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You had been informed you had been warned $BTC #CPI数据 ✅️📊🎯
You had been informed you had been warned

$BTC #CPI数据 ✅️📊🎯

$BTC BTC 4H: BTC going to test that 63.5K resistance again. Interesting move just 2hrs before CPI. Other S/Rs are shown in the chart. I'll suggest waiting out CPI, S/Rs can get violated during these type of news event and usually after an hour things become very clear. Manage your risk. #BTC☀️ #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CPI_DATA #CPI数据 #GME

BTC 4H: BTC going to test that 63.5K resistance again. Interesting move just 2hrs before CPI. Other S/Rs are shown in the chart. I'll suggest waiting out CPI, S/Rs can get violated during these type of news event and usually after an hour things become very clear. Manage your risk.

#BTC☀️ #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CPI_DATA #CPI数据 #GME
I accurately predicted the market drop and Bitcoin's fall but some who didn't heed my warning are upset now as the market plunges. Through extensive research and discussions with prominent crypto investors, I foresaw the impending crash, driven by these investors cashing out their profits. My insights aren't unreliable; they come directly from these market influencers. By following my updates, you could have avoided significant losses. #bitcoinhalving #WIF #etf #Memecoins #CPI数据 $BTC $ETH $USDC
I accurately predicted the market drop and Bitcoin's fall but some who didn't heed my warning are upset now as the market plunges.

Through extensive research and discussions with prominent crypto investors, I foresaw the impending crash, driven by these investors cashing out their profits. My insights aren't unreliable; they come directly from these market influencers. By following my updates, you could have avoided significant losses. #bitcoinhalving #WIF #etf #Memecoins #CPI数据 $BTC $ETH $USDC
⚠️ New Binance Listing Alert ⚠️ $TAO will be listed on Binance in around 3 hours. My advice is to hold off on buying immediately because the market will be highly volatile. Buying at a high price could lead to getting stuck, and the market may drop later. I've mentioned this advice multiple times during previous launches, and it's proven to be right. You can check my past posts for verification. Good luck! Consider waiting at least an hour before making any entry. $BTC #CPI数据 #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins
⚠️ New Binance Listing Alert ⚠️
$TAO will be listed on Binance in around 3 hours. My advice is to hold off on buying immediately because the market will be highly volatile. Buying at a high price could lead to getting stuck, and the market may drop later.
I've mentioned this advice multiple times during previous launches, and it's proven to be right. You can check my past posts for verification.
Good luck! Consider waiting at least an hour before making any entry.
$BTC #CPI数据 #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins
昨晚大跌的几个原因昨晚大跌的几个原因 1️⃣美联储突然放话,由原来三次的降息变成一次,降息预期折扣太大导致直接暴跌,但是并不是说就没信心了。 2️⃣美股三大指数集体暴跌,道指跌1.24%,纳指跌1.62%,标普500指数跌1.45%,热门科技股普跌,英伟达、特斯拉、Meta跌超2%,微软、谷歌跌超1%,直接带崩币圈。 3️⃣比特币还有一周时间即将完成减半,利好兑现变利空。 别灰心,大跌根本就不是大趋势,跌下来企稳后反而是分批抄底的好机会,迟早会涨回去的。现货忍一时之痛,近期不打开交易所便是,币的数量并未减少。而玩合约爆仓的,就真回不去了! #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 #


别灰心,大跌根本就不是大趋势,跌下来企稳后反而是分批抄底的好机会,迟早会涨回去的。现货忍一时之痛,近期不打开交易所便是,币的数量并未减少。而玩合约爆仓的,就真回不去了! #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 #
⚠️ Attention, $BTC Alert! ⚠️  Watch out! Remember 2022 when $BTC fell from $48,200 to $16,500 in weeks? Now, in 2024, some predict it'll hit $150,000. But let's learn from the past. Big whales use media to attract hopeful investors. When profits peak, they vanish, leaving others behind.  Don't be fooled! Act smart. Consider securing your funds now while BTC is around 70k. History suggests it may not pass $75,000 this year. Protect your investments, stay alert! #BinanceLaunchpool #CPI数据 #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #sui
⚠️ Attention, $BTC Alert! ⚠️

 Watch out! Remember 2022 when $BTC fell from $48,200 to $16,500 in weeks? Now, in 2024, some predict it'll hit $150,000. But let's learn from the past.

Big whales use media to attract hopeful investors. When profits peak, they vanish, leaving others behind.

 Don't be fooled! Act smart. Consider securing your funds now while BTC is around 70k. History suggests it may not pass $75,000 this year. Protect your investments, stay alert!
As we expected, BTC fell below 60,000 and ETH fell below 3,000. Everything follows the script we gave you half a month ago. At the same time, the ETH and BTC exchange rates hit a record low. Best way to beat the crypto down turn is to invest in some good profitable NFTs Bored apes is offering 50 percent off on all purchases link 😏#BitcoinHalvingImpact alving #CPI数据 DATA #BullorBear" rBear
As we expected, BTC fell below 60,000 and ETH fell below 3,000. Everything follows the script we gave you half a month ago. At the same time, the ETH and BTC exchange rates hit a record low.
Best way to beat the crypto down turn is to invest in some good profitable NFTs

Bored apes is offering 50 percent off on all purchases link

😏#BitcoinHalvingImpact alving #CPI数据 DATA #BullorBear" rBear
ESMA:约70%至80%的加密货币二级市场交易发生在加密资产与稳定币之间 金色财经报道,根据欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)对加密资产市场结构的最新分析,大约70%到80%的二级市场交易发生在加密资产与稳定币之间,没有法定货币的参与或使用。ESMA的报告认为,在强劲增长时期,加密资产和稳定币之间的交易经常会让位于加密资产对加密资产的交易。在2020和2021年,加密货币对加密货币的交易量激增,而加密货币对稳定币的交易量下降,从而支持了这一理论。2023年下半年也出现了类似的趋势。#大盘走势 #CPI数据 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

金色财经报道,根据欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)对加密资产市场结构的最新分析,大约70%到80%的二级市场交易发生在加密资产与稳定币之间,没有法定货币的参与或使用。ESMA的报告认为,在强劲增长时期,加密资产和稳定币之间的交易经常会让位于加密资产对加密资产的交易。在2020和2021年,加密货币对加密货币的交易量激增,而加密货币对稳定币的交易量下降,从而支持了这一理论。2023年下半年也出现了类似的趋势。#大盘走势 #CPI数据 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I told everyone that the market would collapse and that Bitcoin would hit $35,000, but those who failed to complete their homework took offense at my warning. Right now, the entire market is declining quickly. Upon conducting extensive research and speaking with prominent cryptocurrency investors, I concluded that the market was about to crash. The large investors intended to remove even more from the market after realizing enormous profits. You wouldn't be losing as much money now if you had followed my advice to sell your assets two weeks ago—I knew a crash was coming. I don't provide you with inaccurate information. My information comes directly from large cryptocurrency investors. For daily updates, follow me. #SHİB #WIF 🔥🔥 #CPI数据
I told everyone that the market would collapse and that Bitcoin would hit $35,000, but those who failed to complete their homework took offense at my warning.
Right now, the entire market is declining quickly.

Upon conducting extensive research and speaking with prominent cryptocurrency investors, I concluded that the market was about to crash. The large investors intended to remove even more from the market after realizing enormous profits.

You wouldn't be losing as much money now if you had followed my advice to sell your assets two weeks ago—I knew a crash was coming.

I don't provide you with inaccurate information. My information comes directly from large cryptocurrency investors.
For daily updates, follow me.

#SHİB #WIF 🔥🔥 #CPI数据
Everyone knows that the market would collapse and that Bitcoin would hit $35,000, but those who failed to complete their homework took offense at this warning. Right now, the entire market is declining quickly. Upon conducting extensive research and speaking with prominent cryptocurrency investors, I concluded that the market was about to crash. The large investors intended to remove even more from the market after realizing enormous profits. You wouldn't be losing as much money now if you had followed my advice to sell your assets two weeks ago—I knew a crash was coming. I don't provide you with inaccurate information. My information comes directly from large cryptocurrency investors. For daily updates, follow me. #SHİB #WIF🔥🔥 #CPI数据
Everyone knows that the market would collapse and that Bitcoin would hit $35,000, but those who failed to complete their homework took offense at this warning.
Right now, the entire market is declining quickly.
Upon conducting extensive research and speaking with prominent cryptocurrency investors, I concluded that the market was about to crash. The large investors intended to remove even more from the market after realizing enormous profits.
You wouldn't be losing as much money now if you had followed my advice to sell your assets two weeks ago—I knew a crash was coming.
I don't provide you with inaccurate information. My information comes directly from large cryptocurrency investors.
For daily updates, follow me.
你知道山寨币为啥一直阴跌吗? 财神来告诉你为什么。 因为现在大一点的资金根本就不会去买山寨, 山寨是可以获得更大的利润, 但是风险也很大。币安现在每周的挖矿收益大概能有2%, 一个月就是4次,1000万的资金一次可以获得20万,一个月80万左右, 这个收益看起来没多少, 但是基本上没风险的,这种情况下, 但凡有点资金的谁去买山寨? #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #Meme #SHIB #大盘走势 我是财神,看我置顶主页,我的牛市策略部署无偿向粉丝分享。








#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #Meme #SHIB #大盘走势

#大盘走势 伴随大概率即将降临的稳定币立法,以及接踵而至的加密资产立法,能够基本推断出如下两个预测: 1. 本轮牛市极有可能会成为绝大多数山寨币的最终狂欢,在未来数年时间内,超过 90%的山寨币或将不复存在,而真正意义上的资产、证券代币化进程将会取而代之; 2. 美元全球化的地位将会进一步获得巩固,甚至会比传统美元的地位更加坚实。#CPI数据
#大盘走势 伴随大概率即将降临的稳定币立法,以及接踵而至的加密资产立法,能够基本推断出如下两个预测:

1. 本轮牛市极有可能会成为绝大多数山寨币的最终狂欢,在未来数年时间内,超过 90%的山寨币或将不复存在,而真正意义上的资产、证券代币化进程将会取而代之;
2. 美元全球化的地位将会进一步获得巩固,甚至会比传统美元的地位更加坚实。#CPI数据
如何500u每天稳定收益200u容易上头的千万别进来 深夜里这些话值得你思考学习 你玩合约好那盈利没盈利自己心里难道不清楚吗 那为什么不去老老实实去搬砖搬u呢 500u本金稳稳定定搬200u 你为什么还要去冒这风险去玩合约去玩期货被割? 每天稳稳定定不多少不可以吗 200u每天只需要一两个小时去搬砖打金 你非要去炒币炒着炒着最后啥也没了#大盘走势 #比特币减半 #非农就业数据 #CPI数据 #新币挖矿
你非要去炒币炒着炒着最后啥也没了#大盘走势 #比特币减半 #非农就业数据 #CPI数据 #新币挖矿
推荐几个值得关注的币 1、#ETHFI 绝对的黑马价值币,也是热门板块,翻倍很容易,牛市看60刀以上。 2.#BOME 链上3天拉300多倍火爆出圈推动SOL生态暴富效应,背后华尔街资本联合币安上线,3天上线币安也是前无古人后无来者了。庄的操盘思路参考PEPE,深度洗盘后一定会爆拉,短时间内涨十倍很正常,然后就假突破继续出货。 3.#DYM Dymension是一个模块化结算层,它提供了轻松启动作为Cosmos生态系统一部分的rollups所需的所有工具和基础设施,打开去中心化应用场景的全新维度。 目前性价比很高,即将迎来突破,作为币安上的新币还没怎么暴涨过。 4.#NFP 它是一个AI驱动的UGC平台,专为新一代Web3创造者而设计。它是AI板块唯一没有暴涨的币子,庄洗盘也很厉害,我只能说现在盘它的性价比没的说。 5.#AEVO。 O 是一个高性能的去中心化衍生品交易平台,专注于期权和永续合约。也是去年12月份上线的新币,没怎么涨,现已横盘十几周了,现在埋伏性价比也很高。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #CPI数据 我是财神,币圈老手,只讲真话。想快速入门币圈?关注我,查看主页,免费为你提供真实建议,助你稳步前行,共创辉煌!

1、#ETHFI 绝对的黑马价值币,也是热门板块,翻倍很容易,牛市看60刀以上。

2.#BOME 链上3天拉300多倍火爆出圈推动SOL生态暴富效应,背后华尔街资本联合币安上线,3天上线币安也是前无古人后无来者了。庄的操盘思路参考PEPE,深度洗盘后一定会爆拉,短时间内涨十倍很正常,然后就假突破继续出货。

3.#DYM Dymension是一个模块化结算层,它提供了轻松启动作为Cosmos生态系统一部分的rollups所需的所有工具和基础设施,打开去中心化应用场景的全新维度。 目前性价比很高,即将迎来突破,作为币安上的新币还没怎么暴涨过。

4.#NFP 它是一个AI驱动的UGC平台,专为新一代Web3创造者而设计。它是AI板块唯一没有暴涨的币子,庄洗盘也很厉害,我只能说现在盘它的性价比没的说。

5.#AEVO。 O 是一个高性能的去中心化衍生品交易平台,专注于期权和永续合约。也是去年12月份上线的新币,没怎么涨,现已横盘十几周了,现在埋伏性价比也很高。
#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #CPI数据

#起初涉足时,投入一千元进场,转瞬便亏损三百,余下七百。然而当时并未在意,毕竟只是抱着玩一玩的心态。高频的交易,再加上些许运气,约莫 8 天左右,一千元就增值为两万六。至此,我开始意识到自己竟然如此厉害,进而幻想着买车买房,编织起各式各样的美好梦想。但内心也不禁有些疑惑,这一切莫非是真的?为何这个市场如此容易赚钱,却还有那么多人亏钱甚至爆仓呢?#CPI数据
#起初涉足时,投入一千元进场,转瞬便亏损三百,余下七百。然而当时并未在意,毕竟只是抱着玩一玩的心态。高频的交易,再加上些许运气,约莫 8 天左右,一千元就增值为两万六。至此,我开始意识到自己竟然如此厉害,进而幻想着买车买房,编织起各式各样的美好梦想。但内心也不禁有些疑惑,这一切莫非是真的?为何这个市场如此容易赚钱,却还有那么多人亏钱甚至爆仓呢?#CPI数据
$BTC How do you view Sun Yuchen's remarks on eggs, pregnancy, and the separation of powers in the cryptocurrency circle? Sun Ge said that it is impossible to turn things around by marrying him, and Sun Ge is a non-marriageist As for how much assets Sun Ge has? Only he knows Currently, the two public addresses found in the Ethereum blockchain browser show that there are more than 500 million US dollars This is a public address, plus the anonymous wallet, the money in CEX The most important thing is that I don’t know how much BTC and TRX Sun Ge has. I personally think these two should be the big ones As a veteran boss, Sun Ge can’t not hold a large position in BTC, and he is also the founder of TRX. It is said that most of the TVL on the TRX chain belongs to him alone So conservatively estimated that there are billions of US dollars in assets. . #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #新币挖矿 #非农数据 $TAO $ENA #SAGA
$BTC How do you view Sun Yuchen's remarks on eggs, pregnancy, and the separation of powers in the cryptocurrency circle?
Sun Ge said that it is impossible to turn things around by marrying him, and Sun Ge is a non-marriageist
As for how much assets Sun Ge has? Only he knows
Currently, the two public addresses found in the Ethereum blockchain browser show that there are more than 500 million US dollars
This is a public address, plus the anonymous wallet, the money in CEX
The most important thing is that I don’t know how much BTC and TRX Sun Ge has. I personally think these two should be the big ones
As a veteran boss, Sun Ge can’t not hold a large position in BTC, and he is also the founder of TRX. It is said that most of the TVL on the TRX chain belongs to him alone
So conservatively estimated that there are billions of US dollars in assets. .
#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #新币挖矿 #非农数据 $TAO $ENA #SAGA
贝莱德进军预示着 RWA 代币可能获得50- 100 倍收益 RWA 叙事的崛起必将改写加密市场历史。 随着贝莱德进军, RWA 代币可能获得 50 - 100 倍 以下低市值项目有望成为今年下一个市场巨头 潜力币的三要素:好赛道,好项目,好价格 $APT(市值:39亿$) 首席执行官 Mo Shaikh 之前在贝莱德公司有工作经历 3.5亿美元融资是由a16z领投,Multicoin Capital,Coinbase Ventures,hashed等一众豪华机构参投 $ONDO(市值:11亿$) 完成2000万美元A轮融资,Founders Fund和Pantera Capital领投,Coinbase Ventures、Tiger Global、GoldenTree Asset Management、Wintermute、Flow Traders和Steel Perlot等参投 $POLYX(市值:4亿$) 贝莱德推出证券型代币(STO)基金的消息,实体资产代币(RWA)主题受到关注。而Polymesh 直接连接了STO,所以起到了很大的利好因素,导致了大幅上涨。 $TRADE (市值:5000万$) 与 OndoFinance 和 ClearpoolFin  等主要 RWA 协议的合作伙伴关系 用于交易代表 RWA 的 NFT $RIO(市值:9200万$) 该项目已成为 RWA 行业的顶尖项目之一 它被认为是名单上最有前途的项目之一 Polychain Capital、Blockchain Capital、Breyer Capital联合领投,融资金额未披露 超过50名投资方参与 $CPOOL(市值:8100万$) RWA 领域最有前途的项目之一,由一级风险投资公司支持,最近获得了 Mantle 的资助。该项目表现出色,长期价格积累良好,目前处于难以置信阶段 #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 我是财神!赶紧点进置顶主页,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家!
贝莱德进军预示着 RWA 代币可能获得50- 100 倍收益
RWA 叙事的崛起必将改写加密市场历史。
随着贝莱德进军, RWA 代币可能获得 50 - 100 倍

首席执行官 Mo Shaikh 之前在贝莱德公司有工作经历
3.5亿美元融资是由a16z领投,Multicoin Capital,Coinbase Ventures,hashed等一众豪华机构参投

完成2000万美元A轮融资,Founders Fund和Pantera Capital领投,Coinbase Ventures、Tiger Global、GoldenTree Asset Management、Wintermute、Flow Traders和Steel Perlot等参投

贝莱德推出证券型代币(STO)基金的消息,实体资产代币(RWA)主题受到关注。而Polymesh 直接连接了STO,所以起到了很大的利好因素,导致了大幅上涨。

$TRADE (市值:5000万$)
与 OndoFinance 和 ClearpoolFin 
等主要 RWA 协议的合作伙伴关系
用于交易代表 RWA 的 NFT

该项目已成为 RWA 行业的顶尖项目之一
Polychain Capital、Blockchain Capital、Breyer Capital联合领投,融资金额未披露

RWA 领域最有前途的项目之一,由一级风险投资公司支持,最近获得了 Mantle 的资助。该项目表现出色,长期价格积累良好,目前处于难以置信阶段
#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势

喝多了说一点心里话吧 上个月也是玩合约亏了3w usdt 这个月后就再也没碰过合约了建议大家也不要碰了 我现在做的打金搬砖一天还能赚个三四百u够自己生活 不要再上头了兄弟们#大盘走势 #新币 #CPI数据 #Meme
上个月也是玩合约亏了3w usdt 这个月后就再也没碰过合约了建议大家也不要碰了
我现在做的打金搬砖一天还能赚个三四百u够自己生活 不要再上头了兄弟们#大盘走势 #新币 #CPI数据 #Meme
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