in a valid cup formation! Next move might be a retracement for a handle formation. Potential targets: $38k and $32k. Our first checkpoint? $40k! Don't rush to short! Patience is key. Wait below #ETFbitcoin #ETFApprovalDreams #BullRunPredictions
dont get blinded by the news you can find me on tee gee
DONT short it but its bearish wait below
#BTCETFSPOT Update Currently in a valid cup formation! Next move might be a retracement for a handle formation. Potential targets: $38k and $32k. Our first checkpoint? $40k! Don't rush to short! Patience is key. Wait below #ETFbitcoin #ETFApprovalDreams #BullRunPredictions
Everyone knows that the bull market is coming, and everyone wants to make money from it, but it won't be that easy, and most people will definitely be thrown off the car. This year you have to listen to me, keep your principal well, and enter the market in batches when the market falls sharply, don't think about buying at the lowest point. As long as you dare to buy when the market is falling, you will surpass 80% of the people. If you understand, please give me a like! #ETH #BTC #sol #ETFbitcoin
Everyone knows that the bull market is coming, and everyone wants to make money from it, but it won't be that easy, and most people will definitely be thrown off the car.
This year you have to listen to me, keep your principal well, and enter the market in batches when the market falls sharply, don't think about buying at the lowest point.
As long as you dare to buy when the market is falling, you will surpass 80% of the people.
If you understand, please give me a like!
#ETH #BTC #sol #ETFbitcoin
Do you still have the inscriptions? Brothers, the inscriptions you can see are being washed with blood. The inscription you cannot see has lost its fluidity. Of course, you can say that I don't understand your grand plans. However, if you look at the price a little bit, you can see how many people have taken advantage of it. Give me another needle, and I'll help you figure it out. 😂 ORDI, pay attention to the location near 45. The key support level in the early stage. Many people are saying not to sell. Today’s top will be tomorrow’s bottom. As a result, I kept asking Ange every day when his web3 wallet would be online. Why go online? Just sell the goods. Contradictory, really contradictory~ #ORDI. #SATS #Web3 #ETFbitcoin #NFT
Do you still have the inscriptions? Brothers, the inscriptions you can see are being washed with blood.
The inscription you cannot see has lost its fluidity.
Of course, you can say that I don't understand your grand plans.
However, if you look at the price a little bit, you can see how many people have taken advantage of it.
Give me another needle, and I'll help you figure it out. 😂
ORDI, pay attention to the location near 45. The key support level in the early stage.
Many people are saying not to sell. Today’s top will be tomorrow’s bottom. As a result, I kept asking Ange every day when his web3 wallet would be online. Why go online? Just sell the goods.
Contradictory, really contradictory~ #ORDI. #SATS

#Web3 #ETFbitcoin #NFT
Some views on SOL There are various rumors in the media that SOL will replace ETH or even surpass BTC in the next bull market. In this regard, Yiming's view is: Impossible. SOL is more like FIL FIL was so hot from 2020 to 2021, but in the end it was just a piece of cake. A copycat is a copycat after all, and after the heat has passed, its original shape will appear. Big pie and ether are still the main drivers of account capital growth, but many people look down upon this and feel it is too slow. The trading market cannot go far even if it runs fast, and it cannot go far fast! #SOL #ETH #BTC #FIL #ETFbitcoin
Some views on SOL
There are various rumors in the media that SOL will replace ETH or even surpass BTC in the next bull market. In this regard, Yiming's view is: Impossible.
SOL is more like FIL
FIL was so hot from 2020 to 2021, but in the end it was just a piece of cake. A copycat is a copycat after all, and after the heat has passed, its original shape will appear.
Big pie and ether are still the main drivers of account capital growth, but many people look down upon this and feel it is too slow. The trading market cannot go far even if it runs fast, and it cannot go far fast!
#SOL #ETH #BTC #FIL #ETFbitcoin
In 2024, these 5 altcoins can make you rich, so pay attention! ! 1: ORDI Between 55 and 30, buy it without thinking. 2:1000sats The range from 0.00045 to 0.00032, buy it without thinking 3:SOL Stud focuses on the vicinity of 62, and the callback is in place directly. 4:op Go back to 2 and continue stud I bought it around 1.8 in November. . 5TRB You will be afraid of yourself when it rises This currency is not suitable for contracts. The spot focus is on ambush. Generally speaking, these 5 altcoins are all coins that are currently being added by institutions and retail investors of their choice to play back and forth. If they can return to the position I want in the future, they will be a good choice in 2024. . Before investing in any of these, it's important to do your own research and weigh your personal risk tolerance. #contentmining #BTC #ETFbitcoin
In 2024, these 5 altcoins can make you rich, so pay attention! !
Between 55 and 30, buy it without thinking.
The range from 0.00045 to 0.00032, buy it without thinking
Stud focuses on the vicinity of 62, and the callback is in place directly.
Go back to 2 and continue stud
I bought it around 1.8 in November. .
You will be afraid of yourself when it rises
This currency is not suitable for contracts. The spot focus is on ambush.
Generally speaking, these 5 altcoins are all coins that are currently being added by institutions and retail investors of their choice to play back and forth. If they can return to the position I want in the future, they will be a good choice in 2024. . Before investing in any of these, it's important to do your own research and weigh your personal risk tolerance. #contentmining #BTC #ETFbitcoin
How This Cryptocurrency Trader Turned $3,000 into $650,000 in 19 hours Speculating in illiquid cryptocurrencies is risky, but sometimes rewarding. One cryptocurrency trader recently beat the risk of bankruptcy, turning $3,000 into more than $651,000 in 19 hours. At the time, the trader held 314.9 trillion SNOW, worth approximately $535,000. Notably, address “0xf8a…F8683” first purchased 386.94 trillion SNOW for 1.31 ETH, worth $2,931. First, he sold 72 trillion tokens for 53.4 ETH, worth $119,000. Thus, a profit of 52.09 ETH ($116,000) was realized. Since then, traders have sold more SNOW while adding liquidity to the Uniswap ( UNI ) pool. He currently holds 252.2 trillion liquidity tokens and is ready to sell at any time. Snowman (SNOW) Analysis on Uniswap Snowman (SNOW) is a low-liquidity, low-market-cap ERC-20 token that only trades on Uniswap. In particular, there is no coin information available on decentralized exchanges, indicating that the meme coin is purely speculative. It exists under the smart contract "0xD1f…a557f". Additionally, the token has a TVL of $374,100 in its liquidity pool and a 24-hour trading volume of over $4.7 million. Its circulating supply is 888.888 trillion SNOW, with a price below $0.00000001. Interestingly, the trader’s first purchase was equivalent to 43.5% of the circulating supply. Meanwhile, the address’s current balance is equivalent to 28.3% of all Snowman tokens, exceeding available liquidity. The trade could be a lucky strike, a successful move by a smart trader, or even an inside job. Still, it illustrates the high volatility of low-liquidity tokens—this time to the benefit of speculators. However, these deals often don't have a happy ending. Speculators may find it difficult to realize any meaningful profits in a low-liquidity environment, and volatility can turn quickly, leading to huge losses and investor bankruptcies. #BTC #ETH #sol #ETFbitcoin
How This Cryptocurrency Trader Turned $3,000 into $650,000 in 19 hours
Speculating in illiquid cryptocurrencies is risky, but sometimes rewarding. One cryptocurrency trader recently beat the risk of bankruptcy, turning $3,000 into more than $651,000 in 19 hours.
At the time, the trader held 314.9 trillion SNOW, worth approximately $535,000.
Notably, address “0xf8a…F8683” first purchased 386.94 trillion SNOW for 1.31 ETH, worth $2,931. First, he sold 72 trillion tokens for 53.4 ETH, worth $119,000. Thus, a profit of 52.09 ETH ($116,000) was realized.
Since then, traders have sold more SNOW while adding liquidity to the Uniswap ( UNI ) pool. He currently holds 252.2 trillion liquidity tokens and is ready to sell at any time.
Snowman (SNOW) Analysis on Uniswap
Snowman (SNOW) is a low-liquidity, low-market-cap ERC-20 token that only trades on Uniswap. In particular, there is no coin information available on decentralized exchanges, indicating that the meme coin is purely speculative. It exists under the smart contract "0xD1f…a557f".
Additionally, the token has a TVL of $374,100 in its liquidity pool and a 24-hour trading volume of over $4.7 million. Its circulating supply is 888.888 trillion SNOW, with a price below $0.00000001.
Interestingly, the trader’s first purchase was equivalent to 43.5% of the circulating supply. Meanwhile, the address’s current balance is equivalent to 28.3% of all Snowman tokens, exceeding available liquidity.
The trade could be a lucky strike, a successful move by a smart trader, or even an inside job. Still, it illustrates the high volatility of low-liquidity tokens—this time to the benefit of speculators.
However, these deals often don't have a happy ending. Speculators may find it difficult to realize any meaningful profits in a low-liquidity environment, and volatility can turn quickly, leading to huge losses and investor bankruptcies.
#BTC #ETH #sol #ETFbitcoin
根据3月28日的金色财经报道,依据Lookonchain的数据,当天9支比特币现货ETF(包括灰度投资)净增持了534枚BTC,资金净流入约为3812万美元。在这9支ETF中,灰度投资减持了3072枚BTC,净流出约2.19亿美元,目前持有的BTC数量为339536枚,价值约242.4亿美元。而21Shares则增持了2924枚BTC,净流入约2.08亿美元,目前持有的BTC数量为44277枚,价值约31.6亿美元。 请注意,投资有风险,入市需谨慎。以上信息不构成投资建议。 #热门话题 #BTC $BTC #ETFbitcoin #DOGE $ETH

#热门话题 #BTC $BTC #ETFbitcoin #DOGE $ETH
Crypto News VanEck Foresees Ethereum ETFs Outpacing Bitcoin ETFs in Market Impact. VanEck Analysis Highlights Potential for Ethereum ETFs to Dominate Market Influence, Signaling a New Era in Crypto Investment Trends. #ETH #ETF #ETFbitcoin #CRYPTONEWS
Crypto News

VanEck Foresees Ethereum ETFs Outpacing Bitcoin ETFs in Market Impact.

VanEck Analysis Highlights Potential for Ethereum ETFs to Dominate Market Influence, Signaling a New Era in Crypto Investment Trends.

Ark Invest首席执行官Cathie Wood本周在播客中表示,Ark 21Shares以太坊ETF和其他类似产品在5月份获得批准的可能性正在降低。Wood表示,对于比特币来说,现货比特币ETF即将发生变化的一个明显迹象是我们正在与SEC进行沟通,我认为美SEC仍在等待时机,也许正在研究这些问题。21Shares联合创始人Ophelia Snyder表示,考虑到现货以太坊ETF与已批准的比特币ETF相似,美国SEC在考虑以太坊ETF时没有什么值得关注的,因此现货以太坊ETF或会很快获批。 #热门话题 #BTC #ETFbitcoin $BTC $ETH
Ark Invest首席执行官Cathie Wood本周在播客中表示,Ark 21Shares以太坊ETF和其他类似产品在5月份获得批准的可能性正在降低。Wood表示,对于比特币来说,现货比特币ETF即将发生变化的一个明显迹象是我们正在与SEC进行沟通,我认为美SEC仍在等待时机,也许正在研究这些问题。21Shares联合创始人Ophelia Snyder表示,考虑到现货以太坊ETF与已批准的比特币ETF相似,美国SEC在考虑以太坊ETF时没有什么值得关注的,因此现货以太坊ETF或会很快获批。
#热门话题 #BTC #ETFbitcoin $BTC $ETH
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