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Whenever you need to set the right mood of fear in the market, the icing on the cake will always be a flood of news about Tether! You can see a million posts about how USDT is an unbacked scam! It is about to collapse and drag down the entire crypto market with it! But you must understand that not only USDT gets untied periodically, any stablecoin can do this! And always remember stablecoin does not equal real dollars! Therefore, storing your savings in stablecoins is not a good idea! Sitting in a cash is not the same as sitting in tethers, and if you, have free money, then it should definitely be not only in USDC/DAI/USDT but also in other forms of cash, up to bank accounts or cash funds at home. Then the USDT ties won’t bother you so much. And when USDT 1.03 no one is inflating a huge flow of posts! But when he 0.99 a million media immediately pop up with theories as old as time The main pressure on the rate comes against the background of changes in regulation, in particular the ban on stables in the EU. But at the same time, I don’t see other stables experiencing an influx against this background! That is, people do not run out from USDT to USDC! And over the last 6 months, USDT’s capitalization has been actively growing month by month. But you must understand that Tether also prints new billions of coins out of thin air! And with regulation coming, this is a definite potential black swan! I am more than sure that everything has its time and he will definitely sing his swan song, but it is unlikely that investors will be prepared for this in advance #USDT。 #tether

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